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  1. Hi Miriam, I'm in Europe too, and also have adopted a bit of an unhealthy sleeping pattern :) The people here (from what I've been reading) seem very nice. Enjoy yourself! - M
  2. Though I am not a Mormon, I thought I would mention that my interest in the LDS and everything that came from that (me reading the BoM, registering on this forum, etc) was a result of me seeing the Book of Mormon on Broadway. I understand why some here would feel offense at the lyrics of some of the songs, but I found it a heartwarming play that tackled issues of organized religion and just used the Mormons to represent this. Either way, I am here because of it. :)
  3. I'd like to thank you all for your comments :) I did not visit the temple today because, as Pam had suggested, the grounds were in fact closed. I will go this weekend, and have convinced my family to come with. If nothing else, I think the architecture is beautiful from the pictures I have seen. I have a copy of the book of Mormon back in the UK, but I have a copy of the entire works on my Kindle and I have started to read the Book of Mormon. I thought I would share this little I was reading Nephi I noticed great repetition of the phrase "it came to pass" and thought it was odd and wouldn't be what god had written (had he written a book). Instead of just using this point as justification for my skepticism and never looking at the book again, I decided to do some research and read: Source: BYUI believe this adds to the credibility of the book. However, I'm still a long way off from believing in Christ, but it was a nice moment of learning and reflection on my previous mindsets. I'm also considering going to a meetinghouse this sunday, but I'm unsure. I'll see how I feel as the week goes on. Again, thank you for all your comments
  4. Hello Everyone, As my title says, I'm not really sure what I'm doing here. If I was to tell myself a year ago, heck even 4 months ago, that I would be posting on a mormon message board I wouldn't believe it. I am 21 and live in the United Kingdom. I was raised Catholic but became disheartened with the church and lost my faith when I was 13. Since then I would say I was somewhat of a militant atheist, very opposed to religion of all kinds. In the last few years however, as I matured (somewhat), I realized that I didn't know everything. A very humble feeling Im in university studying psychology, and I consider myself a reasonable and logical individual. For some reason I always find myself looking into religion, and secretly hoping that there is a god. I don't know why, but my mind tells me that god doesn't exist but there is still a part of me that..I'm unsure how to put it into words. It is sort of like an illogical yearning for something greater. Like I said, I never thought I would investigate Mormonism with anything resembling a serious mindset. I find myself fascinated with the religion, but I think that the stories and beliefs of the church are at odds with modern scientific and archeological discoveries. Still, in light of this, I find myself here. It is very strange. Oddly, the main event of my life which brought me to look into Mormonism seriously was watch the Broadway play, The Book of Mormon, in May. I found it both hilarious and heartwarming, but it also struck a chord in me. I know my friends and family would think me crazy if they knew that I was seriously looking into the religion, so for now it's just my secret prerogative. I'm not saying I plan on converting anytime soon. At this point I don't agree with anti-gay marriage, celibacy before marriage and not being able to drink alcohol, but who knows where my beliefs will be in time. I plan on learning more about this religion, and even if it's not for me I will have reduced some ignorance. I feel that there is something here though, something profound. I hope to discover what it is. I plan on reading the book of mormon very soon, and have decided to drive to the Toronto temple on Sunday (I am staying with family here in Canada this summer). For some reason I have this burning desire to go see it, though I know I won't be allowed in, and maybe something will "hit me" then. I have never felt like this before and am slightly scared of this, what I perceive to be, illogical curiosity. Never would I have dreamed I would drive 1.5 hours out of my way just to see a building that I am not allowed into. Yet, I feel I need to go. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading and I would appreciate any comments. I look forward to conversing with you all. :)