Third Hour

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Everything posted by Third Hour

  1. From the announcement of two-hour church, to the addition of twelve new temples, to the firm emphasis on no longer being known as "Mormons" but instead, "members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," this October's general conference was full of surprises. Here are fifteen of the best Twitter posts about this weekend! 1. Catching this gem of a man in the choir: 2. President Nelson was not kidding about the name change! 3. President Eyring is the coolest. 4. Great way to support the new name change. 5. I need to get me one of these! 6. Let's build ALL the temples! 7. I'm not sure this was exactly what President Nelson had in mind... 8. Elder Bednar's graphics were pretty impressive. 9. Not gonna lie, Elder Gay's talk was pretty powerful. 10. We love our German Shepherd! 11. Can't wait for two-hour church! 12. A great reminder that all of these powerful men are called of God. 13. Gotta love general conference snack foods! 14. God truly leads this church. 15. Not gonna lie, those were some pretty sweet glasses! 16. What we will be... View the full article
  2. Well, if there was any doubt before, General Conference pounded it into dust. President Nelson is dead serious about using Christ's name when referring to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members. He called the name of the Church "nonnegotiable," and promised blessings which he re-emphasized on social media: Many Latter-day Saints were more than confused by the initial name-correction announcement from a month or two ago, especially in the wake of the Church-wide "I'm a Mormon" campaign. Some members even scoffed at the admonition. Some will continue to do so. But to those who may still have questions about the importance of this "course correction," I leave these scriptural examples for you to ponder: The longest three hours of the brother of Jared's life You remember the story of Jared and his brother. They lived during the era of the Tower of Babel. They prayed to retain their own language as "the Lord confounded the language" of others. The pre-mortal Christ led their party through the wilderness... View the full article
  3. I've always been a firm believer in the power of prayer — but I've also always been a distracted pray-er. (Prayer-sayer? Thanks for being so confusing, English language...) I start off with good intentions, I really do. I usually begin by thanking God for my family and then somehow 30 seconds later, I'm wondering if mimes have to go to college. (Only kind of joking... And that is a genuine question I have.) I honestly don't know how my mind wanders so much, but I don't think becoming distracted during prayers is uncommon. In order to make my prayers more meaningful (and less distracted), I did some research on strategies to make prayer a more sincere and spiritual experience — and I hope it helps you, too. Say Your Prayers Aloud I don't think it's any coincidence that the First Vision was the result of a vocal prayer. Joseph had a serious question and he wanted a serious answer — and prayers said aloud, in my experience, tend to be more contemplative... View the full article
  4. Families are important in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One of the most important ordinances performed in the Church is the temple sealing, where families can be sealed for time and all eternity. This means that marriages and families have the opportunity to remain intact even after death. Because of this belief, Latter-day Saints rank high in marriage rates. But the anxiety to find "the one" can sometimes seem overwhelming to those of a marriageable age. But, is there such a thing as "the one?" Is there someone out there who is your soul mate whom you were foreordained to marry? These are the questions I hope to answer. Do "Soul Mates" Exist? The short answer is no—and yes. I know that doesn’t make sense, but let me explain. President Spencer W. Kimball said the following on soul mates: “Soul mates” are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek with all diligence and prayerfulness to find a mate with whom life can be... View the full article
  5. How much fun was it to witness the announcement of 12 new temples for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—the greatest number of new temples ever announced at once? In addition to announcing the remodeling of the Salt Lake Temple and other "pioneer temples," new temples were announced for the following locations: Mendoza, Argentina Salvador, Brazil Yuba City, California Phnom Penh, Cambodia Praia, Cape Verde Yigo, Guam Puebla, Mexico Auckland, New Zealand Lagos, Nigeria Davao, Philippines San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington County, Utah The news brings the total number of Latter-day Saint temples operating, announced or under construction to 201. This comes exactly 18 years to the week since the Church completed its 100th temple. Read more at MormonNewsroom about each location. Watch and share the fun video below: View the full article
