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Posts posted by Kurt

  1. ok. This is really bad stuff. I agree that the Bat Creek stuff is very interesting. BUT.

    First-- Art Bulla is a horribly deceived and deceptive ex-Mormon who claims to be the one "Mighty & Strong" just like Brian David Mitchell (the guy who kidnapped & raped & etc. for nine months, Elizabeth Smart (age:14)). He's a Class A nut job and it is best to ignore him just as you would David Icke or BDM.

    Second-- the Michigan artifacts were created using modern-era tools. Apostle James E. Talmage, a scientist, went to Michigan & proved these to be fraudulent.

    Early in Joseph Smith's life, he believed (like most common folk of the day) that the American Indians (all of them) were descended from the lost tribes of Israel. Later in life (in Nauvoo) he changed his views to the idea that the descendants of Lehi, Nephi, Laman et. al. were down in Mesoamerica.



    Posted Image

    I was all excited and stuff....

    .... Are you sure though? These things were supposedly in LDS archives.

  2. I was almost certain I had made a thread about this, but I don't know where it went.

    The Batcreek Stone

    ^^^^ This website depicts ancient stone tablets with Christ on them.


    ^^^^ This is a video from that website, and it shows battleaxes, swords, scimitars, bludgeons, and all manner of weapons of war. JUST like the Book of Mormon said. What is more, the video shows hundreds of stone tablets which depict Moses and other Bible stories. The most impressive piece is a collection of brass plates with unknown writing on them.

    All of the things depicted in the video were found in Michigan at an ancient indian burial ground.

    Fascinating stuff. Enjoy and discuss.


  3. Here's my ghost story.

    Not what you're probably expecting though...

    I seem to have a few demons following me around. One demon in particular stands out among them, and I believe it is a female.

    Don't laugh. I'm serious!

    I can feel her presence sometimes. The whole room seems to dim a little when she is around, and she is usually only around when I am doing something wrong. I know it is a she because she has started appearing in many of my dreams. She is the most ugly evil disgusting thing I have ever seen. I would compare her to something from a horror show.

    Sometimes I can even hear her say things. Once I was about to watch a gory movie, and I thought to myself "Nah, I'm not going to watch this." The moment I thought of not watching it, I heard a female demonic voice growl "YES, WATCH IT!". It was like she was right behind me. Other times I have heard her laughing when I am sinning. Other times I have heard her growl. Not a very fun experience, especially in a dark room.

    One time while I was partially asleep she started to chant a demonic song in my ear. It was terrible. I was frozen, couldn't move a muscle, and felt like was going to throw up. It was like my body was reacting violently to the presence of this thing. I was shaking in my bed. I instantly started to pray as hard as I could, and a few moments after I started, the chanting stopped and the dark presence was lifted from the room. The demonic chanting wasn't in any language I knew, so out of curiosity I typed in two or three of the words she said on google.

    The chant was in an ancient Hebrew dialect. How would I possibly know ancient Hebrew? This confirmed to me that this was, in fact, a demon playing with me. I will NEVER reveal what it said because it is pretty sick and twisted stuff.

    I think Satan tasked an agent of his to follow me around to try and wreck me going on a mission. I was given a blessing from my Bishop and I have stopped many of my bad habits. It tends to leave me alone now. Thank goodness.


  4. Half a year? Seriously? And your Bishop made your wife cry?


    I think that is way too strict. Three months tops is where it should be, IMHO. You should mention this to your stake president and tell him you really wanted to go back to the temple soon. Half a year is too long and not a very reasonable time to wait. (Unless you had other problems you need to work on besides attendance).

    I have always had an issue with how strict and unforgiving some people in this church can be. We go too hard on ourselves and each other. People are pushed away from our church and go inactive because goals are set too darn high. It makes me feel awful to see people told to be super perfect. NOBODY is perfect. Just as bad is the horrible shame we heap on ourselves over certain things.


  5. Do you have your families permission to share such an intimate thing as a family members journal?

    :huh:... I'm not completely naive, dude. Heheh. :D

    Yes infact I do, actually.

