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Everything posted by Family_Man

  1. When I read your post, I was reminded of the story Thomas B. Marsh. Do not let hard feelings towards an imperfect servant of the Lord destroy your faith. The Church is true, you know it. Your wife knows it. To let anger cloud your judgement is exactly what the adversary desires. I am not saying that you must forgive the offender (although the Savior would disagree, and tell you that you must, even if he doesn't acknowledge guilt or appologize), but you must continue to grow your faith; which is helped most through regular church attendance and through callings in your ward.
  2. Myalternate, what was your purpose on posting on this board? It doesn't seem like you are looking for advice. Rather, it looks like you are looking for justafication, as well as a fair dose of pity. No one should pity you. You are suffering because the Lord often harrows our hearts and minds so that we will seek repentance, and the comfort associated with it. What you appear to be doing is trying to feel better about not repenting. Nothing will ever make you feel better about breaking commandments. As for your statement about as long as you live your life living your covenants, there seems to be some confusion here; you can not live a covenant that has the prerequisite of cleanliness (temple covenants, priesthood covenants, baptismal covenants) when you are dirty. True, you may go through the motions, but much like the saducees and pharisees, you will be drawing near God with your lips while your heart is far from Him. I know this post seems harsh, but sometimes in life we need harshness. If everyone coddled you and told you it would be ok, we would do you a huge disservice. So please, Myalternate, stop wasting your families time and get back on the ONLY path to happiness.