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  1. Welcome to the site!! I'm new here too and live in Auckland, NZ :)
  2. Welcome. I'm new here too and still undecided about what I want to do with my life. I have missed church and even though I'm happy right now I know the behavior and life I'm living is not one Heavenly Father would be happy with. I'm trying.
  3. Are you really in New Zealand? Is it as beautiful there as everyone claims? --I am in New Zealand yes. Lived here most of my life apart from 2 years when I was younger and my family lived in Australia. One suggestion I could give, is that you might consider getting on your knees and praying to your heavenly father. There is something about saying the words out loud. Tell Him what you're telling us. Let Him know you feel lost and don't know what to do. Ask Him for guidance, comfort, whatever it is you are yearning for. See what Welcome! ---Great suggestion. I had thought of that but I guess in a way I'm worried about doing that. Maybe I'm worried I'll get the answers I know I need to hear and then that scares me top because I'm at times afraid of change. I'm also worry too much about things when I don't h e a full plan with the what if this happens. I always have a back up. I've thought about attending church though I also worry there as the stake I am in is the stake in which my husband and I moved into when we got married and everyone lnows us so that makes me worry too. Like isaid a worry wart :)
  4. Hi Everyone, Just a quick introduction. I was introduced to the church through my step dad when I was 6 years old and went right up until the age of 25. I'm now 26. I married at 19 and seperated at 25. 6 year of marriage and endless amounts of councilling didn't save our marriage. We both wanted different things and I did things I wasn't proud of. I didn't know how to react to things and I acted out in ways I'm not proud of. I've been ex-communicated from the church for nearly a year now and in the last year have only been to church a handful of times. I see a councillor who happens to be a member and in our last session it has made me think I want to go back to church. Before my husband I had a testimony and I enjoyed going to church and for 3 years when my family went less active I went alone. I guess I'm just unsure about what I want in life right now especially when it comes to spiritual things. For now I'm here to meet new people and maybe make new friends. Thanks, Teesh.