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HappyJoy's Achievements

  1. I like Facebook, it was the way I found a ton of people from my mission that I otherwise wouldn't had any way of contacting. I also like Yahoo answers. It's especially rewarding at times when I have teenagers write me and tell me that my answer to their question helped them choose to not, kill themselves, abort their baby, and have pre-marital sex. I get a high off of helping people. I also like to google and research every question that I've ever had. It's the internet so I know I can't take all the information I find here as absolute fact, but it's still interesting and helpful.
  2. I like what Vort said. My thoughts were this: It sounds like you really want to do what's right and are listening to the Spirit of the Lord trying to direct you. My only worry is that you're doing what everybody does (me included) and following your own will instead of Gods. Please don't be mad at your friends (or bishop) for telling you to repent. I truly believe that if any person were to talk to their Savior he would say "I love you so much, please repent and come follow me". Because we all sin and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) We all have things we have to repent of every day. I understand your worry about being married in the temple and not having your family there. My mother and I are the only one's in my family who are members. My father is very against the church. I won't lie, it was hard not having most of my family there when my husband and I were married in the temple. But, I believe this is Christ's church that has the fullness of His gospel, not just parts. I believe there are blessings in the temple that strengthen a marriage beyond anything else, that's why the Lord has asked us to be married there. Throughout history when there as been a prophet there has been the commandment for temples. In old Testement times God commanded Moses to have the people come to the tabernacle (temple). He commanded Solomon to build the temple (John 10:23), Nephi was commanded to build the temple (2 Nephi 5:16) and these are just a few of the temples that we know of. The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints has many doctrines that the world thinks are ridiculous. The only way to know if everything that is taught in the church is true or not is by studying scripture and praying to know if this is His church that contains ALL His gospel. With all of the opposition from my family I thought my testimony was strong, then I went on my mission I talked to many people who manged to shake my testimony. I was sitting in a zone conference with the other missionaries and my mission president said "you can hang your entire testimony on the Book of Mormon". I went home that day and studied the Book of Mormon harder then I ever have. Over the next few weeks, my testimony was strengthened because I know the Book of Mormon is a history of a people that lived on this side of the world. It makes sense to me that a loving Heavenly Father gave His gospel to His children on the Eastern side of the world, why wouldn't He also give His gospel to His children on the Western side of the world. The Book of Mormon teaches and testifies of Christ, it is truth. If you believe the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. If you believe this is Christ Church then we need to do what others have done... The Lords Will. The Apostle Paul in the New Testament sacrificed everything for Christ, his prestige, comfort, money, and and eventually his life. Even Christ humbled Himself enough to do the will of His Father. The Almighty God, King of Kings was born in a humble stable with the animals and placed in the manger. He suffered ridicule, and the most important thing He suffered for us was in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. (Philippians 2:5–8). We have to ask ourselves, what are we willing to do for Him? Are we willing to keep His commandments? Even if it goes against everything we want to do? If you haven't read all of the Book of Mormon yet then I invite you to do that. Talk with your bishop and get his advice. Bishop's are there to help and support, lead and guide in the Christ-like way that the Lord would have them do. I'll pray for you and the hard decisions you're making. I have a few of my own that I'm working on and trying to figure out. :)
  3. My husband and I have two children. One of them has Cystic Fibrosis (CF). CF is a life shortening genetic disease that affects the respiratory and digestive systems. She had many complications her first year of life and she spent most of that first year at the hospital. I think I estimated that her medical expenses that year were about $200,000 or more. It’s hard to see your child struggle so much. She’ll have to struggle with everyday things like everyone else does, plus her health issues. But even so I think she has a very good quality of life; she is very strong willed and almost always has a smile on her sweet little face. She is our perfect little sunshine, both of our children are. The doctors at our local children’s hospital have told us that if we plan to have any more children that we should consider PGD or preimplantation genetic diagnosis. PGD is a step beyond invetro fertilization IVF. The embryos are tested to see which ones have the CF gene mutation. The embryo’s that carry the mutation are thrown away, and only the embyo’s with “perfect” gene’s are implanted into the uterus. One part of me worries that if we do PGD then I’ll stand before the judgment bar of God and He’ll say “you’re a murderer”. The other part of me wonders why God would give us this technology if we weren’t supposed to use it for this purpose, wouldn’t He expect me to do everything I can to make sure my child doesn’t suffer if He’s already given us the technology? …Like that story about the man that was stranded on an island and he prayed for God to rescue him. God sent 3 different boats to come get him but each time the man said “no thanks, I’m waiting for God to save me”. Also, is the embryo a baby even if it’s in a petri dish? Or is the embryo a baby only after being implanted in the mother’s uterus. After all, if the embryo isn’t in the mother it never had a chance of surviving anyway right? I've heard that the church is o.k. with IVF as long as there is no embryo wastage. Is that right? Well, this would definitely be embyo wastage. The church hasn't come out with a position on PGD that I know of. My husband and I have looked into adoption; it doesn’t look like that will be able to happen any time soon. We would like a few more biological children as well as adoption. I love children!!! This may sound stupid to some, but I think it’s natural for most women to want children as much as they want and need to breathe. I would appreciate anyone’s opinions, but please be nice.