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  1. I'll sure take the cyber-hug.....nice to know that someone cares enough to take the time to send it! Have a wonderful day everyone.
  2. It sure sounded like you were lumping them together to me...but i accept your explanation....I sure don't claim to have been raised the "right" way by any means. I just think that no matter how you were raised at some point youhave to think for yourself no matter what you were taught and i just don't judge others for what they believe. I may not agree with them I just feel they have a reason for feeling that way the same as I do. ...and I also recognize that none of have all the answers. That's why it is nice to see what others think...hence my being on this web site. ..... ...and yes I could use a hug about right now thanks. Geeez louise I wasn't linking homosexuals in the same group as anything.... edited with: NOT meaning ALONG WITHI meant AND to imply AND ........... homosexuals AND those who hurt others TWO seperate groups ...... someone need a hug? How can I not understand? Possibly how I was brought up.... that statement "I think that the way we were raised has a lot to do with tolerance of others. If someone is taught that rules are most important than people those are the ones who will judge another harshly. " was something that hit home... "BECAUSE THAT"S THE WAY IT IS" ...edited: THAT is what I heard growing up.... I didn't grow up with a religious family.... sure glad you were taught what was right and wrong....the correct way. Peace out, Lindy
  3. How could you possibly link homosexuals in the same group with those who hurt others? And how can you not understand? I believe they are absolutely born with that tendency...while I do believe it is both a choice and a sin, I believe we are all born with tendencies toward this or that. Some have a tendency toward drugs or alcohol, or whatever.....isn't that why we are here, to overcome the world? Just because a person does not have the same understanding of the gospel that we do, doesn't make them a bad person! I promise! We all do what we know best and when we know better we do better....that's what life is about. I just can't see how anyone could link homosexuals with those who intentionally cause others harm...I mean really. I think this maybe helps to verify the fact that we as a whole are indeed a close minded and judgemental people. Stop and think...if you didn't have the gospel in your life...would you make other choices? I am sure we all would. Don't make claims against others that are untrue and judge them simply because they have not been taught the same as you have. That in itself is very, very judgemental!. youngatheart
  4. This is my first post here and my first visit to any chat room at all. Upon discovering this site, I was surprised and hope to be delighted at some point. I was so happy to see this subject..... it has been the topic of discussion in our home and family a lot. We moved from the east to Utah about 6 years ago and were really truly amazed, and dismayed that the things we had always heard regarding this very thing were absolutely true! I am a lifetime member of the church, have ancestors all the way back...some killed at the Hauns Mill Massacre. Others went on to settle many parts of Utah and become leaders in the church. My husband joined with his family when he was 13. We were married in the temple and have raised a wonderful family, all grown now and we are enjoying grandchildren. We have always tried to be faithful members of the church, sacrificing much in our callings and always striving to do the right thing. I have served in the R.S. and Primary as counselor and teacher...and have been YW pres and Stake YW pres, served in those 2 callings for nearly 9 years total. Have had a strong testimony through searching, studying and praying...and of course serving. However since moving here, my testimony has absolutely been shaken. I too know the difference between the gospel and people, and would never allow the actions of people to keep me from what I know to be right. I certainly preached this to young women and young men throughout my service in the church and counselled with parents regarding this subject as well. However I am perplexed somewhat that it is this very thing that has lead me to now have doubts. The main thing is that there are wonderful people everywhere! Shouldn't we as Latter Day Saints know that more than anyone? Do we really believe that we are the only good people on earth??? How arrogant to think that. I honestly believe that come judgement day there are going to be more Mormons shocked than anyone else...without a doubt. Being a member of the church doesn't send us straight to the Celestial Kingdom.........you actually have to be a Christian and practice Christianity......we do. If you don't think so you will be one of those shocked souls, I guarantee it. We were in sacrament meeting, ( our first time attending after many months of inactivity, mind you) and the sister speaking said, in the midst of a story she was telling, that "it is a foreign idea for people living outside of Utah, NOT to swear")...huh? I can't imagine she had ever been outside the state if she thinks that is true, and has she ever listened to conversations IN Utah? I have lived all over the world, literally, and I can promise you that absolutely people are good upstanding, kind, moral people who actually do NOT swear in the midst of their everyday conversations. This is by no means the only story of this kind, however it was fairly benign and was a good example of what I am talking about here. Has anyone else had doubts about the gospel itself, that has stemmed from the actions of others on an ongoing basis? I should elaborate some...somehow one thing has led to another, one hurt after another.....until I have begun to question the very truthfulness of the gospel itself. I have come to feel that leaders are given too much power to literally destroy people's lives if they so choose, and they go unchecked. This is born, in my opinion...out of their own lack of Christianity intheir own lives. I can elaborate more if anyone wants....but I will put it on hold until I know if anyone wants to hear it. And what is the deal with ..the term..mission field? Isn't the whole world the mission field? My brother-in-law served IN Utah on his mission, and yet they use the term liberally to refr to anywhere other than here. I am just reaching out here........of course it is much more complex than just htis but I feel that the very core stems from this very idea...and in my opinion, too far and too often, true...that we are a close minded and very, very judgemental people as a whole. There are many, many good people who are not at all but as a whole I have to say that I believe with all my heart that is the case and if so, how can this be the one and true living church on the face of the earth? Anyone with any words of wisdom here without being judgemental as well?? thanks.... youngatheart