  6. Sometimes forgiveness can be a challenge, especially since we tend to justify holding on to our hurt feelings and grudges. However, the Lord has told us that we are required to forgive. There is no gray area. Forgiveness provides a sense of relief and freedom that we otherwise would not be able to experience. Here are seven quotes that will help you to recognize the need to forgive. "We must recognize that we are all imperfect—that we are beggars before God. Haven’t we all, at one time or another, meekly approached the mercy seat and pleaded for grace? Haven’t we wished with all the energy of our souls for mercy—to be forgiven for the mistakes we have made and the sins we have committed? Because we all depend on the mercy of God, how can we deny to others any measure of the grace we so desperately desire for ourselves? My beloved brothers and sisters, should we not forgive as we wish to be forgiven?" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Merciful... View the full article
  7. You probably have your own family traditions when it comes General Conference weekend. Here's a smattering of photos showing what other Latter-day Saints do to participate in this inspirational two-day event: Some People Take Notes... And Then Some People REALLY Take Notes! Crafting, Crafting, and More Crafting Conference Art is EXTRA Inspired Conference Meme-Making Mania Like Latter-day Saints Can Do Anything Without Refreshments A Million Clever Ways to Help Kids Pass the Time Where Did You Say You Watched Conference?! Last, But Not Least, It's the Most Peaceful Nap You Will Ever Take View the full article
  8. Prophet Russell M. Nelson opened the Fall 2018 General Conference with a bang by announcing the full transition to a family-centered, church-supported method of teaching and living the gospel and changing the structure of Sunday meetings to fit the new guidelines. Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained the new program. “The Sunday meeting schedule will be adjusted in the following ways, beginning in January 2019,” Elder Cook said. “The Sunday Church meetings will consist of a 60-minute sacrament meeting each Sunday, focused on the Savior, the ordinance of the sacrament, and spiritual messages. After time for transition to classes, Church members will attend a 50-minute class that will alternate each Sunday. Sunday School will be held on the first and third Sundays. Priesthood quorums, Relief Society, and Young Women meetings will be held on the second and fourth Sundays. Meetings on the fifth Sunday will be under the direction of the bishop. Primary will be held each week during this same 50-minute period and... View the full article
  9. To paraphrase Jane Austen, it is a truth universally acknowledged that we each have a spirit Pokemon. (That would be a great start to a Pride & Prejudice/Pokemon mashup — Pride & Pokemon. Why has no one done this?!) In any case, even our beloved prophet and apostles have an inner Pokemon — and we've figured out exactly which ones. Before you go any further, please know that this post is in no way an attempt to diminish the sacredness and seriousness of our First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve's callings. They are exemplary men who deserve our utmost respect and love, and this list of Pokemon is entirely based on personality traits and characteristics. I'd like to think if they ever read this, they would laugh while simultaneously inwardly being like, "Yeah, I'm totes Pikachu," or whatever. (Although in all fairness, they probably wouldn't use the word "totes," as all of them are 60+ years old...) In any case, this is a light-hearted, fun post meant to examine... View the full article
  10. Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints serve as important symbols for the worldwide Church. Many temples sit on hilltops and mountains, overlooking the valleys they serve and providing beacons of light and faith to millions of Latter-day Saints. Every day, Latter-day Saints gather in to worship Christ and serve both the living and the dead. Latter-day Saints treat the ordinances performed inside the temple as sacred rather than secret, as these ordinances are among the highest and most important performed within the Church. That said, there are many things about LDS temples that you might not have known. Here is my completely subjective list of the 11 most interesting things about LDS temples. 11. You Don't Need a Temple Recommend to Go Inside That's right, I said it. A temple recommend is not required to go inside—that is, up to a certain point. You do need a temple recommend to get past the front desk and enjoy all the blessings of the temple, but every temple has a... View the full article
