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  1. Jenda, Is 2 Nephi 5:21 a part of the RLDS version of the Book of Mormon? If so, how do you deal with that? I had to hunt a bit to find that verse that I had remembered seeing. Hope my question doesn't offend. And I realize it is a question especially for the LDS since their version does include it. Speaking of pre-life. That's another topic I'd like to explore, but will put it on the back burner for a while. Peace, AEY
  2. Jenda,You rascal, you. I caught that. AEY
  3. Snow Very interesting (and nice dancing shoes B) ). Who is the most senior member of the group of the apostles? AEY
  4. So would Monson take Hinckley's place. How do they choose a replacement?AEY
  5. This thread is very disturbing to me. Jenda, as a restorationist (I think that is the right term), does your group teach that blacks are cursed? I think the LDS changed this much later than 1860 (when the RLDS was formed). So did your group: [1] Change it too? If so, when and how. [2] Never hold it? If so isn't it in the Book of Mormon somewhere. [3] Still hold it? If so, I am disinclined to explore the RLDS further. I am confused, can you please help? AEY
  6. Who is in line to be the next President when Mr. Hinckley passes away? He's pretty elderly too, isn't he?AEY
  7. Maybe sometime Brigham Young will get his side of the story out. BYR, I understand your point. However, I have read a number of passages where he discusses his wives in less than flattering terms. In one passage he basically tells them to shape up or get out. Did he not brag about his virility and ability to attract young girls? These comments are really troubling coming from a man I am considering as a godly prophet. I hope you don't take this wrong or get offended. I just really struggle with this episode in the LDS side of the ledger. I am hoping that the RLDS presents a better track record. BTW, I have issues with RLDS, so don't think I am picking on you. Fair enough? AEY
  8. In my initial post I answered your question: "Then I read Ann Eliza Young's book (that's where I got my name) and I found myself very sympathetic to her and also to Emma." Here's is her picture. You can find her book by googling "Wife no. 19" ... I'd provide the link but I am not sure that is OK here. Her story is powerful! Here are her dedicatory words... TO THE M O R M O N W I V E S O F U T A H <span style='font-family:Arial'>AEY
  9. AEY - How do you define ultra liberal Protestants? I checked out the WCC website and it seems like a reasonable organization. Under this list: List of member churches, associate member churches and national council bodies I found a variety of different churches, including Catholic. What do you object to regarding the WCC? M. Some Catholics are very liberal especially the ecumenical types. The recent Popes (from Vatican II forward) have been more ecumenical than traditional. The Jesuits, via liberation theology fused Catholicism and marxism in Latin America. The UMC (United Methodist Church) is very liberal. By very liberal I mean they have left their original theological convictions and distinctives and have compromised truth on the altar of unity. Liberal Protestants are the historical heir of Biblical higher criticism and the social gospel of the late 18th century. They are agressive political leftists. The United Methodists in the 60s donated $10,000 to Angela Davis. Just a few examples. More could be cited. I understand Jenda's concern about joining with these groups that hold the Bible in low esteem. AEY
  10. I think it was someone else. I just tacked that on to the post to you rather than a a separate post. Sorry for the mixup.Not that being a she is less noble!
  11. The WCC (As in World Council of Churches)??? That is a haven for ultra liberal Protestants. That's a big turn off, in my opinion. I do not consider that "mainstream" any more that I consider Howard Dean and Dennis Kuchinich moderate politicians! Pardon the political analogy. Is that OK here? {YIKES} AEY
  12. Thank you for your input. I know that the LDS church and I suppose the RLDS church place a lot of credence in "the burning bosom" to verify which religion is true.What confuses me is: [1] how RLDS and LDS sincere folk claiming a "burning in the bosom" experience can come to opposite convictions; and [2] how I can distinguish this "burning in the bosom" is really from God. Certainly the evil one loves to deceive. Know what I mean? I find it helpful to also examine the history and claims of a religious leader and set aside those who are not what they claim to be or say things that are untrue. How do we know Brigham Young was appointed as the sucessor to Joseph Smith? Some of his statements in his Journals and Discourses really cause me to have concerns about him. His actions as described by my namesake (AEY) cause me concern. How can Celestial Marriage later be set aside if it is so critical -- Doctrine and Covenants 132 really sounds like something that is not optional. How could Emma live with Joseph all those years and not embrace Brigham as the successor? I am also disturbed by the concept of a Heavenly Mother. Do both RDLS and LDS teach this? That's enought for now. Thanks in advance to all here. This is an unusual place. AEY
  13. I appreciate your comments and the others. I do not need some to tell me what to choose, I will take that responsibility. I am interested in understanding the opinions of others and learning about the differences between the LDS and RLDS. The input has been good so far and I will have more questions when I have a bit more time.AEY (who happens to be a he not a she)
  14. Is this so? I saw a copy of the Book of Mormon on a RLDS website. Ah, here's the link: AEY Annelizayoung, that is actually a link to a restorationist site. But all the scriptures are online courtesy of a traditional CoC congregation at this site You are so kind to direct me to the right site. AEY
  15. Wow. Lot's of thought provoking things in your post.Thank you so very much. AEY