    My mother passed the journal down to me as a family heirloom and I have shared excerpts of it to my ward when I have given talks in Sacrament meeting. Everyone in my family is fine with it. I plan on sharing it here if anyone would like to hear some unique and invaluable stories from a pioneer.

    I have never seen a diary quite like this one. It appears Mormons of that time period actually had a curious way of saying things. My great great grandfather actually wrote in a way that reflected his accent. There was a whole entire Mormon culture back then. A truly unique treasure from the past.

  6. My toilet is overflowing and I don't know what to do so I came here and posted this thread!

    HELP! IT IS LIKE ARMAGEDDON IN MY BATHROOM! It is 5:00 in the morning and I can't find any plumber this early and I'm freaking out! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM!


    I took just enough time to take a picture of my bathroom on my Iphone before I ran away and then I uploaded it here:

    Posted Image

    WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO!?!?/11!!

  7. Happy birthday. I am very thankful for you Pam. I am new here, and I have been told you are the person responsible for this website.

    You have no idea how much insight and help it has brought me in the few short days I have been here. This website has quite literally helped me change my life for the better.


  8. How does one classify a sin being more important than the other when God said he cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance let alone who classifies their degree of awfulness? And who is the one to tell you that you're being humble? Yourself? And isn't declaring yourself as humble being prideful? And what's wrong with being a bit depressed over sinning? Isn't that ones conscience saying that the act was wrong? Is that not a start to a change in behavior?

    I agree with PAM that to say to not worry about it because it's a small sin is a HUGE disservice and, in my opinion, not in accordance with the Gospel.

    Justification and rationalization is akin to a HUGE chunk of rotting, stinking beef, with a pink bow on it. While I can have a sense of humor about myself and consider myself to be pretty level headed, I would NEVER tell someone to not worry about it because it was a "little sin." Sin is sin and needs to be repented for.


    I just felt bad for the OP feeling terrible about masturbating. I was trying to express to him that there are much worse things out there and not to feel too bad about it. He's a better man than I, and you are too. Your points are valid.

  9. Make me mad? What? Look, here's my view. I looked at your profile and read what you have posted thus far and I see that you are a young'n who is in need of some seasoning and life experiences. There are things you will find out that are sacred gifts that are for your edification. Remember when Christ said to not cast your treasures to the swines? He was talking about putting forth sacred and spiritual things, such as experiences and throw them out into the world.

    I can tell you that I've had amazing experiences when I was a member, and after being ex'd that I keep to myself, other than sharing them with a very, very close friend. A friend who has kept me as a close friend without judgment and conditions. A friend who has earned my explicit trust. I also sit down at my computer and type out what I experienced and felt. That way I can re-read them, remember and learn.

    While I can understand the excitement, please understand that these are meant for you, for your edification and a teaching moment. It may be difficult to hold it in, but please find a trusted person to share these things with and treat them with reverence. There's nothing wrong with sharing, but share wisely.

    Nothing to be mad about. Just trying to help.

    Gotcha. Thank you.

  10. I have in my posession an ancient diary detailing one of my ancestor's trecks across the plains to Utah.

    It is chalk full of amazing miracles. It even details a friend's near death experience where someone was able to catch a glimpse of Spirit Paradise (Heaven) and he goes into incredible detail about what it looks like. The person was sent back to earth because he "wasn't ready to die yet", and he was depressed to be back on Earth for a while.

    I was blown away when I read the five page description of heaven. It even talks about what some of the prophets like King Solomon is working on while he's up there. Apparently all of the prophets are busily in the service of God, even after death. It was incredible!

    I can transcribe some of it onto these forums and share what my great great grandfather experienced as he traveled the plains. Would y'all like me to? :D

  11. Shouldn't that be a sacred thing to be kept to ones self?

    :(. I thought because I was with fellow Mormons that I could ask without being unsacred. I can understand not sharing such things with non-members, but I was curious to know if what happened to me was an isolated incident or if it seems to happen to others too.

    Heh. I'm just so amazed at what happened. It made me really happy and strengthened my testimony a lot. I can't help being eager to share. :D. I get your point though. I didn't mean to make you mad. Sorry.