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Everything posted by bds4206

  1. I lol'd at this thread like 5 times. A 15 yo and a 13 yo in a ketchup fight at McD's eh? The kids should be embarrassed, but the parents should be more embarrassed...who raises kids like this? If this is true, good luck to the lot of you, I think you all need it.
  2. I ask because of course as soon as this came out, so did everyone that is dying to disprove religion as a whole lol...I think it's kinda funny in a way.
  3. So, anyone have a take on the Higgs Boson "god particle" that was discovered? I am not a physicist, however I don't see what the big deal is in relation to religion. I don't think this necessarily changes anything....what does everyone else think?
  4. I'm not saying anything of the sort. This also isn't a "conspiracy" theory as mentioned earlier in the thread. Just a simple observation about my ward. I get the feeling that the High Priest group in my ward is what it is due to the area we are in. It just so happens that I am in a ward with many engineers that all make 6 figures ish. And if I asked about "wealthy" people I apologize. $100k doesn't constitue wealthy to me, but does constitute well off. Also I understand and am well aware that someone making $100k that makes bad decisions or has lots of liabilities may or may not be better off than someone making half that with half the liability and twice the decision making ability when it comes to money. Of course I am not their accountant, therefore I have no clue what they make, but I know many engineers that work at this one place and they all make something in the 100k neighborhoood. I'm not running any experiements or asking any questions inside my ward. I'm not nearly that dumb. I was more curious if what seems to be the case in my ward is the case in other wards. What I see from these responses is that there is a healthy variety of people and occupations in bishopbrics and HP Groups in other wards, which answers my question perfectly. thank you to everyone that responded. I appreciate the feedback.
  5. I was looking for some opinions on High Priests. I made the observation to my fiance last week that I found it funny that it seemed that almost all of the High Priests in our ward are pretty financially well off. Bank Chairman, Defense Engineers, etc. My question to her was if she thought that they were High Priests in part due to their wealth and social stature, or if they were blessed for their righteousness. She got a little defensive, as she knows that I am natually suspicious of the role money plays in most things...I don't and didn't mean anything offensive by it. I don't believe that High Priest positions and callings are bought in my ward...or anything of the sort. However does seem to be a direct correlation between wealth / social stature outside of the church and callings / positions inside the church. At least in my ward. Now to be fair my ward is in a pretty affluent area and there is a major engineer employer in the area that alot of our members work at as Engineers and all make very very very good money there. So as a whole the amount of wealthy high priests is probably somewhat in line with our population as a whole..but I can't help but to wonder why there are no deli clerks, or brokers, or insurance salesmen in the bishop bric or High Priest group. Surely there are righteous men in our ward that are not wealthy.... Also to be fair, most of the engineers that I've met in our ward went to BYU, and grew up in the church and had strong up bringings. Something that obviously makes it much more likely that they'd grow to be successful, blessed, and righteous. I'd love to know from people in other affluent area's if their leadership is similar. I'd especially love to hear from some members in poorer, inner city area's. What does your leadership look like? I have only asked a few people I know in my area this question, as I'm sure that there would be plenty offended. I'm not sure why they would be, but money seems to be a touchy subject around my ward....go figure lol.
  6. There's a big difference between arguing room mates and people eating each other's faces....I'm just saying. I smell a conspiracy between the police and the media.... :)
  7. but by that logic anyone that wanted anything would be which case we are all in big
  8. I have a question that I'd like to pose to everyone here. In regard to the commandment "Thou Shall Not Covet" I think of this commandment as more of a jealousy commandment. If someone desires financial stability / freedom, a nice house and nice things does that equal coveting to you? I think of someone saying I want that guys job, that guys house, that guys wife, etc as coveting...not necessarily wanting nice things for yourself that you earn as going against that commandment. what say you?
  9. obviously the thought that he ate someone's face, high on weed is ridiculous.
  10. I'm not "the world is gonna end guy" but this is something everyone needs to worry about. As soon as oil stops being traded in the dollar we are done.
  11. opinion from a new guy: :) I was told in my pre baptism interview by the third elder that it was indeed gross. That's all I've heard from other members as well. It also in my mind makes sense that if you are to pay 10% of your income that is in fact gross imo. I come to work and make my $xxx,xxx,xxx per week (ok maybe exaggerating but everything that comes out of that for tax, insurance etc are just normal expenses and I personally consider those normal life expenses that come out of my income by direct withdrawl vs. paying a traditional bill..but I personally consider my income to be my gross income. That's just the opinion of one newb though so take it for what it's worth.
  12. This makes all the sense in the world. I couldn't agree more...and from the sounds of the original story, this certainly doesn't seem like a divine seems like they were /are struggling to find someone willing to clean the church and got the op. My child would be doing dishes for a month for this mis step lol..just saying.
  13. They just shut down a gas station here on the East Coast of Florida that was selling them. The local Police investigated for a year with the DEA I believe. However in that year that they were 'investigating" the salts were being sold....not only is this a very nasty drug, but the one's I've seen are packaged and named in a way that makes them extra appealing to children.... we can't do anything about this type of stuff really. Even if we could completely remove bath salts from the streets there'd be something new in about 5 minutes. We just have to talk to our kids about this stuff and make sure they have the family foundation to avoid this disgusting part of society. Just my opinion.
  14. thanks guys. I appreciate the welcome.
  15. Hi ladies and germs! My name is Brian. I was baptized a few months ago in Florida and am a new member of the church. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book of mormon currently (finishing mosiah tonight probably). I have really enjoyed my time in the church so far and was blessed with the arronic priesthood a few weeks ago I'm here to talk to connect with other church members. I only know 1 person in the church except for people that are in my ward so I'm trying to branch out a bit...that way when I have a dumb question to ask I don't have to ask someone I see three times a week! lol. Ok, thanks for having me here, I'm looking forward to reading what's here already and maybe adding my own thoughts from time to time. Later Brian