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Posts posted by AnaMarzen

  1. Well, it's a slippery slope. My sisters are naturally athletic like my parents. They get up at 5:00 am every day to go running!

    I fought my parents on it - often waking up around noon - and I still have that bad habit to this day. So yeah...LOL!

  2. Let me answer that question with a question. When the risen Lord appeared to the Nephite nation, what was his first order of business after introductions? Answer: To correct and validate their scripture.

    It is a false idea that scriptures are sort of an ersatz form of divine revelation, only for those who can't quite muster the faith to have God appear to them. On the contrary, Joseph Smith, the greatest prophet of the latter days, was an assiduous student of scripture right up until his death. Jesus himself, the Son of God, studied and quoted scripture voluminously. We would do well to follow their examples.

    Agreed! I make it a habit to read my Bible on a daily basis.

  3. So I know this is going to be a touchy subject, but here it goes:

    Obesity. It has really taken a firm hold on our country and I have also fallen victim to it myself. I come from a family of active people - my parents are in shape and so are my two sisters. I was always a bit bigger though. I lost my job about 6 months ago and I have been guilty of gluttony and sloth ever since - I overeat almost every day and I rarely get dressed or leave my apartment. I knew I was big but I didn't know just how big until my sister snapped a picture of me a few days ago (I'll attach the photos later).

    I was shocked.

    My sister proceeded to stage somewhat of an intervention on me - I use a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea and I now know that I have pre-diabetes and the beginning stages of heart disease. I also know that I'm around 480 lbs - which makes me sick to even type out. I was given the option of starting to see a personal trainer, who is a friend of the family or to get gastric bypass or sleeve surgery to save my life.

    My question to all of you fine people:

    Is obesity a personal failing (i.e. gluttony and sloth)? Or is it genetic?

    I'm having a hard time not feeling very irresponsible and very sinful at the current moment.

    Any thoughts you might have would be much appreciated. :)

  4. Hi everybody!

    My name is Ana. I'm from Orlando, Florida and I'm very glad to be here! I was feeling a bit isolated down here in Florida, so I figured I'd join up and talk with some like-minded people. :)

    Anyway, it's great to be here and I hope to meet all of you real soon!