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Posts posted by susieSA

  1. My husband is obsessing over the World Cup. I like soccer too, but he takes it too a whole new level! He's even refusing to take any days off so he can "save them up" to take off work to watch the games. Never mind that we have DVR, apparently it has to be live... :rolleyes:

    I can totally feel your pain there... hehe...

    I have the same problem... Actually, far far worse :P

  2. I am the RS counsellor who is over Additional RS Meetings... It has taken me a few months to actually get into that part of my calling.

    Have you checked out The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with the latest guidelines? I love the new stuff on the Church website as well as the planning idea that has been provided... Feb will be the first month that we will be using the planning idea. The way that I decided to use this idea was to have one filled in for each meeting & that goes with the RS Pres when she has her montly meeting with the Bishop & he approves or adds what he feels are needs of the sisters.

    I have recently had had an "enrichment leader" called & had a great first meeting with her. What I did last year was give a survey to the sisters along with a few questions to get the basics of what the sisters are actually interested in in the hopes of getting more to come.. That went off very well. I also have decided on the themes for the months to the end of the year.. I think that makes it much easier. We are a very involved presidency when it comes to these meetings.

    Some websites that has great planning tools as well as ideas (the basics are the same, you just need to change the headings etc on them):

    The Idea Door | The Idea Door - A fun site full of great ideas and games for the LDS family!


    The Homemaking Cottage - Home

    Relief Society

    Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meeting (this one is my favourite one.. I got loads of ideas & planning tools from here)

    You can also try LDS - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Mormons

    At the moment I have mini classes etc planned to the end of the year.. We just need to finalise everything.

  3. soccer? whats that ?

    Seriously though, I hope the world Cup goes well in south Africa and does well to expose that country to the rest of the world!

    Not meaining this in a mean way...

    But South Africa as a country has had exposure to the rest of the world!

  4. There is a book you can get at the Distribution Centre about Home Storage...

    It is a orange/brown colour.

    At the back of this book there is a few recipes.. A few that I most likely will never make because they are mostly American but they are really great recipes.

  5. Australia

    Africa (the REAL Africa; I've already been to Egypt)

    Just a little curious as to what is considered as the "the REAL Africa" ;)

    My list, in no partucular order:




    New Zealand








    And a few more I can't remember right now.. hehe

  6. That's funny...the website I visited said it was the year of the pig.

    Here's another one:

    Chinese Astrology Brown Cow Year 2009 - 4706th Chinese Year

    Hmm...perhaps the next mandatory vaccine push will be for the Brown Cow flu!

    The only reason I knew is because my son was born in 2007... The year of the pig..

    I do believe that was called Mad Cow Disease :P

  7. I agree with your Church leaders- I feel it's somewhat inappropriate to have older children blessed in meetings. Not because it's bad, but because it will take from the time ordained for the blessing and passing of the Sacrament, singing of the hymns, and other official sacrament business. I'm not sure where a good doctrinal source to go to would be for this- but I think I've read something about giving baby blessings in the scriptures before.

    How would that be inappropriate?

    So then we should not have babies blessed in meetings..

    We should not have converts who were baptised recive the Holy Ghost in meetings?

    Every child is entitled to that blessing.. Older or not

  8. Reasons why I am considering homeschooling:

    * Education here - even a not so decent one - is getting really expensive

    (No, our tax money does not go towards any education here)

    * I worry about what my child with actually get out of a class that has a 1:30 or even 1:40 ratio.

    * I worry that things will not improve by the time my child is school going age

    * I worry about my child's safety

    * I think that I can offer my child so much more at the same cost if I were to home school him

    * I think that I can give him a more international exposure to the world that what he would get at school

    These are just a few resons why I want to homeschool