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Everything posted by thatguy21

  1. I do no think it is the only way. But, would you agree that if gays were allowed to marry and adopt it would help reduce the amount of kids in foster care?
  2. It is easy for somebody to merely issue a challenge regarding benefits of homosexual marriage; then ignore the arguments because they do not have a sound rebuttal. The same thing goes for what, I guess, you are saying that there is no good argument for homosexuality. Let me ask you, what are the negatives to homosexuality and gay marriage? Also, do you have any rebuttals to the arguments for gay marriage? Moreover, are you implying, anything that does not benefit society as a whole should be thrown out? If so, what is your scale to measure if something benefits society?
  3. If there is no benefit to homosexuality, what is the benefit to heterosexuality? In this day, when we have 250,000 abandoned children in America alone, it does not follow that the benefit of sexuality is reproduction to further the race. You could even logically argue, that reproduction in this age is more of a hindrance then a benefit.
  4. If you are not for homosexuality in particular on the basis that the act does not better society then you are not for sexuality in general.
  5. There are benefits for gay marriage at an individual level and societal level. Let’s first take a look at societal benefits; the first one that comes to mind is that families are building blocks to societies. If gays were allowed to marry it would create more families. It would allow gays to legally adopt kids that are in our foster care system, 250,000 currently. It is the same concept as if a heterosexual couple were to create a family. That is except, when a child adopted into a family it is actually more beneficial to society then bringing a new child in to the world. Adopting a child helps bring said child from being a societal problem to a societal benefit. The second part is that a loving couple is allowed to be joined together. This is a benefit because statistics show there are ample benefits to being married. It creates more stable people, pays higher taxes, less crime, less welfare and there are many more benefits. Those benefits alone prove the worth a gay marriage, that coupled with adoption makes it even more beneficial. It does not matter what the building block is, gay or straight, it is still a building block. Some will argue that since it is a gay couple it would not be a building block. It does not matter what the makeup of the family is, families are building blocks. To assume merely because people are different then us they do not hold the same value is absurd. It is the same argument racists used to keep blacks from being equal in our society and the same argument used to keep women away from the ballot box. It is not based on any logic, merely prejudices that have compiled in ones mind without a sense of rationality. The second societal benefit is the end of a deep divide. This is a tension that is hurting our society, brother vs. brother, sister vs. sister. If this tension could be alleviated it would make for a better society. Coupled with, the fact it may even help our government get more done for the betterment of our society. There is ample evidence and common sense reasoning to show gay marriage will be allowed in the near future. Any fighting by either sides is putting off the inevitable, that gay marriage will be allowed. That means the tension in our country is an exercise in futility causing us to waste time, resources and energy. Now the individual benefit could be argued as the best benefit. To say individuals do not is akin to being a advocate for Fascism or the evil versions of Communism. That is not who we are, when our identity is that we are all children of God. To disregard that identity for ourselves and our neighbors in matter that we choose is being a cafeteria Mormon. I think most will agree individuals do matter and need to be considered in any decision. People are not a means to an end, they are an end. With that in mind, we should not deny human beings what we desire or have, being married to somebody they love. I think all of us can agree, we have common sense, that gays do love their partners. They are not sub-human or alien and do not love those they want to marry. Think about when you were married is that, at least outside the Temple, a love all people deserve. All it takes is a few seconds of lite thinking to realize the individual benefit. The burden now rests with those who argue there are no benefits.