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Everything posted by Lloyd

  1. But, to add to Aphrodite's statement, may I? You, Mckell, must remain strong what ever you do. You need to remain true to "your" covenants, convictions, teachings etc. As for the offences that have occurred from the ward or whomever, you need to find a way to work through that. Maybe you feel you can't go to your bishop, but you can go to the stake president and seek his counsel. It will help. I know if my wife had followed my attitude, which was similar to what you describe including the hurt feelings from the ward, I would not have found my way back, and may have thrown her off the straight path. It is hard, but you can do it, and if he loves you he will gradually follow. (You don't break a horse to bridle overnight, it takes time and patience) Lloyd (I did follow my own advise and here I am)
  2. Oh, and there are official guidlines in the handbooks that all leadership have. I am required to give all teachers, and presidency, orientation material, and in that material are the procedures. Lloyd
  3. Hemi is right, but it should be taken farther with a combination of the previous 3 comments. Blindfolded, In Cars away from meeting house grounds. No way. Any activity away from meeting house confines requires permission slip and activity information. (a) parental consent (b) notification © plenty of prior notice (d) proper chaperoning (e) description of activity. Better see the Bishop with youth leaders in tow. Lloyd (I was also required to issue the standard insurance form for such "off campus" activities and receive necessary signatures)
  4. I feel now the same way as LM and Hemi, but to be honest, 40+ years ago I didn't. Little did I realize what an impact they would have on my life. I wandered far from the church until 1968. I married a non member, Methodist/Catholic, but this I found out. I think because her love of Jesus Christ was so strong, and because she felt the Holy Ghost, I was being helped to find my way back to the Church and brought her with me, or maybe it was she brought me back with her. Any way, I think it is important that you stick with beliefs that will nurture yours in the way Jesus Christ intended, and you can nurture your mate or future mate. Without the same beliefs and commitments, a marriage is on edge constantly, and is not a place conducive to an eternal relationship. Does that help? Maybe, in short, Convert him, wait a couple years, and if he stays active then marry! Too hard? Naw. Lloyd
  5. How easy is it? It isn't, but it is worth it. When and How? By the way you approach Him, through prayer, study, and allowing him through the scriptures to touch your heart. The when part is a little tougher, for we don't know when he is coming, nor do we know when we will go behind the veil, but I can tell you when I have been in the temple, I have felt his presence in that room with me as has my wife. The feelings you have when you read, ponder, and testify of his divinity, are the times when you know he is living and touching your heart. What does it take to know Him? For me it has been to open my mind, the center of my mind, to his teachings, his promises, my needs as a mortal, my desires for eternity and to learn of Him. By desiring to please Him, as a child wants to please their father, and placing absolute trust in His word I believe I do know Him, and He knows me. Does this sound silly from a 65 year old man that 10 years ago didn't know Him? I hope you know what I say, is for me, true.
  6. Landy, I may be wrong, but it seems you are having problems with doctine, leadership, and change. Perhaps some of this comes from listening to those that are teaching falsely of the church and it's doctrines, and perhaps some of it comes from changes that have occured such as the revelation received by President Kimball. Because this is the Lords Church, pimples, scars, and bruises included, remember the so called blemishes are man made and man caused. I believe that "He", being compassionate, loving and full of charity, recognizes when changes are necessary, or when "the time is right", and through revelation, instructs our prophets as to the proper changes. I think He knows when we are ready for these changes, and when we will accept his direction, regardless of whether it is politically correct or not. Study of the gospel, prayer, and asking those who are in the church and know the answers, will greatly eliminate many of your questions. It never hurts to ask a question, what hurts is not asking the question of those that really know. It hurts you. I don't claim to know much, but I promise you prayer and study will build your testimony of not only the gospel, but also the church and how it is operated. Lloyd
  7. Absolutely, go see the bishop in your area, explain the circumstances, and don't be upset if the answer is not exactly to your liking. There is a solution, perhaps in having another sister move in with you. I, on a personal note cannot see the problem with being baptized when it is strictly a plutonic, almost necessary living circumstance. However I can't be considered as an authority. Check with your bishop. He will probably have an answer, but in the event he doesn't, see if he will check with the stake president.