  11. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is now 171 years old. That's long enough for its name to become a household word world-wide. Now, the choir is getting a name change. It will now be called "The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square." The new name goes well with that of the Orchestra at Temple Square. The new name is the most tangible and significant change made yet to comply with President Nelson's August announcement that the church will drop the nicknames "Mormon" and "LDS" in most uses and employ either the full name of the church or the phrases the Church of Jesus Christ, restored Church of Jesus Christ or Latter-day Saints (Deseret News). Although members of the Church should be able to make the adjustment quickly (except that now MoTab won't work as a nickname), it might take the general public quite a bit longer. Rebranding the choir outside the Church could take years. The process will look messy. For instance, the Church and choir will retain ownership of the classic name. The Christmas... View the full article
  12. As an English major, I have been exposed to all kinds of poetry. Some poems I have read are absolutely beautiful, yet some just leave me feeling downright confused with a capital "C." But one of my favorite things to do is include a poem in my church talk or Sunday School lesson—not only can it help promote a thought-provoking discussion, but it also takes up around five minutes depending on the length of the poem. I mean...what? I'm not stalling... "After All We Can Do" by Robbie Pierce Missionary work, the Atonement, trials—take your pick. This poem can be applied to many different parts of the gospel. "So do not lose faith; there is reason to hope: Just climb up your ladder; he’ll throw down his rope." "The Soul's Captain" by Orson F. Whitney This poem was written as a reply to William Ernest Henley's poem "Invictus." Whitney contradicts Henley's words and emphasizes the important role that the Savior plays in our lives. "Men are as bubbles on the wave, As leaves upon the tree, Thou, captain... View the full article
  13. There are many who struggle with physical and emotional challenges. For many young adults, these challenges play a significant role in determining whether or not they will be able to serve a mission. Lizzy Kartchner. Photo courtesy of KUTV. A recent KUTV article shares the story of Lizzy Kartchner. Kartchner struggled with the decision to serve a mission because of certain mental health issues she was experiencing. Despite her strong desire to serve, she was taking medication for anxiety, and the idea that she would be away from home for so long was troubling to her. In spite of her health issues, the Church gave Kartchner another option. This option is a "two-transfer mission." These "two-transfer missions" allow missionaries to serve for three months, come home for some training, and then the missionary has the option to serve for the remainder of their call if they so desire. This is what Lizzy has chosen to do. The amazing thing about this process is that whether the missionary just serves for the three months, or whether they... View the full article
  14. Ever since I was a kid and learned about the three Nephites who asked Jesus Christ to grant them immortality so they could preach until the Lord's Second Coming, I've been intrigued — and I love any story that involves them. So naturally, when I read this story about David Whitmer's field being plowed on its own, I fangirled HARD. While part of the story is contained in the first volume of Saints, Joseph Smith's mother, Lucy Mack Smith, gives us some additional background about the miracle. And while it never explicitly says that it's the three Nephites who did this (or implies it... or mentions them at all...😅) it never DOESN'T say it's them either. And c'mon. It's gotta be. In fact,'s Revelations in Context series even tells part of this story under the title "The Experience of the Three Witnesses," so rest assured that I'm not just jumping to crazy conclusions over here. "I Saw . . . Three Men at Work in the Field" So basically the story... View the full article
  15. The LDS Church has had its fair share of United States politicians over the years. From Ezra Taft Benson as Secretary of Agriculture to longtime Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, members of the Church have been involved in various government roles. But did you know that two, that's right, two LDS women have been U.S. Secretary of Treasury? Ivy Baker Priest—U.S. Treasurer Under Dwight D. Eisenhower via The first Latter-day Saint woman (and second woman, period) to take on this title was Ivy Baker Priest, a Utah native who had two unsuccessful bids for Congress. She didn't let that get her down, however, and stayed active in politics. During Dwight D. Eisenhower's campaign for president, the Republican National Committee brought on Baker Priest as coordinator of the women's vote. Many credited her efforts with the great success in women turning out to vote for Eisenhower, which resulted in his winning the election. Eisenhower apparently recognized her efforts and he indicated she would be his Secretary of Treasury even before he was officially sworn into... View the full article
