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Everything posted by Will_Drotar

  1. Traveler, the last post of yours was horribly insulting. I am appalled at your personal insults. I thought you to be an example to many on these forums. In comparison with the number of Trinitarians in history, the number that have been violent as you say, have been few. Very few. The issue is not about being Trinitarian or antiTrinitarian. It's about being Christian- how many Christians committed violent acts? No no, not how many that claimed to be Christian, but how many that actually WERE Christians committed violent acts. The LDS church has not been around enough. However, there's evidence from the Mountain Meadows massacre and a quote from Joseph Smith about shedding the blood of a fellow member who might apostasize that proves that if the LDS church had been around longer, it would probably be much worse a situation than that of the Catholic. Plus I'm not Catholic. I'm Evangelical. And we've been around for a shorter amount of time than y'all have. We've collectively commited no such acts of violence. If you want to play the "You hang out with more sinners than I do" game I'm outta here. You're the last person I would have expected this from.
  2. Ok.We were modeled physically after God. ? ? What's the problem? My you are rather aggressive in your post. I did not call you stupid or anything like that. As I said, we must discuss the Trinity first, then move on to this. Which is more important? Man was modeled physically after God's image. We were given dominion over Creation, a degree of His attributes- those communicable- and a physical body SHAPED AFTER His spirit body. In reference to the fact that Creation was physical, *again* I'm not claiming that Genesis 1:26-27 is not a reference to man's physical creation. I am saying that it doesn't mean that God therefore has a physical body. We shouldn't make God into the image of man. Just cause we were created with a physical body, doesn't mean He does. FACT: We live in a physical realm- He lives in a spiritual realm. We have a physical body- He has a spirit body. We were created with a physical body, to dwell inside the physical realm. Who were we modeled after? God. It makes no sense to say that God has a physical body and dwells in a spiritual realm. It makes even LESS sense to say that God and the heavenly mother have physical bodies, and that they give birth to 'spirit children.' Of course we weren't made exactly in the image of God. My point exactly. My first premise was that man wasn't created exactly like God. I am kind of confused here. But here I'm blown away: "When G-d manifested his physical body, as was done through Jesus Christ." Now it seems as if you're saying Jesus was God. That follows the Bible straightaway, but I'm not sure if that's LDS doctrine. Christ has a body. Christ is a person within the Godhead. The Father does not have a body. The Spirit does not have a body. TTYL Jesus loves you! I'm copying the words 'pesel' and 'temuna'. I'll check to see all the OT references in which the word was used.
  3. How could that have possibly been interpreted as difficult to understand? If it is, I'll be patient in going into greater detail with whatever you'd prefer me to elaborate on.When I was wondering why the Church was silent on it, I was simply curious why there are so many non-denom research groups trying with every ounce of strength in their body to research the natural world and preserve the truth of God's creation. I wonder why your church, and JW's, are pretty much the only churches that don't defend theism or Creation, but spend 8 times more time talking about how God has flesh. It's simply I was wondering if those priorities sounded kind of reverses to y'all. The problem, as I said, or attributing a physical body to God, is that you by necessity can no longer believe in the 3-1 Godhead of the Trinity, and you must believe he is bound to physical dimensions. TTYL Jesus loves you!
  4. I don't recall myself being omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent... Oh, you don't take that verse to mean that we were to completely in God's image either? So you place exceptions on this as well. This verse happens right after God makes animals. This is stressing our dominion, distinctness, authority over Creation. We were made in God's literal image, we were given consciousness (something animals are not since they do not possess the mental capacity for such), we were given a spirit and a soul. We were made in God's image in contrast to Creation. I don't understand how people work this BACKWARDS into saying that God is in OUR image, ie He has a body of flesh and bones. Question: Why is this so important to y'all? Why does your church stress that God has a physical body of flesh and bones? My question is why does your church remain silent on issues such as evolution (as from what I've seen) but stress that God has bones? I don't mean to sound mean, but I just hear this so often, and yet none ever talk about the important stuff whenever I talk to my friends, or the missionaries. The fact that God is not bound to finite dimensions is one logical outworking of Trinitarianism. The fact that He does is an outworking of exaltation. By simply demonstrating the presence of the Triune God in the Scriptures, this issue ought to be settled. TTYL Jesus loves you!