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loannie's Achievements

  1. Did that group get started somewhere else? How can I find it?
  2. While it may seem as you say, "harmless" for consenting adults to look at consenting is much more than that. First of all, how do you know those women are consenting? Have you looked into that? Most of those women are under the gun to pose that way--some by pimps, others because of financial distress, many of them are under age and lie saying they are 18. There is a HUGE business of abuse to women and some men by forcing them to participate in these acts against their will. Some have been abused early and fall into it for lots of reasons--few of them truly desire to be a part of it. Don't believe me, check out the Documentary DVD Rated X, "A journey through porn". It exposes the exploitations and history of pornography. The majority of those models are not truly consenting adults. In addition there are a host of studies, repeated studies that have brought the same conclusive evidence that porn is NOT harmless. In fact, one such study did an extensive examination of what exactly porn does. Men that participated in the research filled out a survey of attitudes about women before the experiment. Then they looked at porn for approximately an hour a day for 6 weeks. At the end of the survey they found that men's attitudes toward women had significantly changed. They were more tolerate of violent sexual acts against women, more tolerate of abuse in general towards others and a host of other negative attitudes especially aimed at women. It de-humanized women in their minds and made them much more likely not only to see women in a negative light, but to treat women with disrespect. They have repeated this experiment over and over with the same results. In fact they did this with couples. Couples that were in love and had a good relationship. They viewed porn together and/or separately. At the end of the six weeks they found that these couple's relationships were damaged, some beyond repair. The researcher felt so bad about this that he personally paid for these couples to have therapy. If you think porn has no affect on people then you are either an addict yourself, extremely uninformed or in denial. The evidence is everywhere that it is destructive. I am under the impression that this is a group for those who are LDS and profess to believe in the things that the LDS espouse. The prophets and apostles pull no punches about the insidious damage of porn on the individual, couples and worse families. I am also under the impression that this was a group for WIVES OF PORN ADDICTS. This is for support of women who have been through hell. I suggest you find another forum to post your ridiculous and uninformed remarks to.