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Everything posted by mrbob

  1. Point taken. Thank you for the insight. I still think the same about that particular sentence, but in this case, actions do speak volumes. (Or rather the order of operation of the actions.) I wonder why He did things that way... Thanks again, jayanna!
  2. Well, if we look at the sentence construction in this verse, it's all in the future tense (starting with the one who is /to be/ ordained.) Given that the person performing the ordinance has to be ordained in order to perform the ordinance, and the verb tense for that individual is in the future tense, (and so are his actions -- i.e. he /shall/ break break), it's fairly safe to assume that the tense used for the those who shall believe and be baptized is likewise in the future perfect tense (i.e. - the action /is/ in the future, /but/ it has been completed at the time the statement takes place.) Does that make sense? Thanks for the thought... it's definitely a good line of thinking. :)
  3. And see, carlimac, that's how I feel. They *will* come to understand how we feel about it by watching us partake and by how we teach them... in Family Home Evenings, in conversations, during scripture study, etc. I wonder, as you do, that if this is treated as a special thing for them, if it would become something sacred to them.
  4. Thank you, Pam. That helps a lot. :)
  5. Can anyone provide doctrinal and direct documentation on whether children under the age of 8 (unbaptized children) should take the Sacrament? I understand that Mormon was appalled that the Church in his day was performing baptisms for infants and children under the age of 8, and his reason for this is because children who have not yet reached the age of accountability are already guaranteed salvation, and therefore to assume that they require baptism is an affront to the Power of the Atonement. Similarly, it is my opinion (I have not seen any direct doctrine to support it) that it is wrong for children who have not yet been baptized to "renew covenants" that they have not yet made (and do not need to make). Can anyone show me revealed doctrine on the subject? (Lesson manuals, including nursery lessons, does not constitute doctrine -- I'm looking for something directly from the Prophet or an Apostle of the Lord.) Many thanks!