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  1. I have some ideas to share with all of us. I usually reflect upon the same question. I work in the temple, and I am learning a lot there. Once I was talking with a counselor about questions. He told me a story of a man who asked if he, this man, should wait for his sealing to "know" his wife. The President, this counselor is very wise. He said to the man: I don´t know how to answer this for you, I can´t. The man replied: But you don´t know the answer? What the conselour said: Yes, I know, but I can´t tell you, because it is not my responsibility to teach you such things. What his counselor told me was that the responsibility to teach the doctrine and clerical things comes from our leaders, bishopric or even stake presidency. I agree with all the other answers, that some presidents answered questions, because I know they have the Spirit and knows what to share, when to share and what person can receive some answers. Last Friday the President of our Temple taught us that we should seek, while working, to understand by the Spirit the things we would like to know. He promised that we would receive. I know that some questions I have may take years to be answered, but I hope I can still have the faith to feel the Spirit and be able to receive my answers, because I want to receive them for my own efforts. I tried to find a quote I heard once that said something like this, that when the Lord give us specific things to do, many times throught our leaders, we are losing opportunities to receive revelation and growth to ourselves. As I looked for an answer for you and me, Jane, because I feel something related to you, I could find this quote from Elder Boyd K. Packer: "It is not wise to wrestle with the revelations with such insistence as to demand immediate answers or blessings to your liking. You cannot force spiritual things. Such words as compel, coerce, constrain, pressure, demand, do not describe our privileges with the Spirit. You can no more force the Spirit to respond than you can force a bean to sprout, or an egg to hatch before it’s time. You can create a climate to foster growth, nourish, and protect; but you cannot force or compel: you must await the growth. Do not be impatient to gain great spiritual knowledge. Let it grow, help it grow, but do not force it or you will open the way to be misled." Maybe some questions can seem easy to respond, but I am learning that, even those questions, we can know for ourselves, but in the time that the Lord allows us to receive.