Third Hour

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  1. Today's topic: Bite-sized Bible blips. There's a TON to learn about the Bible, its history, its story, its impact, and its quirks. Here's a hodge-podgy list of just 11 awesome tidbits. A few are just fun facts, while some are more lengthy, informational, and even quite important to know. 1. Three wise men? You know the story. Three fancy-looking guys ride up on camels and present the baby Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Well, nowhere in the Bible does it say just how many wise men showed up. It could have been two. It could have been twenty. Who knows! Also, Jesus wasn't a baby by the time they arrived. 2. The books of the Bible are organized by style, not chronology Because the Bible begins with Genesis, an account of the creation and dawn of mankind, we often assume what follows throughout the Bible is chronologically sound. It's not, nor was it meant to be. I mean, speaking generally of the Old/New Testaments, the Old comes chronologically before... View the full article
  2. I can see it now. It is that special day of the week, and you have been sitting around twiddling your thumbs for the past hour. Then the time finally arrives. You run to your computer and excitedly refresh your inbox. Boom. An email from your missionary! You scream with excitement and do a happy dance around the room. Okay, okay. Maybe your reaction isn't as extreme as this (although I am about 92.99999% sure that this is what my mom did when she received my first email home). You shouldn't be ashamed of the fact that you love to hear from your missionary. But what we sometimes forget is that our missionaries love to hear from us too. Sure, we write. But to be honest, I have received some emails from home that looked more like college essays than actual emails! So what do your missionaries really want to receive in their emails from you? Pictures Getting a picture of your missionary is the best gift in the world. You carefully scrutinize every... View the full article
  3. Shame can be a very hard thing to deal with in the Church. Those struggling with pornography, sex addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction, and many other sins are especially prone to feel shame, but others can feel shame as well. When we feel shame, we want to hide our mistakes. Feeling shame can lead to depression and self-hate. Shame is always unhealthy and never leads to sincere repentance. Guilt, on the other hand, can be a good thing if it leads us to repent. Brené Brown believes "the difference between shame and guilt is best understood as the difference between ‘I am bad’ and ‘I did something bad.’ Guilt = I did something bad. Shame = I am bad” (Daring Greatly 71). We want members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to avoid shame. Here are 5 tips you can do to try to combat shame in the Church. 1. Stop the gossip Talking about other people never helps. When it comes to shame, gossip can be extremely hurtful. Several years ago, I... View the full article
  4. Eric D. Huntsman, a BYU professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, gave a devotional in August 2018 entitled "Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as Faith." This address noted the importance of being respectful and loving towards all of God's children—no matter their circumstances. We live in a time where challenges are inevitable. Professor Huntsman explained that Christ had many disciples who exclaimed: "This is an hard saying," and because they believed those things Christ taught were too difficult to understand, there were many who "walked no more with him" (John 6:60, 66). These "hard sayings" can include anything from church policies on gender disparities and race to purely spiritual disconnects—the pain of losing a loved one or enduring poor physical, mental, and emotional health. "These are challenges that do not go away easily. Rather, often they are struggles that we must deal with throughout our lives. While ideally we would all, with Peter, simply respond with seemingly immediate faith, the reality is as Moroni... View the full article
  5. 1. When you're barely holding it together at a stake dance... 2. Utah County drivers, amirite? 3. Probs why dragonfruit is so pretty but tastes like DIRT 4. When you gotta play ball but you also fancy 5. That EFY crush of the week drama got me like 😱 6. Micheal Scott is my spirit animal 7. That turtleneck is probably hiding rage veins TBH 8. When you gotta know if your date is progressing or needs to be dropped 9. Font vibes. #accurate 10. When you're ready to shout "Amen" but not in a good way 11. When that boy be lookin' like a snack 12. BRB drowning my sorrows in ice cream 13. Alternate caption: "Me being pushed out of heaven and through the veil" 14. We doin' WHAT now?! 15. When you know that God knows that you know but you don't wanna know 16. Watch me disappear when you ask for a prayer volunteer: a magic trick 17. "I want someone to like me" "I like you" "Ew, not you" 18. Just being realistic about the future... 19. When you need a quick... View the full article
  6. I'm pretty sure my tombstone will one day read something along the lines of "Amy Keim: Beloved wife, daughter, sister — although TBH she annoyed everyone in the car with her excessive singing and dancing." They'll probably need to shorten that, but whatever. In any case, when I can sense that my husband isn't appreciating my one woman show in the car, I always turn to my old trusty friends: podcasts. Podcasts are basically a treasure trove of information on any given topic. Interested in news and recent events? There are about a billion podcasts for that. Want to listen to a game show? There's podcasts for that, too. And if you want to find a podcast that increases your faith and leaves you with new insights and knowledge about Church doctrine, history, and/or culture? Turns out, there's a bunch of (awesome) podcasts for that. That's why we've decided to create a comprehensive list of some of the best Latter-day Saint podcasts available. I can only imagine that you're crying tears of relief... View the full article
