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Everything posted by whyworrynow

  1. #1 I know the church is true. Each time there is a General Conference; I feel peace and think "That's what I believe." #2 When I am in church; I get down and out. The Mormon culture is hard to grasp and accept for me. To me there is this LDS face or front for all to see. If you talk any norm; then, it gets very quiet in Relief Society or Sunday School. That's not the real reason why people become inactive, though. In fact, most inactive can't pin point until I am their relief society visiting teacher alone with them and share why it was hard for me to stay active. Their eyes light up and they can't stop talking another hour Yes, a big majority go back to their oral habits (coffee, tea, tobacco, or alcohol). There is something that happens before they fall short in that area. It wasn't their weakness for the habit or that the religion is just too hard to live. It's eternal families. Here you are in church and you know the scenario. Here comes Dad, Mom and 5 children. All dressed up really nice and all happy. On Fast and Testimony Sunday, they give elaborate gratitude testimonies about their eternal marriages. As long as they live in harmony with the gosple, they will live in harmony with their families forever and forever. The convert was elated when they came across the church. Yet, they feel out of place now. They ask more about these temple marriages (their husband didn't join, or their parents didn't join). If someone had the opportunity to hear the gosple hear on earth and deny it; they've had their opportunity. So, now you are there and you are no longer elated. You've been raised all your life that they "will gather around the river, the beautiful, beautiful river" and now they won't even be sealed with any of their family. Their heaven has now became their hell. The convert is stressed because they were so excited so they sent missionaries to all their relatives house and their families had one issue after another turning the missioaries down. All of a sudden, heaven doesn't look like heaven anymore. It looks as lonely and out of place as church does. Yet, no one will respond if you mention it. Think about it. A person that joins a religion totally out of character for their upbringing and opposed by their closest loved ones and friends do not need members to hold their hand. They are strong independent individiuals.