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Posts posted by Praetorian_Brow

  1. This discussion of culture versus doctrine seems illustrate who follows the letter of the law and who follows the spirit. While tradition is predictable, dependable and comfortable for most, however, it can also be stifling, rude, and silly. Doctrine, for the most part does not arrive by tradition, happenstance or because our grandparents did it, but seems to arrive with specifics that attempt to foster an objective and is essential to the foundation of the organization.

    Confusing doctrine with tradition is where fault happens. Each ward, branch or family, has their unique traditions, whether its that Pew 1, is for the Jones, that doesn't mean that Bob, the investigator should be ostracized, because he had the ignorance, or the audacity to sit in their pew.

  2. Its interesting to see how diplomatically receptive, this forum, or this topic is, considering everytime I have been involved with this discussion in person, it becomes an exercise in someone questioning another's faith.

    What seems to happen is that people look for symbolism in tradions that were established based on practicality or one persons wishful thinking. Ask that person where the traditional practice originated and it is rare to get a straight answer.

    The white shirt example is the most obvious example of tradition, being confused as doctrine. Tradition, needs to be questioned, when it impedes spiritual thinking, by ostracising or rejecting simply based on our expectations of continuity or perception.

    Facial hair, does not change worthiness, the colour of a shirt, does not change worthiness. Bowing your head and closing your eyes during the whole Sacrament, does not change your worthiness. For some, it may help, but for most, I think its a quest to conform to some traditional ideal or better yet, keep up with the Jones. Its like looking for garment lines, or prayer "language", or the pioneer inferiority syndrome, or that the Aaronic Preisthood is reserved only for 12-18 year olds, or you must fold your arms to pray, or you shake hands and it could go on and on.

    I would rather have a ragged, dishevelled beggar, serve me Sacrament, because I know, that beggar has the confidence in his worth, to withstand the unspoken and sometimes spoken harsh judgements that are thrown their way for the simple reason that they don't conform to our expectations of tradition.

    How many new members do we lose, because a festering culture of tradition is fostered, rather than a doctrine of welcome? It seems to be, a lot of traditions are face value and are accepted as such, because its far easier to judge based on perception, than to use Christ like acceptance and compassion.

  3. I have found that defining a right, in a relationship context, quickly leads to resentment. Toss in the woman's trump card of feelings, a man's instinct to be logical and it becomes an exercise in futile communication. I have learned that acknowledging the position of the person, makes more difference than arguing whether they are wrong, even if they are. Putting it into practice is hard, because when I hear a complaint, my first thought is to fix it, so there won't be a complaint, which only angers her, because she only cares that someone is acknowledging that she exists.

    Feelings don't change the situation, especially in a Military sense. I have heard time and again, that some people can't marry a person in the military because they may experience loss. Thats life. The fact that your spouse died with a bayonet in their guts, probably means more than living a full life of McDonalds, Survivor and Martha Stewart.

    I have also heard that some people won't join the military because they might die. Most armies are designed for defence and to say, "Honey, I won't join the army, because I might die and hurt your feelings, despite enemy tanks tanks rolling down the street.", does not compute for me.

  4. I dare to suggest that, to no ones surprise, the political discussion has devolved into the predictable but always fearsome bickering. I motion to close this post.

    Although, I will say that I think most people, don't have a grasp on what socialism really is. Its as if all the Cold War propoganda has been swallowed and accepted as dogma. McCarthy syndrome is still very much alive.

  5. I find it funny that an inflammatory comment on a rather hypothetical situation, resulted in an argument about political process. The very mention of Hitler only seemed to encourage inconclusive and divisive arguments.

    Socialism, communism or even democracy is not inherently evil. All those political systems seek to solve in an organized fashion, many issues that press a nation. Put in practice, all political systems have their benefits as well as their drawbacks, however, the variable with the most impact, is the leaders of those systems and their integrity. As we all know, integrity more often than not, is dependent on a leaders sense of opportunity.

    Hitler was only a socialist until he was elected, after his election, he disbanded the government and named himself the only authority, which is fascism. Even his election was achieved through dictatorial means.

  6. While the differences in numbers is slight and easily manipulated to justify ones perspective, the concepts that each number represents is significant. Measuring dynamic concepts in comparison, based on country, calls into question nationalism fervour and whether or not its correct in its assumptions.

    I am not aware of the reference, but as far as being charged with a crime, for a Bible discussion, I am going to assume that person violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or participated in Hate Speech, or was designated a bully. There was official legislation passed making bullying illegal. Either way, one should be careful how one presents themselves in public.


    Hate speech laws in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Legislative Assembly of Ontario | Bills & Lawmaking | Current Parliament | Bill 14, Anti-Bullying Act, 2012

  7. If you want it done right, do it yourself. Besides, you will save money by being an informed consumer. Buying cars is not a man job, nor is it a Priesthood holder job.