  7. Question: If each book of The Book of Mormon were assigned a theme song, what would those songs be? This article attempts to explore the answer to that question. I've scoured the internet and think I've found some pretty good songs that have been pretty big hits over the years. Of course, not every song is going to fit exactly, but use a little imagination and you'll see the parallels. Now would be a good time to turn your volume on. 1 Nephi Book summary: An account of Lehi and his wife Sariah, and his four sons, being called, (beginning at the eldest) Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. The Lord warns Lehi to depart out of the land of Jerusalem, because he prophesieth unto the people concerning their iniquity and they seek to destroy his life. He taketh three days’ journey into the wilderness with his family. Nephi taketh his brethren and returneth to the land of Jerusalem after the record of the Jews. The account of their sufferings. They take the... View the full article
  8. Wedding photos can be somewhat challenging as various friends and family members are corralled around the bride and groom to create the perfect shot. But we hopped on Instagram to find some cute (and even hilarious) photos that prove love conquers all. Classic Car Kiss This couple is headed for eternity in a perfectly-styled shot. On the Run Hurry—let's go get this deal sealed! Dance Fever Who says Mormons can't boogie?! The Dip This brave couple poses for a traditional shot on the edge of the fountain at the Ogden, UT Temple. Let Your Light So Shine A sun-"kissed" moment at the right time and right place. In Our Own Little Corner A different angle on a traditional photo at the SLC Temple creates a spectacular shot. Would You Like Fries and a Drink With that Ring? Well, somebody REALLY likes Chick-Fil-A! Reflection Pool Reverie It's all about perspective. #notautahwedding A gorgeous canopy of palms overshadows this bride and groom at the Gilbert, AZ Temple. Super. Duper. Excited. Groom. Most guys probably feel this way on their wedding day. Some just make it more apparent on the outside. Girls... View the full article
  9. Honor. It's a concept we often relate to the military. As in code of honor or medal of honor. It's a concept we might connect to the Ten Commandments. As in "Honor your father and your mother." It's also a concept that could totally change the way we share the gospel with others. As we enter into conversations about religion, it is imperative that we do so with a mindset of honor towards the person with whom we are talking. Honor allows us to come from a place of love and compassion. When we have a discussion in this type of setting, it is much easier for the Holy Ghost to be present and do the real teaching. via Pixabay Here are three ways we can honor our friends and family as we share the gospel with them: 1. We can honor their status as a child of God. After all, we are all brothers and sisters with the seed of divinity within us. Joseph Smith once said, "“While one portion of the human race is judging... View the full article
  10. Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have resolved that there is a need for the Utah Legislature to legalize medical marijuana by the year's end. Despite the fact that Church leaders have urged Utahns to vote against Proposition 2 on November 6th, they have also recognized the need for something to be done regarding the use of medical marijuana. Church leaders understand the urgency that this decision requires, and are hoping to have a reasonable solution by the end of the year. Several government officials have voiced their opposition to Proposition 2, but worry that nothing will be done if they vote against it. Brian King, a Utah House Minority Leader, stated: "Proposition 2 is flawed, in some ways very flawed," he said, "but I'm voting for it because if we vote it down, I think the likelihood that the state Legislature will come back and put in place meaningful medical marijuana is slim and none." Elder Jack N. Gerard, executive director of the Church's public affairs department, mentions that Church... View the full article
  11. Imposter Syndrome. You might have heard this phrase thrown around in a Ted Talk or two. Or even read about it in a recent Time Magazine article. It's a term that has become all the rage in the world of psychology. Identified over 40 years ago by two researchers, Imposter Syndrome is something we have all experienced in one way or another. Put in more basic terms, this condition is a severe case of insecurity and self-doubt. No amount of recalling achievements or accolades can bolster us when the symptoms of Imposter Syndrome hit because suddenly none of that matters. We are simply deathly afraid that we will be "found out" as a fraud. That someone will notice our perceived abilities are simply a cover-up for an extremely unskilled and clueless person. via Pixabay Typically, psychologists have referred to Imposter Syndrome as it applies to the business world. But most of us have also seen this syndrome rear its ugly head in a church setting. This could be identified as Spiritual Imposter Syndrome. And it affects more members... View the full article
  12. I'm going to let you in on a little (embarrassing) secret: I've never been very happy with the way I look. I think I always assumed that once I got married, I'd be all confident and my self image would be fantastic because I'd finally found someone who thought I was attractive enough to look at for eternity. Spoiler alert: getting married did not resolve all of my insecurities. Like, at all. Turns out, that change has to come from within or something. Ugh. Stupid. John Bytheway's "A Crash Course in Teenage Survival" As a kid, I remember reading a book one of my older siblings owned: A Crash Course in Teenage Survival by John Bytheway. I don't remember much, but there's one thing that always stuck with me — John Bytheway's commentary on our sources of confidence. He talked about placing our confidence in the wrong place: our social status, our boyfriends/girlfriends, our intellect, etc. (And don't quote me on this, because I was like, 10...) Basically, the point Brother Bytheway made was that... View the full article
