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Posts posted by Kurt

  1. Well hello there!

    You will love this place. We Mormons are usually freakishly happy people. It shows on this website. I have traversed the internet and have never found a group of people more kind than right here.

    You'll like it. :)

  2. Do you feel any different when you give a blessing?

    I ask because I participated in a blessing once for a sick lady in my ward. I was asked to put my hands on her head and Brother Hegewald gave her a blessing for her health. As the blessing started, I could feel "energy" running down my arms and into the sick woman.

    I was amazed.

    It felt like I was hooked up to an electrical current, and at first I was worried I had stepped on a power cable or something. It felt like power, and I don't know how to further describe the feeling. It was one of the most powerful and profound spiritual experiences I have ever felt in my life. I asked Brother Hegewald if he felt the same thing, and he said he did.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience? :D

  3. Hmmm.

    I still don't think a one-time pass with masturbation is that big of a deal. I was raised in an LDS household that taught me to look at the more important sins that often go overlooked. An example is the sin of being prideful and the importance of being humble and kind to all.

    I have always thought we here in the LDS church are much too hard on ourselves when we mess up. I have known friends who become depressed over sinning. All of us slip up sometimes.

    The Lord asks us to TRY to be our best. He doesn't ask us to be perfect, because being perfect is impossible. All we need to do here on earth is to strive to be the best we can be, and Christ will take care of the rest. :)

  4. You have PLENTY of hope! Glad you're back with the church, dude. :). Don't be ashamed. It is part of life to learn such things and you have nothing to worry about if you truly get your life back in order. I'd just tell your parents you have come to a new understanding and want to get back into the church. I'm certain they will understand.

    I struggled finding the desire to go to church for a period of my life too. Just like you, I had to mature a bit to figure out just how much Mormonism meant to my wellbeing. I fell away for a while and I was deeply entrenched in all manner of sins. I was very miserable. It took that misery to learn just how much happier I was when I stuck with the faith. Long story short, I became active again, repented for my "crazy streak", and I have never been happier in my entire life.

    Don't sweat it bro. I know what you've been through. I'm glad you're coming back to the faith. Your parents will probably feel the same way. Just sit down and talk to them about everything you just told me and the remose you have over it. Everything should work out ok for you if you do. :D


  5. Hello. I'm new as well, but I'll throw you a welcome. :D

    This place is several times better than many of the "Christian" forums out there. They fight with one another. Those other websites are awful, but this one is great. You'll like it, I'm sure.


  6. Did you really compare drinking caffeinated soda and masturbation as being similar "little things" in the eyes of the LDS leadership? Awesome...

    No, and that was not my intention. I was trying to make the point that some people in our religion tend to blow certain things out of proportion and guilt trip all over the place about them. I don't like seeing shame heaped up on this guy simply because he did what 99% of all other males on this planet do on a regular basis.

    Is masturbation wrong? Yes! Masturbation is wrong. But is it something he should freak out about and make a special appointment to see his bishop for because he did it ONE TIME? I don't think so.

    Masturbation only becomes a problem if a person lets it control their life. The OP has no problem at all. In fact, I would venture to say that he is probably a less sinful man than the majority of people writing on this forum.

  7. In the whole scheme of things, masturbation is relatively minor. We Mormons get too hung up on the little things. Like Coke-a-Cola, for example. We also tend to go WAY too hard on ourselves.

    There are more important things to be worried about in this world, and the poor OP is worrying himself sick over masturbating. This should not be. He should be worrying about other more pressing matters instead.

    That is my two cents, anyways.

  8. just once? you're a saint. if the bishop needed to hear about it every time a young man in his ward masturbated.. well.. i don't think he'd have time for a job at all.

    My opinion: "Go and sin no more." but if it bothers you then yes talk to him.

    I know some (many?) here will disagree but to me it's just not that big of a deal, UNLESS you have no control over it or it harms a relationship.

    ^^^^^^^^^What these people said.

    Masturbation, while it can be classified as a sin, is considered normal by medical standards and isn't that big of a deal.

    You are worrying too much, OP. :)

  9. Hello everyone! My name is Kurt and I live in the Salt Lake City area. I have recently spent some time on a website called "ChristianChat", but I have found them to be extremely abusive towards one another when they disagree about doctrine. The amount of animosity and hate displayed on those forums is appalling. Everyone seems to fight one another. What is more, every other day they create a thread along the lines of "NAME THAT CULT" or "LOL MORMONZ ARE MORONZ!"...

    Oh, and they banned me twice for "not being Christian" when they found out I was LDS. *sigh*...

    I couldn't stand it anymore and decided it would be best to come to a place where everyone believes practically everything I do! :D. I found this place via Google. I look forward to making some new friends while I am here and I hope to be a positive impact on this community.

    Anyways, enough about how I got here and more about who I am:

    My name is Kurt. I have been trained as an EMT and look forward to becoming a Trauma Surgeon somewhere down the road. I thrive on emergencies and I love helping others. I am attending school at the University of Utah and actively participate in institute at the U of U. On my off-time I enjoy weightlifting and video games. I know, interesting combo of doing nothing and building muscles... :P

    I look forward to talking to like-minded people. If you want to chit chat, feel free to shoot me a PM. :D