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Posts posted by Drpepper

  1. I was putting myself in the place of our prison psychologists. They see people with personality disorders, some who may be suicidal, some who are claiming mental illnesses, and some who are just obnoxious individuals. Through all that, they sometimes find people that are truly stuck in their heads. The thinking is off. They may be depressed, bipolar, or schizophrenic. I'm recalling my internship days at a prison mental hospital unit.

    I recently attended a seminar where a prison psychologists was speaking and during that seminar he labelled each of those prisoners as "Heroes". This caught my attention. Surely he wasn't referring to the murders, abuses, sexual assault and so on people behind bars. I listened carefully and there he said the word again," Heroes"...

    I pondered upon this as the seminar went on and listened to him make this statement several more times. By the end of the seminar I began to understand why our thinking was so far apart. Through working with them he had understood these people a lot better than I could possibly understand. Not only that but he had seen into their lives in a way i had know idea or comprehension about.

    One such prisoner who he called a "Hero" and had committed murder, had constantly been belted by his drunken father growing up and had watched his mother receive the same abuse. He was also a victim of sexual abuse by his uncle through his younger years. Now he is in jail cause one day after years of suppression and abuse he eventually snapped and took someones life.

    If this psychologists was able to see so much more into this mans life than i was, how much more must God see into our own unique and often unpredictable lives?

    I believe that God sees all of our circumstances and understands perfectly our own individual situation.

    He is the perfect judge because he descended below all things so he perfectly knows how to succor his people.

    Gods grace is sufficient for all.

    For me to think im better than the person walking on death row is naive. I may have not done what they did, but equally I may have not had to walk the path they have walked.

    Personally as a devout member of the church im sometimes a little disappointed at the after all you can do attitude we often adopt. have you done your home teaching? have you done your family history? have you done your calling? have you been to the temple this week? and the list goes on and on.

    No wonder some christians think mormons are trying to work their way to heaven. Works are important, don't get me wrong but i don't think Gods standing up their with a time card saying "well done you clocked in 20hrs this week, lets see if you can up the game plan a little more next week".

    We can become so focused on doing, that we tend to forget why we are doing, or even more importantly without Gods grace it really doesn't matter what we do.

    I think if we balanced that off a little with more instruction on the Grace of God his Atonement and the role it has in our lives we would have less youth leaving the church the moment they slip up, less people judging others, less people feeling guilty all the time which is the no 1 cause of depression and less members seeing themselves as less.....

  2. Because... the US Women's Volleyball Team (beach and hardcourt) as well as the Women's Gymnastics team gets butt smacks.

    He he, those butts are just asking to be slapped. :)

    Maybe we should be generating more energy at church. We could come out of sacrament meeting giving each other hi fives and pating each other on the back. Then im sure a little butt slapping would be fine.

    On a side note- a sister in the ward slapped my wife's butt not that many Sunday's ago and she was not impressed at all. Seems butt slapping amongst the RS is a no go zone.

  3. Firstly im not here to cast any stones cause i know i could have plenty thrown back at me.

    I want to congratulate you on your desire to work through this.

    Petting and Adultery aren't the same but i certainly don't want to water down the seriousness of petting.

    You have currently hit a road bump in your journey towards salvation and thats what the atonement is for. Some bumps are a little bigger than others and the repentance process can take a little longer but that is available to you through christ perfect gift.

    Sounds like your on that road as rocky as it might me. Its times like this you should be thankful for every teacher or leader who taught you something about the atonement.

    Don't feel judged by anyones comments. As king Benjamin said "are we not all beggars"

    I would be hesitant to marry an individual just to make the sex legal in Gods eyes. A marriage that starts with a footing of only lust is sure to be stepping off on a sandy foundation.

    The truth is no one can really see into your life but God. If your looking for advice you will probably find it on your knees.

  4. Last Sunday, at church, while waiting, in the hallway, for the youth to set up chairs for Priesthood opening exercises. I saw a HP walk up behind a teen girl and swat her on the butt.It made me feel uncomfortable, because it didn't seem like the proper thing to do.

    The girl, who is very beautiful. ( don't know if that has anything to do with it. But, it might)

    was not upset. In fact. When she turned around and saw who it was they exchanged pleasantries. I don't know. Perhaps she could be his daughter. But even if she is the gesture just seems inappropriate, for inside the church.

    I have talked to an old friend through e-mail, and she says that I should talk to the Bishop. I also belong to another site LDS Singles. I posted about this. The ones that commented on the post all said I should talk to my HP group leader or the Bishop.

    My concerns are. I don't want to take up the Bishop's or HPGL's time if this is nothing I should be concerned about.

    I was thinking about watching and waiting to see if it happens again, in which case I will talk to the Bishop.

    What do you folks think? Wait to see if it happens again, or talk to the Bishop now? Thanks Brother Ray.

