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Everything posted by Wyntrewolfe

  1. Hey this site helped me alot http://www.jefflindsay.com/LDSFAQ/ Darn, I was reading through the posts, hoping no one would post that site. Beat me to it, why don't you? Here are some questions for anyone that doesn't believe in the Book of Mormon's veracity: If it isn't true: How did Joseph Smith (since, obviously, he "wrote" the Book of Mormon) know so much about ancient olive culture as practiced in ancient Israel? (See Jacob 5)How did he know about a rare river and valley in Arabia, or about the location of a forested and fertile place along its coastline = Bountiful? (Most people even today laugh at the idea.) Why would Smith have the records written on golden plates? The idea made him a laughingstock in the 1800's, but nowadays it's been revealed as a well-established practice for sacred Semitic records. Why also would he have claimed to have found them buried in a stone box? Also a well-established practice for Semitic records that no one knew about in 1830. Why would he have the hierarchy of the Lamanites be cities over other cities, instead of city, county, state? Accurate, but a completely foreign idea to him. Why would Smith originally write in a grammatical structure that, while incorrect and awkward in English, is perfectly correct Hebrew? (e.g., "if/and" instead of "if/then"; the style was changed in later editions to make for more correct English.) How could he have a complex description of the weights and measurements of Book of Mormon times that almost exactly matches up to Egyptian weights and measures?How in the world could he possibly have written the Book of Mormon using such inticrate examples of chiasmus, a Semetic writing style that's rather too difficult and complex for someone with a third-grade education to emulate?I'd be fascinated if anyone could explain away the above questions... Wow this is very interesting and really proves to me the accuracy and divine inspiration of the Book of Mormon. Thank you! You're certainly welcome, but I have to confess that I pulled most of those questions from Jeff Lindsay's website, mentioned above. ^^;
  2. No no, faaaaaar east. Like, Russia. Across the landbridge. :wink:
  3. ..... Plus, the DNA argument has no leg to stand on. There has been DNA evidence that supports a Jewish origin of the NAtive Americans jsut as strongly as a far Eastern origin. Just bringin' up tidbits!
  4. Ibelieve the quote is "By their fruits ye shall know them". Matthew 7:16-20, reiterated in 3 Nephi 14:16-20.
  5. Hey this site helped me alot http://www.jefflindsay.com/LDSFAQ/ Darn, I was reading through the posts, hoping no one would post that site. Beat me to it, why don't you? Here are some questions for anyone that doesn't believe in the Book of Mormon's veracity: If it isn't true: How did Joseph Smith (since, obviously, he "wrote" the Book of Mormon) know so much about ancient olive culture as practiced in ancient Israel? (See Jacob 5)How did he know about a rare river and valley in Arabia, or about the location of a forested and fertile place along its coastline = Bountiful? (Most people even today laugh at the idea.) Why would Smith have the records written on golden plates? The idea made him a laughingstock in the 1800's, but nowadays it's been revealed as a well-established practice for sacred Semitic records. Why also would he have claimed to have found them buried in a stone box? Also a well-established practice for Semitic records that no one knew about in 1830. Why would he have the hierarchy of the Lamanites be cities over other cities, instead of city, county, state? Accurate, but a completely foreign idea to him. Why would Smith originally write in a grammatical structure that, while incorrect and awkward in English, is perfectly correct Hebrew? (e.g., "if/and" instead of "if/then"; the style was changed in later editions to make for more correct English.) How could he have a complex description of the weights and measurements of Book of Mormon times that almost exactly matches up to Egyptian weights and measures?How in the world could he possibly have written the Book of Mormon using such inticrate examples of chiasmus, a Semetic writing style that's rather too difficult and complex for someone with a third-grade education to emulate?I'd be fascinated if anyone could explain away the above questions...
  6. I came here off of a generic Christian forum... it's nice to chat in a place that doesn't try to crucify me for my denomination.