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Posts posted by Drpepper

  1. I dont really have a problem with GA receiving allowances. Im sure some of them like Dallin H Oakes ( lawyer) Russell M Nelson ( Doctor ) probably took massive pay cuts when called to be Apostles.

    One of our local Baptist churches runs a dynamic youth group. They have paid leaders of course, but their program runs like clockwork and they have over 100 youth attending every friday night.

    I sometimes compare that to our Ym program and see our leader tired probably just commuted home from work and is doing his best to throw together an activity that the youth will hopefully enjoy.

    In saying that if Pres Monson turns up to next General Conferance in a red lamborghini then i might change my mind.

  2. I dont really have a problem with GA receiving allowances. Im sure some of them like Dallin H Oakes ( lawyer) Russell M Nelson ( Doctor ) probably took massive pay cuts when called to be Apostles.

    One of our local Baptist churches runs a dynamic youth group. They have paid leaders of course, but their program runs like clockwork and they have over 100 youth attending every friday night.

    I sometimes compare that to our Ym program and see our leader tired probably just commuted home from work and is doing his best to throw together an activity that the youth will hopefully enjoy.

    In saying that if Pres Monson turns up to next General Conferance in a red lamborghini then i might change my mind.

  3. Hi Matt, Being homeless certainly does not disqualify any one from going to the temple. Im pretty sure Jesus was homeless during most of his ministry.

    I am however curious why you wouldn't want to see your bishop. He holds the keys for both temporal and spiritual matters within a ward. No one here could actually let you know if you are worthy to go to the temple only your Bishop and Stake Presidency member. They both have to sign your temple recommend and interview you.

    Members pay fast offering every fast sunday in order to help people who are struggling with any particular problem. Bishop can help here if you need help.

    Perhaps their are other reasons you feel you cant approach the Bishop. Maybe you can approach one of his counsellors or a member close to your situation.

    I remember when i first joined the church. I found it really difficult to see my Bishop but i did find it easier to talk to one of his counsellors.

    Good luck

  4. There is a reason why the USA is the greatest country on the planet and not Britain/Australia.

    Really, what is that reason?

    Don't worry, jimmy you will be safe at school today because all your teachers now carry a gun. Does that sound like the greatest country on earth?:o

    Ps this is not about countries, it's about GUNS.

  5. Against all logic and sanity makes sense to me. My accountant looks at me every year when i tell him that im better off with 90% of my income than 100%. To him it goes against all logic and sanity. To me its just the law of tithing. However if the spirit was inviting you to break a commandment such as in Nephi and Laban's case then the Lord hold himself responsible in justifying the action. Notice in the scriptures how the Angel carefully leads Nephi down the path of reason so he can see what the scriptures refer to as "Weighter Matters" Math 23:23

    I Nephi 4 :14-18 is a conversation between Nephi and Nephi on how he came to the correct decision.

  6. Ecclesiastical leaders are not trained marriage counselors. Our leaders are there to help guide and direct, but they are not therapists.

    Seek therapy and counseling from trained, licensed practitioners.

    Work with your leaders to discuss your overall progress and spiritual growth.

    Amen, Im sorry to hear what you are going through but it seems that you both need professional advice from trained counsellors.

    I often hear on these sites how Bishops and Stake Presidents cop the brunt of not being able to give appropriate advice on series personal problems such as abuse, marital issues, depression, disorders, addictions, etc...

    I do think however the church could be doing alot more in certain geographical areas to assist in providing social welfare services.

    Your son was probably a little out of line to tell the Stake President he is not doing his job.

    This man has to look over a whole stake and carry a full time job to support his own family.

    Seriously who would want to be a Bishop or Stake President.... Every time i hear a new one called i feel sorry for his wife and children.

  7. I don't understand. What's so special about an "assault rifle"? That just means a semiautomatic rifle (you don't have to pull the bolt back by hand) with a detachable magazine. A lot of deer rifles qualify as "assault rifles"; in fact, almost any rifle that loads with a detachable magazine would.