    Would definitely seem dodgy from the outset. However i would be hesitant to approach the Bishop. Can you imagine everyone approaching the Bishop over things they have seen , heard or done.

    I would do some research first on the relationship. It seems she wasnt to fussed by what happened. Not that that makes it right..... maybe check with the HPGL first.

  5. Not really silly. Our baseball championship is called the World Series but it definitely doesn't include the world.

    I don't know pam. Every time I see a movie and the White House is under attack by some terrorist group. The whole world seems to be in jeopardy for some reason.

  6. Our local area presidency told us recently that in our area only 1 out of 10 boys who graduate from primary will receive the Melchizedek priesthood. I'm assuming this was based on some statistical report for Asia- pacific. That's pretty alarming no matter how you look at it. I know on my mission the ward members list was 1-6 that 1 active to 6 not active. So when the church saids we have 14.6m members I think, How many of them are active? Out of the active, how many pay a full tithe, attend the priesthood/ relief society meetings and hold a current temple recommend? There was a time when you would leave the 99 to go and rescue the 1, theses days we seem to leave the 1 to go and rescue the 99

  7. Women can bear children and be a good mother without the priesthood, nor without being married to a priesthood holder.

    Love the salad example and thanks for making me hungry:lol:

    Just a comment on the above sentence. This is true but its only through the priesthood that the husband and wife jointly share that those children are born under the covenant and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise theirs for time and eternity.

  8. Regarding keys of the priesthood. Most men don't hold keys either. If you are in a ward of 500 members you will find that only 4 brethren in that ward actually hold priesthood keys.

    Bishop, EQP, Teachers President, Deacons President.

    Under the new and everlasting covenant woman's share the priesthood with their spouses as equals. Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. That power encircles both of them and each has different roles within that circle.

  9. On the last day of my mission I sat down with my mission president for a final interview and he said

    " Elder .... what ever you do don't go less active" I nearly turned to him and said " are you out of your mind, why would I ever consider going less active?

    While I never have I know peope who have and sometimes I scratch my head wondering what happened.

    I think sometimes people get confused between the church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I got to church first and foremost to worship God.

  10. Personally I'm not sure what the churches position is on sport and the sabbath day. I know what is being taught in conference extra. But the church's media department is certainly not up to date with what's being taught.

    We have a very talented football player in my part of the world who gave up a 2 million dollar contract to serve a mission. He has been on the churches website and was one of the main faces in a I'm a Mormon campaign run by the church down here. The church has promoted him pretty heavy and he is often the guess speaker at many youth events.

    Does he play on Sundays? Yes he does? Apparently it's ok if your a professional. But what's not addressed is the countless of Sunday games through youth for reps and trials that you need to play in order to make it to the professional league. As a former young men's president we would be extremely concerned if one of our young men was out playing sport on Sunday. How are we to know if he or she will make a professional career out of that sport.

    On the flip side their is a fairly recent conference talk and video on Sid Gowing. All Black rugby union representative who nerver played on Sunday. He was known for keeping the sabbath and was a great example and player. Both of theses men have been portrayed as Mormon ambassadors yet both had opposite beliefs on what the sabbath day represents regarding sport.

    It seems as though if the media department for the church can use them. Then it dosen't matter if you play on Sunday or not. Atleast that's the message that's being sent out.

  11. From my experience members of the church approach buying homes a little different than most other people. Generally the first visit is not the realtor, agent, local schools or sheriffs office. It starts with the local ward. Most people tend to go to church in that area to see if it feels right for them. How many members are there? What's the youth program like? Do I feel welcomed? What's primary like? Can I make a difference here? and so on. The reasons this is so important is because we are one of very few churches that are geographically bound. So our house purchase is locked in with where we will go to church. If i was catholic this simply wouldnt matter. What ward we are going to live in seems to play just as much importance as what house or neighborhood we are going to live in. After doing the initially research we then tend to grab a copy of the ward boundaries and make decisions from there.

  12. Therefore the most important reading we can do is any of the words of the prophet contained each month in our Church Magazines. Our instructions about what we should do for each six months are found in the General Conference addresses which are printed in the Church magazine.

    Strange how the current prophets keep continually inviting us to re- read the Book of Mormon

  13. Who said it was positive? I missed that. It was wrong to yell at her in front of the kids.I don't see where you got that. He has already apoligized to couple of the youth and he is going to tell him how wrong he was at church on Sunday.

    Not anything u have said, I'm probably highly sensitive to this situation as something very similar happened in our ward not that long ago and the rebuke happened when one person stormed into a class a let fly on the other. Only for us it was a primary class. Took a little bit to clean up the mess. As you can imagine there were some unhappy parents of primary children.

  14. For those suggesting that the teens got a positive lesson out of this incident. I'm curious as to what lesson they think that is. Maybe open the scriptures and start with contention. I just can't see a positive side to anyone rebuking another to tears in a youth class, sorry.