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Posts posted by BladeMoses

  1. Bands like Cake, The Rolling Stones, The Ramones because sometimes I have to nurture my inner rebel. 


    Most hip hop is awful but there are some artist out there that are good like Mos Def, Atmosphere, Talib Kweli.


    Also why so much hate for country? lol George Straight, Johnny Cash, Randy Travis, Dwight Yoakam are all my favs.  I have also really gotten into this blue grass band Old Crowe Medicine Show.


    Also outside of David Archuleta(If that is considered LDS) I don't really know any LDS music.  So maybe I should start a thread saying "tell me about good LDS music" lol.  I really like David Archuleta, that was the only season of American Idol I watched all the way through so I kinda have a special connection with him lol 

  2. I did not have high expectations on this one because I didn't like Antman comic book much.  The movie exceeded my expectations and I actually am looking forward to seeing him in the next Captain America installment.





    I had my boys watch Sixth Sense with my husband and I.  They went crazy with the ending and wanted to watch the movie over again because they are sure somebody else besides the kid interacted with Dr. Malcolm.  LOL!



    Yeah I think it was alright, I just wish they would have played on the science behind it a little more, it was not HORRIBLE but could have been better 

  3. I am currently reading the book of Mormon I picked up a copy when I was in Salt Lake, but how does meeting with the missionary's work?  I was under the impression that they come to your house and unfortunately that is not a possibility because I travel a lot for work and don't really have a set schedule of knowing when I will be home.  Planning to meet with them and even the simple task of attending church is going to be hard to do. 

  4. So, really weird thing has been happening to me lately.  I know nothing about the Mormon faith and have never really studied it but somehow a month ago I started feeling a huge pull towards the LDS church and I cannot explain it.  The pull was so much that I decided to go to Salt Lake City for a week to really try and put everything into perspective. Being around that community and the temple made me feel some sort of convictions that I still am not sure I fully understand.  I just got back home and have just been reading non stop about the Mormon faith....


    Keep in mind I am 28 years old and not a religious person, have never even considered LDS in any way and now all the sudden I feel as if I am being called to be a voice for this faith.  I have never even attended a Mormon church service but am suddenly desperate to talk and learn with you people and become a part of this church, I just don't really know where to go from here but if anyone want's to talk and share more of their faith with me please do, I wan't to know everything