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Everything posted by Astun

  1. Obviously smokers know about the impacts of smoking. But unfortunately the no. of smokers increase day by day. They need motivation and self determination. Smoking is worst thing that adults and kids do with their bodies. Quit it for living a happy life.
  2. what could be better than eating healthy and natural foods and avoiding processed and refined ones? Veggies and fruits are best diet for me but cutting on any food group from diet is not a wise habit. Minimize the intake of sugar and caffeine.
  3. A good diet plan surely help you in maintaining body weight. Be consistent and take care of yourself. Eat variety of foods, fresh fruits and green leafy veggies are great source of nutrition and vitamins. They improve body metabolism and hence help in burning fats of body.
  4. Diet play vital role in composition of body, whether you want to grow up your muscle or burn calories. Always eat clean and healthy diet. Avoid eating junk foods and diet soda. A diet plan will change your physical and mental fitness.
  5. Hi all, I'm Astun and I thought I'd have a go at forum posting. I found this forum on search engine and read some posts of it. Really useful stuff discussed here. It feels like a nice place to put my feet up and relax . Thanks for accepting my registration.