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  1. Wow, top of page 2 when I left for work today, into page 3 when I get back. I told some of my coworkers that I think the young single Sisters need to be given a talk similar to the one President Monson gave the guys, and they(a married woman and an engaged woman) agreed with me. I tend to ask for the second date right at the end of a first date. Maybe not the best idea, but no one(until I posted this thread) told me otherwise and I didn't date in HS or really at all before my mission, so I'm still learning some basics by trial and error at almost 24. As a side note, another married coworker of mine had the man who would become her husband ask her for the second date to take place one day after the first. And then the third one day after that, etc. She said it was a very high risk move for him to do, but in that case, it was just two people that fell very hard very fast for each other. She also pointed out to me that he was 29 when that happened.
  2. I was 95% sure someone was going to mention their niece. Marriage actually freaks me out a bit, as it should at this point since rushing into it with the first girl that wants to would likely be a horrible mistake. The idea is I find a girl, and build a relationship to the point where NOT marrying her would be the horrible mistake and I would recognize it as such. Easier said than done though when the girls I run across don't even want to try to develop a relationship. And that's after I open all her doors, don't talk about myself too much, and generally put my best into a date.
  3. Well that's if I could actually get a third date, and a second. I can't seem to get either. And I don't outright ask for a relationship after the first date, but the fact that I want one is pretty much implied by me closing in on 24 this September. I simply ask for a second date, get the yes, and am either several days later told by the girl that she doesn't want a relationship, or given the "too busy" excuse. And the girls going on missions at 19 thing is another subject for another thread, but I'll say that August 2014 can't get here fast enough.
  4. I just today had yet another girl tell me after a first date that went well, that she wasn't ready for any kind of serious relationship. I'm an RM in Utah, this whole dating thing was supposed to be like shooting fish in a barrel but it's obviously not. And because it's not, I'm absolutely sick of "the new RM marries the girl right out of high school" being held up as the bright and shining ideal. I grew up outside of Utah and believed that in Utah the above mentioned phrase was just the way things were and was up there with "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Then I actually move to Utah and become an RM and find out that lots of 18-19 year old girls aren't ready for a real relationship. Now before anyone accuses me of going after younger girls in specific, I would like to mention that the first girl I pursued after my mission was actually a bit older than me. I'm running a luck of the draw ask out whoever I click with system. But since 18-19 year olds probably make up the majority of my ward, they will be the ones I go on dates with the most. Also, a few years ago President Monson gave a talk in the Priesthood Session pretty much telling us young single guys that we needed to get busy dating. Have the young Sisters of the Church been given a similar talk within the past 5 years or so? And why do some people still think "the new RM marries the girl right out of high school" is the way it should be? I'm 23 and 2 years off my mission, so I passed that up already.
  5. In my YSA Ward, I used to sit next to two girls that uploaded pictures to Facebook or something like that during Sacrament Meeting.
  6. I can't help but picture someone somewhere throwing a fit over this. I'm sure it was quite the lesson though. The first paragraph of my original post has been my Facebook status for a day now and it has gotten 8 likes, half of which are from married women. So clearly there are those Mormons(mostly older ones I would guess) that have a fear of the spoken word sex(but not the act itself as the 4-5 kids in tow would prove).
  7. I was at a reception for a good friend of mine today and I overheard one of her friends say something to her about sex. At first I thought "wow, awkward." But then I thought "wow, that girl has the guts to say the word sex at a Mormon event." And then it hit me, why are grown adults so scared to even mention something that everyone does once they're married(and that way too many end up doing before getting married)? I'm definitely not saying that it should be talked about all the time, but such fear of a three letter word which is actually part of the means that every one of us came into this world is stupid. I am an active member and have been one my whole life. I know that sex is something wonderful and powerful when done correctly(namely between married people only.) However, because sex is both of those things that I mentioned, it is one of if not the best things for Satan to counterfeit and use to bring us down to his level. In spite of that, it's still something that pretty much everyone does at one point or another. So why is there such fear over the word sex among Mormons?