  13. With the recent start of a new school year for many students, as well as the Church's emphasis on learning at home, education is a hot topic. As Latter-day Saints, we know that learning, both secular and spiritual, is essential for our progression. This truth is reflected in Section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants, "And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come." Whether you are struggling with a child who doesn't see the point in doing homework, trying to start up regular family scripture study, or contemplating going back to college, we hope the wisdom found in these talks provides some inspiration. 1. Seek Learning: You Have a Work to Do—Mary N. Cook via "Be a good student. Arise and shine forth in your schools with hard work, honesty, and integrity. If you are struggling or discouraged with your performance in school, seek help from your parents, teachers, and helpful Church members. Never... View the full article
  14. There's a lot of practical advice I wish I'd been given before going on my mission: 1. Most moments are mundane — tracting, trying to find people to teach, contacting referrals who aren't home, etc. — but the miracles you see and the people you grow to love make every moment worth it. 2. PLANNING IS KING. Plan backups on backups on backups. 3. You're going to meet a lot of really, really stinky dogs — and you're going to have to pretend that they smell great even though deep inside, you're wondering if you can sneak some dry shampoo into your next lesson. Maybe more than anything, though, I wish someone had told me to bring these random (but super useful) items with me on my mission. Tide to Go Sticks Black matches with everything — except for that big ol' mustard stain. Luckily, when you drop a greasy pepperoni on your white skirt or spill grape juice on your tie, Tide to Go sticks have got your back. Seriously, I can't tell... View the full article
  15. No doubt you have heard about the big changes that will be taking place among the Studio C cast. The original cast members decided to broaden their horizons and participate in a new comedy project, but have been very closemouthed about what this new project will entail. Well the wait is finally over! The original Studio C cast members just announced that they will now be a part of JK! Studios, which is set to launch in January 2019. This new network will include sketch comedy, sitcoms, podcasts, and more. Original 'Studio C' cast members will now be a part of JK! Studios. In addition to creating this new network for our entertainment, JK! Studios will also utilize a Patreon account. This account will allow fans to help fund this new project, as well as gain access to behind-the-scenes content, merchandise, and video chats with the cast. Although this is a big change for the original Studio C cast members, they wanted to reassure fans that they will continue to produce the same family-friendly... View the full article
  16. I come from a bit of a broadcast journalism background, so I oftentimes look at events from the perspective of a news reporter. That perspective, combined with a fascination with the scriptures, got me to thinking: If TV news were a thing in ancient times, what might some of their reports look like? The following 10 images, along with some scriptures to give context, are the result of that train of thought. 1. The she-bears 2 Kings 2:23-25, And he went up from thence unto Beth-el: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria. 2. ¿Donde esta la biblioteca? Genesis 11: 4, 8-9, And they said,... View the full article
  17. Set to release in the spring or summer of 2019, "The Sound of Freedom" tells the story of Timothy Ballard. Ballard is the founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.). Ballard and his wife spent years turning down movie offers from various Hollywood studios, determined to wait until the right offer came along. In 2015, after viewing a screening of "Little Boy," director Alejandro Monteverde told the Ballards he would like to tell the story of O.U.R. The Ballards finally accepted. As far as casting goes, despite their very different appearances, Ballard told the filmmakers that Jim Caviezel was the best man to portray him in this film. "There was something special about Jim when I watched him in the 'Count of Monte Cristo.' There was a light, to me, that came out of him," Ballard said. "It was important to us that whoever played this role had to be someone that willfully did it with God and knew that that light has to come out because we don’t want... View the full article
  18. "The purposes of our God are great, His love unfathomable, His wisdom infinite, and His power unlimited; therefore, the Saints have cause to rejoice and be glad." -Joseph Smith "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee." Jeremiah 31:3 via Pixabay "Your Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there." -Thomas S. Monson "God's love is unchangeable. He knows exactly what we are and loves us anyway." -Billy Graham via Pixabay "Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely." -Dieter... View the full article
  19. Every once in a while, I come across a scripture that for the life of me, I just genuinely cannot understand. I read it, re-read it, look at all of the footnotes, squint really hard, and eventually turn my scriptures upside down or use a black light to see if there's some secret message hidden in there. (For whatever reason, those last ones have never worked for me...) Oddly enough, sometimes things that were written thousands of years ago are hard to understand. Although in all fairness, I have a hard time understanding some books from the early twentieth century. (I'm looking at you, William Faulkner!) Thankfully, there are tons of study aids that can guide and enhance our scripture study — and we're excited to share some of our favorites with you! Manuals for Days In my experience, some of the best scripture study resources can be found right in the Gospel Library app or on, particularly in the manuals section. For instance, right now I'm reading the New Testament... View the full article