  16. The most wonderful time of the year has finally arrived! (And no, I am not talking about Christmas.) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be holding their 188th Semiannual General Conference from Saturday, October 6th, to Sunday, October 7th. Here are a few things you should know: Security The Church has implemented a few changes in order to increase safety at this next general conference. These are the changes listed at Mormon Newsroom: The Conference Center will be closed to the public beginning Monday prior to general conference weekend. Water bottles must be clear. Metal containers are not allowed inside the Conference Center. Attendees can bring small bags and umbrellas with them inside the building. Large bags are not allowed. Any personal items such as large purses, backpacks, shopping bags, suitcases and food items will no longer be stored on Church property. North Temple will be closed between West Temple and Main Street two hours before each session, allowing pedestrians to cross the street in crosswalks and other designated... View the full article
  17. General Conference is coming up this weekend, and the cup of rumors about the "big announcement" definitely runneth over. Maybe it's a two-hour block, maybe singles wards are getting the ax, maybe China is opening up to missionary work, the speculation goes on and on (and it sure is fun). I don't know exactly what's going to happen at General Conference, but I do have a general theory I'm going to run by you. Share your thoughts on it in the comments section, because I'd love to hear 'em. Here we go: A note on becoming (and then my prediction) We Latter-day Saints often get caught up in the "doing" of the gospel. We do our home teaching (well, we used to), we pay tithing, we go to church, and we hold the meetings we have to hold. But these "commandments," like all commandments, are much more than checks on a list. They're not just there to instill guilt when we fall short, and our motivation for obeying them should... View the full article
  18. It's fall — and that means your days are going to be full of leaf-crunching, finally pulling out those cozy sweaters you've been staring at wistfully all summer long, and most importantly, PUMPKIN EVERYTHING. Unless you're not into pumpkin, which is fine too — more for me. *wipes drool off chin* In any case, these dessert recipes are sure to be a hit at your next Family Home Evening no matter what fall flavors you're into. Enjoy! Sea Salt Butterscotch Cookies via Cookies and Cups Okay, my mouth is literally watering just looking at this picture. These cookies are the perfect mixture of sweet and salty: sea salt and pretzels + chocolate and butterscotch chips. You need to make these ASAP and also, invite me over. Thanks. Get the recipe here. Caramel Apple Dump Cake via The Novice Chef I'm OBSESSED with dump cakes, despite their gross sounding name. (I'll never forget the first time I told my dad I made a peach dump cake: "You made a peach WHAT cake??") They are so easy and tasty... View the full article
  19. Early today, October 1, 2018, Barbara Bowen Ballard passed away peacefully at home in Salt Lake City at the age of 86. Sister Ballard, wife of Elder Russell M. Ballard, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, had faced many health issues prior to her passing. Mormon Newsroom reports that she suffered from Alzheimer’s "with her characteristic grace and sense of humor." Sister Ballard, born in Salt Lake City in 1932, was three years her husband's junior. She and Elder Ballard met at the University of Utah, where she was studying English, and the two married in the Salt Lake City temple in 1951. Elder Ballard said of his courtship with Sister Ballard, "I met her at the University of Utah ‘Hello Day Dance.’ A friend of mine thought I ought to meet her, so he tagged in to dance with her, danced over to where I was, introduced me, and I danced with her thirty seconds before I was tagged out. That was the beginning of a courtship... View the full article
  20. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints come from many different backgrounds, but they believe that all mankind share something in common: every one of us is a child of God. So, what does it mean to be a child of God, and why is that important? Well, here are some reasons I believe it's important for you to know you're a child of God. 1. It'll Increase Your Self-Worth In the Book of Moses, Moses is transfigured so that he can talk face to face with God. During this discourse, God claims Moses as his own son several times (see Moses 1:4-7). Then, hours after God withdraws himself, Satan comes to Moses and immediately downplays his divine heritage, calling Moses "son of man" (Moses 1:12). But Moses's reply is powerful. He says, "Who art thou? For behold, I am a son of God" (Moses 1:13). Because Moses remembered who he is—a literal spirit child of God—he was able to overcome the temptations of Satan. Satan often tries... View the full article
