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Everything posted by lvlady

  1. Last night I told him I am going to start going to church and I don't expect you to go with me or believe the same things that I do, but of course I hope you will one day but that may never happen. He didn't say no, he said ok. I said even if it is LDS? And he said even if it is LDS it is ok. I also asked if he would be ok with me getting baptized and I would need his approval, he said he would approve. He said he wouldn't approve of me getting endowed (Although not in those words). I guess one step at a time right?
  2. I didn't read every post. However- From what I know, I have been proxy baptized by both my Grandpa on my dad's side and my Aunt/Cousins on my mom's side (Not sure if they ended up baptizing me since I assume there was a record that I was by my grandpa). In my opinion, I think it is a wonderful thing that they did that. I see it as they loved me enough to want to see me after this life. But, I'm exploring the LDS faith so maybe I'm not best to give my opinion. LOL Baptizing the dead also doesn't bother me. I see it as comfort to those that are doing the baptizing. Also to those that said "Do you believe you have to be baptized to be saved?" In my Lutheran High School, Presbyterian Middle School, Non Denominational experience, Baptist Elementary School, from day one I was always told you will not go to heaven unless you are baptized, unless they were a small child who died because they were still innocent.
  3. FYI- I would "print screen" your facebook page rather than just copy and paste it to your email. That way if there is a issue in the future she can't say you just made it up.
  4. I think I am going to start attending church, and see where things go from there. Thanks for everyone who gave their opinions/advice! I appreciate it.
  5. Would it be a problem to attend church and start talking to missionaries without his permission?
  6. Melissa-He is a atheist. He doesn't have an issue with being lutheran (which is what he is baptized as) or non denominational he even said he would maybe go to services every once in awhile (Although to just "make me happy" so obviously he doesn't believe it and I wouldn't want him to go in that case), he just has an issue with me being LDS. Just A Guy- You are right. lol. We do have more issues. He is in counseling currently for some issues he has had. Particularly lying to me about some things.
  7. Hi Everyone- I am interested in joining the church. I have gone back and forth with it for a long time, and a good chunk of my family is LDS. However, I have been married for about 8 months now, and my husband has told me, flat out, that he will not love me if I am Mormon, or if I am even active in ANY church (When we were dating he never said anything like this.). I know divorce is wrong and I never wanted to be in this position (But who ever wants that for themselves?)and I wouldn't say, "I'm going to church now and we are over now," I would start going and see if he comes around. But I am 99% sure he wouldn't. If anyone has any advice, I would sure appreciate it. Thank you.