    My sister would ask about wipers, I would stare at her and say, read the package. She would ask about oil, tire pressure, etc. Not because she was interested in actually learnining, but because she wanted someone to do it for her, which did not garner any respect points. Reading does wonders for such issues.

    You are expecting too much of people. Playing the damsel in distress, is not enouraging assistance either. Its not surprising the responses that she has gotten, considering her initial query came across that she was being mistreated.

  8. I find it hard to believe that my significant other said I look fat in those jeans, only because Satan told her say it.

    I don't subscribe to the theory that God or Satan orchestrates and arranges specific events to test our mettle. To me, that smacks of a selfish need to believe that the world is solely designed for the person that speaks of such a theory. Its as if that theory is trying to absolve some of our actions or lesson our responsibility.

    I accept that life is mostly circumstantial and the so called "trials" are random events, or choices within and beyond my control.

  9. Hold on, you are correct in that aspect that the Roman Empire killed more. It had about 700 years to kill people. Machine guns are only about 150 years old.

    Thats beside the point. Defend all you wish, but the fact remains, a child can kill 60 people within minutes, which is not possible without the gun.

    I am for control because I don't trust people, unless they are properly trained and 99% of the gun owners are not. Arguing with Americans about control is like trying to take a blankey from a child.

  10. I find it sadly ironic that most Americans seem to think having guns is necessary to fight a corrupt government, when its a democratic republic, meaning that if it was democratic at all, there should be a less chance at total corruption. I wonder why the NRA is busy lobbying to elect themselves year after year. Oh thats right, it must be because their members really care about you, while reminding you that they have a gun stuck in their pants because danger is everywhere.

    Gatling invented the machine gun because he thought it would cause less casualties as he thought it would take less people to operate them. We know where that idea got us.

  11. It seems odd to come here as human and not do what humans do. I doubt we would recognize the validity of the example if it was all a pretense.

    Is this where I ask did Mary cheat with God, when Jesus was....ummm...conceived? A ridiculous question, but it illustrates the sometimes bizarre and desperate need to apply questionable logic to an event or person so that we can justify our faith, rather than treating life as practical and faith as a motivator of hope.

  12. It always struck me as odd that its popular to blame a situation as a gift from Satan or some kind of organized event, solely to test our mettle, rather than taking ownership of the experience.

    Mental illness affects everyone, whether its a specific time in our lives or someone we know is going through it. Some will live through it their whole lives and some will cope through abnormal and sometimes odd behaviours. Ahem, addictions.

    I think as a society we also make the mistake of lumping a person who is sad because their cat died, with someone with schizophrenia. Most people will view it as a communicable disease and talk in hush and accusatory tones, while segregating them within their mind to a quarantined area.

    Either way, I think knitting in church is awesome. I think the majority of church attendees are afraid to compare their boredom at sitting in a static position listening to random speakers touch on the same topic, for years on end, because they fear it as an unrighteous attitude.

    The original quoted speaker had good intentions, even if it was not communicated well, or misunderstood. Just because someone said something from the pulpit, doesn't mean that its authentic faith building revelation.

  13. Read my first sentence again. I find it amusing when so many ask for evidence and toss scripture about as if it is concrete support for their arguments. It seems really strange that there is no reference or denial of his marriage, at least in the heavily edited and transcribed Bible. I wouldn't be surprised if the same policy is in effect as is protecting the Heavenly Mother.

    I find it ridiculous that in a Jewish/Roman/Greek society, two thousand plus years ago, with a life expectancy of 40 to 50, a community leader, a prophet, a man, would refuse marriage. If we apply our current westernized version of the gospel to his life, then once again, I would expect that he would have married, if only for an example.

    I believe Jesus was married.

  14. I prefer to think the glass is overflowing with cliches.

    If I convince myself that my co-workers are heathens and beyond redemption as they discuss the latest episode of Big Brother, then I won't be surprised if they distance themselves from me. Even better, I could live under a rock, convinced the world is again'st me and live my life with an inferiority complex, instead of understanding that all I need to do is look for the positives in life.

  15. I don't understand why it would be a strange idea for Jesus not be married. He came here to get a body, so it would only make sense for him to do what is expected of us, for himself. Practically speaking, it would be strange to have a head of a church that encourages marriage, to be not married.

    Culturally, it would have been expected and there is the matter of the nearly 20 years of unaccounted life. Jesus was also a Rabbi and they are expected to be get married, as per the old testament.

    As well, we can't forget the accounts of him were third hand and most likely, enthusiastically written years later. I think its silly to think its shocking or even scandalous. Heck, even Nuns marry themselves to him in a perverse way in their initiation.