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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Wikipedia says that the true meaning of the Hebrew word Elohim is gods not god.That to me says most times or at least some times when it says God in scriptures that can be taken as a time that is referring to more than one God. Now this is not really specific to what God and what Father, however whatever God it is talking about, has a Father which would say there are at least two.
  2. I agree with a lot of what prisonchaplain has said the church will go through a lot of hard times with all the rest of the world to the point where the saints as Daniel and John put it are overcome. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 13:7) I beheld, and the same horn [a King (Dan 7:24-25)] made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; (Dan 7:21) And this will be the cleansing of the saints (D&C 112:24-26) leaving only those that are true servants of the Lord, the very elect of God and they will then build Zion which will be the only true place of refuge from the worst of it. (D&C 45:66-75)
  3. I have always been interested in the story of the tower of babel, it has always heard that they were wicked people, and were trying to build their way to heave by evil means; and also that it was not possible for them to build a tower “whose top [may reach] unto heaven”(Gen 11:4) Yet what I read in the scriptures to me say something very different. The people were one and they wanted to stay as one a united people, with one language. (Gen 11:1,4) The Lord in modern revelation has given a parable “I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine”. (D&C 38:27) And most interesting to me is that going by the scriptures, not only was it possible but they would have built a tower whose top would have reached to heaven Well they had imagined to build the tower and had started to build it so that says to me, they would have done it, had the language not been confounded by the Lord. The scriptures do not tell us anything about the laws of the people the economic systems that were in place at the time, nothing about slaves sorcery or even any type of wickedness, or much about what the people were like, however we do know that the Lord saw good reason to confound them and prevent the building of the tower for whatever reason he did.
  4. Sorry the name of the thread was meant to be cannot be made perfect without the Fathers.
  5. I have a question about this scripture. Why is it that we cannot be made perfect without our dead, are our dead doing something that helps us to become perfect?
  6. Hi all I have always been a member of the LDS Church. I love the gospel. I joined this site to have a place to share with people my beliefs and understanding of the gospel and to have a place to learn from others also. I look forward to getting to know members of the site.