    Thanks for clarifying that for me.. maybe i should have just left it with, whose mother has 3 guns? Mine had a wooden spoon:huh:

  8. Really your kidding me... 2 writers went back 16 years to find a tragic incident in Australia's history. Why not go back 200 years when convicts were sent out from England for stealing a loaf of bread.

    Lets keep it relevant....

    In 2011 - the latest year for which detailed statistics are available - there were 12,664 murders in the US. Of those, 8,583 were caused by firearms.

  9. Firstly i noticed nearly everyone on this post is listed inside the US. So i feel like an outsider looking in. It seems to me that America has a serious problem with GUNS in general.

    This thread is typical of the nations mental receptors to hand out more guns to people every time their is a shooting. Lets arm our teachers, body guards, combat training.

    Whose mother has 3 guns? not just any gun but an assault rifle.

    America could take a leaf out of the books from Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia and other countries in the area of Gun control.

    The United States owns more guns per resident, at about 0.89, than any other nation in the world. The U.S. is almost double the next two highest nations. (2007)

  10. Im happy to pray for you... your asking Heavenly Father one of the most important questions that can be asked.

    Im wondering if you are expecting some kind of event, personal manifestation, lightning bolt, :)

    Elder Bedner described receiving revelation in the following ways. Sometimes like light bulbs that switch on dramatically changing darkness to light, instantly. Other times however it more like the morning sun that rises slowly, dissipating the night over time, slowly warming.

    Perhaps your testimony is more like the second, Perhaps rather than asking God to show you perhaps you can ask him to remind you.

    Consider this scripture...

    And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost, even as the Lamanites, because of their faith in me at the time of their conversion, were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not.

    What!!! and they new it not. How did they not know?? they had faith, they had a broken heart or in you own words i go to church,fast,pray,read etc..

    I see youth all the time who have sun rising experiences but still sit and are waiting some dramatic manifestation.

    Not saying thats your experience im just suggesting you consider it. To many members watch the saviour walk out of their life down the road to emmaus only to ask them selves later

    "did not our hearts burn with in us "

    ohh im happy to pray for you, even though it maybe a little weird praying for chrissy 3818 :)

  11. I have heard a lot of lesson, talks etc on the Holy Ghost.

    Often we hear it taught especially towards youth that if you go somewhere, watch something, get involved with someone in the wrong way "the Holy Ghost departs"

    Sometimes its taught on the other end of the spectrum that your life has to be completely fine tuned into the Holy Ghost in order to receive any instruction.

    Hence i believe many members feel that they are somewhere in the middle and often they don't recognise or feel they qualify for direction from the Holy Ghost. They feel they are either not worthy to have the Holy Ghost because of Sin or they are not worthy to have the Holy Ghost because they haven't reached some upper level of righteousness.

    Our Gospel Doctrine teacher asked our class the other day who had felt the Holy Ghost.

    3 people put their hand up and shared rare dramatic experiences from a distant time frame in their lives. Don't get me wrong im not faulting any of their experiences but one was 20 years ago and i thought the sacrament prayer only 20min ago was that we could always have his spirit to be with us.

    So i would like to know: when was the last time you felt the Holy Ghost? today, last week, last month, a year ago, never...

  12. I don't agree with the idea that people must hit rock bottom before they change. This may be true for some, but not all.

    I agree with the statement above. I remember as a missionary feeling real godly sorrow and that was a time in my life when I was really keeping all the commandments as best as I could.

    I found that the closer I was drawing to God the more I realized how imperfect I was and how I needed to change.

    Godly sorrow for me was recognizing where God is and where I am and then doing my best to bridge the Gap. Of course we can't do that alone.

    The anger feelings is part of the natural man, it's completely normal. That's why King Benjamin invits us to put off the natural man and yield to the enticings of the holy spirit.

    That's why your given the holy ghost to help you overcome these things and lead you back to Christ

  13. Tonight, my son immediately told me what happened when I picked him up and told me didn't play them. He's a great kid and knows how I feel about these games especially since his older sister and her husband are in the army and have both been deployed over seas.

    I'm impressed with your son being so open with you and standing up for himself. There would have been alot of boys who would of just joined in to fit in with the crowd.

    Your obviously doing a great job....