  20. It won't be too many Gospel Doctrine classes into the future that we are into Isaiah again, and you well-remember what torture it was the last time you tried it. I have to admit that Isaiah is not a huge problem for me for 3 reasons: I'm Jewish and think like a Jewish person. I'm a well-trained poet (who's had writer's block for some years now). I lived in Israel for 8 years and know some Hebrew. So that's all you have to do to understand Isaiah. If these three things seem unattainable, then listen to this podcast in which Laura Harris Hales discusses tips for understanding Old Testament Isaiah with Joseph M. Spencer, author of The Vision of All: Twenty-five Lectures on Isaiah in Nephi’s Record. It's because Nephi chose to include some Isaiah chapters in the Book of Mormon that Isaiah holds special importance for Latter-day Saints. Never mind that the Savior Himself spoke often of the necessity to read and understand Isaiah. Spencer suggests four strategies for a serious study of... View the full article
  21. If you haven't heard of the new movie from Excel Entertainment called Jane and Emma, you're going to want to watch the trailer below. It's a new film slated to be released on October 12, 2018, that tells the story of the relationship between Jane Manning James and Emma Smith. The bad news is that it will only be available in select theaters. The good news is that it's already garnering some fascinating media attention. Jane and Emma synopsis In case this is the first time you're hearing about this movie, here's a quick synopsis from the film's website, Two women. One white. The other black. Society mandated they be enemies. The gospel of Jesus Christ required they be friends. On the eve of the death of Joseph Smith, his widow, Emma, is on the brink of destruction. In order to stand with her friend in her darkest hour, one woman, Jane Manning, will need to hear the voice of God once more. Can she hear His voice again? And if so,... View the full article
  22. Charity Anderson and Andres Penate are both Latter-day Saint dancers from Springville, Utah, who have been dancing their way up the ladder on NBC's World of Dance. For a little history on how they've done this season, check out this article. This week they've been making headlines because the duo chose to perform despite Anderson's recently broken toe. See the performance below to Halsey's hit song, Castle: What the judges said Ne-Yo "With everything that just happened on this stage, your toe—are you in any pain right now? I gotta be honest, that honestly—not that it needed it—but that makes what just happened that much better for me." Misty Copeland (Guest judge) "Women are the strongest beings on this planet and then you add being a dancer on top of it and you're not going to see the pain on your face. But what I have to say is that, um, so much of our balance and our groundedness and our strength comes from our feet. So the fact that you were still able to... View the full article
  23. Have you ever seen a president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints address a congregation in Spanish? That's because it hasn't happened before, until now. In happened on September first, in Santo Domingo, with more than 1,600 people in attendance. The following video was produced by the Dominican Republic's regional Mormon Newsroom as a summary of President Nelson's visit, accompanied by Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The majority of the video is in Spanish, but includes some English interviews with both President Nelson and Elder Renlund. Check it out: President Nelson is able to speak in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, French, and of course, English. View the full article
  24. Church history is my JAM. There's few things in life I love more than a riveting Church history story — but unfortunately, Church history gets a lot of flack. Yes, people made mistakes. Yes, leaders were imperfect. And yes, I thought "garish day" was "garbage day" in "Lead Kindly Light" for way too long. Not related to Church history, but I just really needed to get that off my chest. But even though there are stories about imperfect people making mistakes, there are also stories about imperfect people doing incredible things — receiving revelations, seeing angels, and exercising incredible faith in the midst of persecution. And those are the stories I want to share with you. This story, which took place in 1833, will be the first of many in a series of little-known Church history vignettes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. The Night the Stars Fell from Heaven Philo Dibble, an early member of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, recorded a miraculous event in the form of... View the full article
  25. Opening a mission call with the extended family gathered around taking pictures has been a tradition in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for a very long time. Technology enabled us to video the entire process and then to share it on social media. Now technology could partially do away with the whole experience. On Sept. 5, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that it is rolling out a new initiative in which missionary candidates receive their assignments online instead of in the mail. This process has been tested in various parts of the world for the past several months and will now be expanded to all of Utah and Idaho. By the end of 2018, it is anticipated that nearly all missionaries around the world with reliable internet access will receive their calls online to serve in one of the Church’s 407 missions in more than 150 countries. Through the process, almost all mission calls would be delivered through a secured website after the prospective... View the full article