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Posts posted by Woodendance

  1. I have actually thought about a mission myself. I almost went on one actually 4 years ago (long before I met my best friend. we only met each other when we came back from being inactive.) I have been tossing up the ideal of a service mission though recently.

    I really am not a dater though either. That wasn't just a joke. I've been on one accidental date in the past 8 years. Dating is just one of those things I'm not big on.



    The Fold Prophet, while I do see where you may be coming from. With us it isn't as simple as cutting ties off or not being there for one another even when we are afar from one another. We were living in different states for awhile and that was when we became closes actually. Yes we might not be engaged or promised to one another we do hold a level of commitment to one another. His mission decision was partly based on leaving me. We also run all things past one another. (Basically get called a couple or married all the time because of it!). So it is not as simple as just cut off or break it off. We're family really.

  2. Well this is the catch. We are litterally just best friends and only ever have been. Yes I do have romantic feelings for him and he knows it but nothing has ever been acted on it.

    I do realize a lot happens in two years. Six months ago if you would of told me I would have feelings for a guy who wants to go on a mission I would of laughed in your face really! But a lot of big things have happen since then which is why I'm in the place I am now. It's also why honestly I know I can wait two years. I'm not a dater at all to start with so it's not me saying no to dating thing really it's just I'm sort of repulsed by other men at this point! I am also already in college (have been for years!) so school is something I am doing. Plus already looking for work. So I'm not "stopping my life" over it. It's just .. Well ehen big problems come up or having a panic attack we aren't a phone call or stop over at the house anymore.

  3. I am just seeking some major advise from those who have waited for missionaries. I know that many people say they will wait on a missionary to return or so on and it rarely works out. 

    However, my best friend just recently decided he wants to go on a mission. Even said no for the longest time out of my own my fear and not wanting to leave me alone. (We are VERY attached to one another.) I knew recently I had to stop being selfish and when he brought up the topic again I told him to go and that I would be waiting. I'd  be right there seeing him of to the MTC and there when his plane lands. Even do his facebook with updates and help him out with everything he needs.

    My thing is I am a convert and do not have much experience when it comes to missions.  I've had friends leave in the past (even have two currently on missions). But this friend is  a lot different.  He is just about to start the mission papers even so I do have a little time but I honestly have NO ideal how to prepare for this.  He pretty much knows there is no chance in me dating anyone while he is gone even.


    For those of you who did actually wait, what did you do those two years while they were gone?


  4. My YSA ward in Vegas actually has a ton of inactives. It was about 300 members inactive (the ward was about 500 members). The bishop of my ward actually started up a reactivation committee because of it. The way out committee worked was the missionaries and ward missionaries seeked out those that were inactive. Once a month even the missionaries, bishopric, and some of our higher ups would go to the inactives houses and invite them to come and talk to them.

    The ones that could not be found came to me. I went to school for digital forensic and used that to digitally track down some of our inactives. Some had moved out of the country and just weren't active. Others had fallen away and wanted nothing to do with the church anymore.

    So that's one way of doing it. You could talk to your bishop about doing things like that.

  5. Honestly it really just depends on the people. My whole life I've only brought one guy home to meet the family (he is also the only one my family has ever even heard me talk about!). I also drove 8hours to meet his mum and moved two states to be by him. However! Marriage is not really anywhere near the picture for us. So yes big sacrifices can be made on both ends but it doesn't mean serious or marriage.

    I'd personally ask your daughter to elaborate more on her statement.

  6. While I don't know much about fast offerings I can tell you this. I've personally never paid fast offerings (I don't work for money and I'm a student so it's not like I have it to give really) , however recently I had a situation happen where I was in desperate need of help. The bishop actually came to me and offered help out of the fundings members have given.

    So just because you don't pay it doesn't always mean that they won't help.

  7. All of them are nice but I like number 2 in that color and in pink:

    Buy Shift Dress from the Next UK online shop

    No to wear to baptisim, it is my understanding I will be given a jump suit for the actual baptisim.

    You do NOT have to wear that horrible jumpsuit!! I refused to wear it when I had my baptism and was able to wear a skirt and shirt in white just layered. That was only 4 years ago. I just had to make sure my skirt was tucked between my legs when I entered the water so it didn't float!

  8. For my Grandfather I was closes to I did not go to his viewing or even his funeral. I regret it now even 11 years later. But I didn't go because I was flat out angry with him. He was a heavy smoker who got lung cancer. I had been asking him for years to quit.

    I have gone to other's viewings and funerals. Many times they actually didn't allow anyone to attend the burial at those funerals.

  9. At the risk of starting a holy war, In-N-Out Burger, while being better than something like McDonald's is mediocre and their fries are terrible (in my opinion). Though to be fair it's possible that's just the American Fork location dishonoring their legacy.

    Utah sucks at In-n-Out big time. When I lived there every time they would mess up my food!

    And when it comes to their fries you have to have them done medium-light. It makes them slightly more crispy and so much better!

  10. My favorite burger is actually a veggie burger with mushrooms from a little diner in LA called Fred 62. It's slightly spicy and it's amazing.

    If it's a meat burger it's just good old fashion 96% lean beef. With a whole wheat bun and ketcup and corses dijon mustard and it just smashed and cooked on a black iron skillet.

  11. While I don't have kids currently nor have I personally done it (though I did not grow up LDS and with family members who were just about every religion possible to think of) I can say I personally would stick my child in a school that wasn't lds. My former boss growing up actually did attend a catholic school. She was LDS. She used to tell me how much she actually loved it! She was able to be exposed to other religions and cultures. Plus she got a really good education to top it off.

  12. that show was so boring, I'd like to see a show about polyamory, leave out the whole religion thing.

    The problem with that is polygamy is part of the FLDS religion which is what the show showed.

    Personally I loved the show. I still watch it every once in awhile even.

  13. Aaron Eckhart (two face the dark knight) , Mirille Enos (the killing) , David archuleta, Gladys Knight, Jon Heder, Paul Walker, Dan Reynolds (imagine dragons), Wayne Sermon (Imagine Dragons) , Donny and Marie, bradon flowers (the killers ), stephenie Meyers, Brandon Urie (panic at the disco) formerly was but doesn't practice anymore, Jodelle Ferland ( Bree in the twilight saga)

  14. Music is my passion and hobby. I play and I love to discover new types. I used to be into it more then I have been the past couple years (just because of time) but I've rediscovered it big time lately, so I have been trying to attend more shows.

    I am also big time reading and movies. I've started into fashion now too as a hobby.

  15. I just went through my endowment last month and I can honestly say wearing garments hasn't been a big thing. I have had my trail and error for sure but everyone does. You will learn some fabrics run shorter then others (comes in handy too when you have that ever so cute dress or skirt but it's an inch too short for your "normal" garments).

    I will say why I have been super lucky that I haven't had to throw any of my clothes out (which is shocking since I still own some of my partying clothes from back in the day) the hardest part for me has actually been night time! I'm the only member in my family so just sleeping in my g's isn't really the right thing to do around the house so it's adding layers upon layers to hide them that sucks.