  21. Opinion Full disclosure here: I’m a lawyer, and I have threatened to sue a bishop over his communications with a young lady. I also, for the record, have threatened to knock one out. And I still feel pretty good about both of those decisions. That said, I do not believe that we have such a crisis of moral authority among or bishops and stake presidents that they should not be able to ask a young man or woman, “Do you live the law of chastity?” Youth interviews are something that the Church does that is different from other churches and may be difficult to understand by people not raised in spiritual environments where accountability and worthiness are not just talked about, but talked about face-to-face. And while some may protest the practice entirely, I think that the Church is doing its best to address legitimate concerns while maintaining a key aspect of our faith: The worthiness interview. Some quick thoughts for which I am likely to suffer the pains of internet... View the full article
  22. 1. The kid that shouts in the mic and comes THIS close to bursting your eardrums 2. The kid who's too shy to go up to the mic 3. The kid who's so tired that she just CAN'T EVEN 4. The kid who goes off script and the parents look around like "That ain't my kid" 5. The kid who knows that primary program = DANCE PARTY 6. The kid that's about to graduate primary and knows he's too old to be up there doing stuff like this 7. The kid who just wants his mom 8. The kid who just REALLY needs to go to the bathroom 9. The kid who memorizes his line and nails it 10. The kid who waves at his parents the entire program 11. The kid who's had enough of the boy next to her's nonsense 12. The kid who thinks no one notices he's picking his nose 13. The kid who's staring at you and ain't got no shame Happy primary program, y'all! It's the most wonderful time of the yeaaaaar! View the full article
  23. In May of 2018, a PBS Parents article emphasized the importance of reading aloud to your children. Not only does reading aloud have cognitive benefits, but it also helps them to develop socially and emotionally. But do you ever struggle to find children's books that teach appropriate morals and values? Here are a few short picture books that contain messages that you can easily connect to the gospel. GRATITUDE "Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?" by Dr. Seuss D&C 78:19 "And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." You can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss. In this book, a wise old man explains to a young boy that we often complain about our current condition, when in reality, we should be thankful for the blessings we enjoy (big or small). HAPPINESS "The Jar of Happiness" by Ailsa Burrows 2 Nephi 2:25 "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." Is happiness something that... View the full article
  24. We live in a time period where depression, substance abuse, and pre-marital sex have become commonplace for teens. Parents and leaders of youth are quick to tout the many benefits of attending church and maintaining religious habits like prayer and scripture study as a way to combat unhappiness and temptation. Now there is scientific proof to support these teachings. A newly published study in the American Journal of Epidemiology shows that religious teens tend to avoid many of the pitfalls of adolescence. After analyzing data collected from the responses of over 5,000 young people, the researchers compiled the following statistics: via Those who attended religious services regularly were: 12% less likely to have high depressive symptoms 33% less likely to use illicit drugs 18% more likely to report high levels of happiness 87% more likely to have high levels of forgiveness via LDS Living Those who prayed or meditated frequently were: 30% less likely to start having sex at a young age 40% less likely to subsequently have a sexually transmitted infection 38% more likely to volunteer in their... View the full article
  25. When the Church announced its break with the Boy Scouts of America, many people were shocked — only to be further surprised when they announced all existing youth activity was subject to change. While the new youth initiative announced in May was vague, Mormon Newsroom released a statement on Friday regarding the 2020 change in youth activities. The statement, quoting the "Children and Youth Development" page (which hosts a thorough FAQ section), explains that "camps and other outdoor activities will be an important part of gospel learning, building relationships, and strengthening faith in Jesus Christ. Children and youth may participate in Primary day camps, Young Women camps, Young Men camps, and high adventure activities. … Activities will be based on needs rather than requirements.” Regarding other activities, affirms, "Weekday activities, outdoor adventures, and youth conferences will continue as a vital part of helping children and youth learn, develop friendships, serve, and strengthen faith in Jesus Christ." In addition to this statement, the Church released a short video about the new initiative entitled "A... View the full article