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  1. This situation sounds very similar to what happened to someone I know... He was on his mission and met a woman around your age, who also had children. I think the difference here, however, is that she was more interested in him than in the church. She didn't have a strong testimony, but played the game, and he bought into it. After he finished serving, she "coincidentally" moved to the same state as him and they started to spend more time together. Eventually she persuaded him to move in with her and he got her pregnant and was inactive in the church for awhile. They did eventually get married. Last I heard, he has started coming back to church with their daughter. Not sure if they are still together. This is an example of a situation that went badly (though I am very happy that he is going to church again and turning his life back around). I'm not saying that your situation would be the same if you pursued it, because you seem to have a strong testimony. But you also have no idea how he would feel about it. In all likelihood, he hasn't thought of you in that way at all. Missionaries love the people they teach and usually grow very close (it's so touching when I hear my husband speak so warmly about the people he taught on his mission) but that love is usually not romantic. I would do your best to put these feelings out of your mind while he's still on his mission. Stay close to Heavenly Father and pray often. Fast for guidance. Then, after his mission, if you're still feeling this way, it might be worth contacting him again. Each situation is unique! So the important thing is to live a righteous life and be open to the spirit.
  2. I think it's a very individual decision. If you think there is any chance you'd get into trouble going to a club, just don't go. For me, other men aren't a temptation, and honestly, I prefer to be with my husband when I'm going out anyway. But other couples need to go out separately now and then. Every relationship is different! Personally I wouldn't enjoy a club, but many do, and only you know how you would behave while being there. I've always thought of clubs as being mainly for singles (who are looking for a date) or couples who are there to have fun together. So for me personally, I wouldn't go to one without my husband. But again, it's varies based on personalities.
  3. Hello everyone! I've browsed this forum for years, and finally decided it was time to join. :) I have been a member of the church for my whole life, and still have plenty of room to learn and grow. I look forward to some interesting, enlightening, and spiritual discussions! Nice to meet you!