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Everything posted by Lizard

  1. Thanks. I love that cute emoticon!!! Boy do I have a lot to learn about navigating this site and discovering emoticons of a different nature... Ooh, I found me! (ducking from lightning). I am looking forward to getting to know people through this site and the chat room here. I've been in it once already. It's so good to know that we share a common bond.
  2. G'Day An online group that I find great is Aspie Hangout. Also the Blue Room. Both are Delphi Forum groups. I had started my own thread, or topic (or whatever it's called) called LDS Aspie Christians (think that site was Christian Aspies) but after a while I gave up, because most people who responded thought LDS meant Learning Disabled... My friend will be away for another two months. But when all is said and done, (more is said than done) oops; that just came to mind, coz I've seen it somewhere. No, I meant, when all is said and done (more is said than done) the Gospel is true! I sometimes feel so very sorry for the members who can't or won't give me a chance. But mostly, I just feel sorry for me and my heart hurts but my spirit hurts more. They are my brothers and sisters and I love EACH and EVERY one of them---even the ones I don't like!--- but I tolerate them and they don't tolerate me. I am thankful that you understand your brother the way you do. He needs support and understanding. Not lectures. Believe me, he gives himself enough of those. But he will go where he is accepted, as would most of us if we were given that chance and were honest with ourselves. I am "honest to a fault" the District President said. But that does NOT make sense to me!!! People should not ask something if they do not want the honest answer and I will not betray my Saviour, by being dishonest to please mankind and make myself popular. So, a voice in the wilderness I continue to stand and howl at the moon (I like wolves). Someone once said (and I use it all the time) The truth can be supported by a minority of one. Yes, I read a lot; but only if it interests me.
  3. The World needs more Aspies. I'm Aspie too. And I sometimes cut. Going on the computer helps to distract me, as does going to bed and having a nap, or reading a book or mag to stop my jumbled thoughts...
  4. I am not sure how ro reply properly on this site. This is my first time. I have Asperger's too! I cut sometimes and am trying to stop. I haven't cut for a while. Please, is your brother accepted at church? Most of my Branch do not accept me and several do not even tolerate me. I have not gone to church for the last three weeks because I do not feel I can cope with the hatred much more and I don't want to cut myself and I don't want to come home crying every Sunday, any more. I love the Gospel with all my heart, but my best friend is away on holiday so I have no support now at all.