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Posts posted by SirLogan

  1. On 2/19/2016 at 9:54 PM, David13 said:

    As an aside, how are things in Ashland?  I used to go up there every year for the Shakespeare.  It's sure a nice town.


    Ashland is great. I've been here 3 years. My wife and I moved here (having never visited), expecting to stay for 6 months to a year. Ha! It hooked us quick. The festival starts up next week. Things will start perking up a bit.

    Thanks to the other recent posts for your insights. The vibe I'm kind of getting is that the whole "Mormon" label may benefit me down the road AFTER I have established a decent following, where the "By the way, he's Mormon" may be the extent to which my religion plays a part.

    On 2/19/2016 at 5:41 PM, thoughts said:

    If your music is not about Mormon doctrine, I can't see the benefit of advertising yourself or your music as Mormon.

    In your place, I'd be advertising  the goodness of the songs, in avenues that appreciate the cleaness and joy of the lyrics.   I'd be promoting it at Christian Rock if that is what it is.

    And this is a great point. Thank you.


    52 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

    Is this your channel?

    Heavens no. Haha. But I appreciate the effort! I use a channel my wife started called Loganna Anderson. My name is actually Logan Anderson and Youtube isn't currently my main hub for promotion, though I'd like to try to change that if I could get around the exact issue you just described. I do have many videos up, however, and boy do I feel your pain. 

    I funnel most of my content through Facebook, with the goal of pointing people towards Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, or Bandcamp. All while trying to avoid confusion with another Logan Anderson from New Zealand. Ha! 

    I appreciate everyone's thoughts so far! Thank you.

  3. 4 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

    Sounds like you have kind of already made up your mind. Where you hoping to hear more of a positive "Go for it!"? You are having an issue/concern, yet you already seem to know the answer to it: " fan base is growing very slowly because I don't perform. " Why not strap on the boots and go perform then?

    I was just responding to what MormonGator said before that: "If the answers seem harsh-it's because we don't want you to waste your time or not see the challenge it is." I was just saying the harshness of the answers weren't all that bad. I know the reality of my situation, and the last thing I want is unrealistic optimism ;)

    But I hadn't already made up my mind about anything. I just wanted some insight into the connection (or lack thereof) a Mormon might have to a complete stranger musician they know is also Mormon. I'm a full-time cook with a newborn son, and I'm completely happy (and busy) pumping out new tunes that I enjoy, and just having them as pieces of art I'm proud of. Whether or not I perform is a whole other topic. Just looking for thoughts that may give me insight to the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of "tapping into the Mormon audience" (probably online) as a few of my listeners have suggested. 

  4. I don't mind the answers. They're fine. Here's the thing: I've released two albums since the Spring of 2014. I'm on Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp and more. I've been played on public radio stations, college radio, and other internet radio stations. But my fan base is growing very slowly because I don't perform. I used to think I could get around this, but sadly, people need to feel connected to an artist in order to care about listening to his/her music. And seeing him/her perform live or having a friend that really enjoys the music is the best way to achieve that. But I have wondered if being a "Mormon musician" would create any deeper of a connection for members who come across my music, enough to create a permanent fan. I have also wondered if that's a cheap and tacky way of promoting myself. But I wanted to pose the question because a few people have said things along the lines of "tapping into the Mormon audience..."  



  5. Well let me just say thank you for the replies! To NeedleinA, I'd like to make a modest living. I'm not looking to strike it totally rich or get famous, but I'd like to earn enough to quit the day job and be my own boss. I'd primarily like to write music for film, and I already have a couple things going for me in that direction. But it's important that I do whatever possible to get my name out there, which also means selling myself as a songwriter/producer and marketing my albums. My music is good for movies along with being good album material. The larger audience I gain, the more chance of success I will have. I'm definitely not spreading the gospel with my music. But many of the songs have a good down-to-earth message about admitting faults and overcoming weaknesses. I have lots of middle aged and older people from church that are in love with my music.

    To Vort, that's a good insight. Thank you. But heck, 50,000 albums would be absolutely incredible! And actually that's still an extremely high number. People stream more nowadays than buy albums. It's the reality I have to face. So I have to play the whole streaming game. So going by what you said, perhaps advertising myself as a Mormon is kind of a win/lose? I'd be going for the niche, which is often successful, but I'd be leaving less room for much growth. That's definitely a good point to think about.


  6. My wife and I have had a fair share of missionary acquaintances over the last 3 years (my wife is investigating). Every new pair of elders or sisters falls in love with my music, and a couple other members have mentioned to me that I should really try and tap into the Mormon audience around the country, that it would be a good way to gain a following as an indie rock / theme music artist. I have two albums distributed online and anybody can access them.

    My question: do you think that advertising myself as a Mormon artist would gain favor in the Mormon community and help me build a bigger audience? Or is this idea simply a fantasy? Would people be more likely to listen to my music and follow me because they know I'm Mormon? Or are they so jaded by the enormous amount of musical artists they have to choose from nowadays that it wouldn't even matter?

    Part of me says, "Well why don't you try it and find out?" But it's something to look further into before committing. Thanks for your thoughts!