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Everything posted by lindamb296

  1. OMG(sh) I can't BELIEVE that you BELIEVE such a thing The color of one's skin does NOT determine "pure" anymore than "become(ing) white again" equals "pure". I'm white and I'm furthest from "pure" as one can be and not be in cahoots with Satan. BTW-do you have blue eyes, pale, white skin and blonde hair? If not, then according to Hitler, you aren't pure either.
  2. Please don't speak for "...many, many Mormons...", I am Mormon and speak for myself and no one else. The LDS Church teaches that all religion has some truth... no one has the right to try to talk any person out of his or her belief. If each individual is open to discussion, than fine...but don't speak for others and don't criticize and demean them for their beliefs. As for science, please read the article at (2nd question down), which states: "Morris S. Petersen, professor of geology, Brigham Young University, and stake president, Provo Utah East Stake. There is much we do not know about the creation and early history of the earth. The scriptural record is sketchy, and the record of science is incomplete. Indeed, what we imagine to be true now about the history of the earth may prove to be only partially true in the light of greater knowledge. We are assured, however, that the day will come when the Lord "shall reveal all things— "Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof— "Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven." (D&C 101:32-34.) Until that day comes, we must rely on what we are taught in the scriptures and what we assume to be true based on the evidence gathered and examined by science. <A name=6>We are, in fact, encouraged to obtain both scriptural and secular knowledge in striving to learn about God and his creations: "Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand..." There are many books written by Mormon scientists and scholars on the subject of reconciling creationism and science. Richard Ingebretsen wrote the book, "Joseph Smith, ([paraphrase]who IS not a mystic or paranormal believer) and , Modern Astronomy"; which covers theories concerning the life and death of stars, time, the nature of light, etc. How much more scientific could an uneducated country boy from the 19th century be? I respect all beliefs, please respect mine. And please don't state what Mormon beliefs are unless you've been taught the gospel as we interpret it.
  3. That is soooo true! Einstein said [paraphrased] It is lame to see God and not see science, it is foolish to see science and not see God. (I just LOVE that, Einstein sooo rocks!) Check out these books: 1. Evolution and Mormonism: A Quest for Understanding, Stephens, Meldrum, Peterson, Signature Books, 2001 2. Earth, In the Beginning, Skousen, Verity Publishing, 1996 3. Of Heaven and Earth, Reconciling Scientific Thought with LDS Theology, Clark, Deseret Books, 1998 4. Fingerprints of God, Evidences from Near-Death Studies, Scientific Research on Creation, and Mormon Theology. Also, time is subjective. It is also not linear. I think it was Einstein who said [paraphrased] If time is so natural to man, why do we need clocks? It is said somewhere by a prophet (sorry, I'm bad about having references at my fingertips) that in Heaven, we will be able to travel to wherever and whenever in time we choose as quickly as it takes for the thought to develop in our mind. He used Egyptian times as an example, saying we could see life at that time as it occurs. This would be impossible if time were linear, hence, suggesting that time is more 'circular', so to speak (unless, of course, you believe in time travel like the sci-fi genre interprets it--which is impossible simply because of the time continuum theory).
  4. I like to look at nature and all its complexities. To me, it is definitive proof of God's existence and hand in the creation of all things. How can anything so complex, even the biology of a simple flower, have been created by pure accident? Albert Einstein once said something to the affect that It is lame to see Science without God; it is foolish to see God without science. You can't look at nature without seeing God in all things.
  5. sorry dude, but that's disgusting...I'm pretty sure we're talking family pet loved ones, not Sirloin Stockade.
  6. Hey, I'm new here, but feel this is a great place to put my 2 cents in... I'm going to try extensively to find the quote, but for DISCUSSION's sake, God has to follow the laws of physics. He may have created 'physics' but by His own law, He must obey His own laws of physics. But this doesn't diminish miracles...the answer is that God manipulates, within the boundaries of the laws, physics to perform such miracles. Let's face it folks...we do not even begin to understand the complexity and vastness of the laws of physics, neither do the scientists. There is so much to learn that we can't even fathom yet. If you compare what science knows with Creationism, and look with an open mind, you will see God in every aspect of science and science within God. Albert Einstein said, It is lame to see science without seeing God; it is foolish to see God without seeing science [paraphrased]. For instance, the great flood of Noah's time... It rained 19 inches in 12 hours in Marble Falls, TX last week. Times that by 40 days and you have approx. 126 feet of rain. Add that to the 2/3 of the earth's existing water and you easily have the entire earth flooded. 19 inches of rain killed 13 people here. It's easy to see 40 days and nights of torrential rain killing the entire earth's population. God caused the great flood, but He used the laws of physics to cause it to happen---not magic.