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  1. I hope that you take the time to talk with your Bishop or Stake President and find out for sure what the Church policy is concerning this issue. I feel that there is not such a rule but this is a blog on the web not for offcial Church policy. I to have been excommunicated once for serious sins. I spent seven years outside the Church before I was re-baptized. In the begining I did go to Church for about a year then I stopped. For the next few years I lived foot lose and free of any rules. I stayed that way until 2 years before I re-joined or rather I should say before I was re-baptized. I asked to be re-baptized and the Church said no I need to be active for a longer period of time. So I was we re-submitted the paperwork and 2 years later I received the answer and I was re-baptized. 2 years after that I received restoration of blessings. I hope you go to your Bishop and start the process of understanding what you need to do to once again be re-baptized which I feel will require more than the first time, that if you are re-baptized that you will stay strong receive your temple recommend and go to the Temple with as many of your children that can join you. I hope that you will then stay strong, keep and build a strong testimony and stay on the pathway of rightousness holding steadfastly onto the iron rod doing all you can to be humble and serve your Father in Heaven with the help of his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Good Luck and I pray you will find the peace, comfort, joy and love of your Father in Heaven and his only begotten son Jesus Christ.
  2. Hi to all ! I have been a member of this site for a little while but never posted anything before. I just thought I would say hi to everyone and wish everyone well. I hope we all take the time to watch and enjoy conference this coming weekend.:,lol:,,