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Posts posted by Laura23

  1. 2 hours ago, Grunt said:

    First, what you feel is normal.  We are attracted to people by looks and for qualities we perceive they have.  Acting on those impulses, however, would be unfair to you and him.

    I believe God knows what we need.  For now, you MUST put those thoughts out of your mind.  You MUST give God, and life, a chance to work.  

    It would be unfair to me and him that's why I never did anything inappropriate. I agree with you I will get him out of my mind and focus on my work and meeting new people and in 9 months we will see what happens. Thank you. I know for a fact he may not be "the one" but I just wanted advice and thoughts on my situation. Maybe he will come back In my life if that's what is good for me maybe not. Thanks. 

  2. 1 hour ago, zil said:

    Contrast that with the following scene from a novel.  The main character is a little old lady, a widow named Mrs. Pollifax.  She's been chatting with Mia, the young woman seated next to her on an airplane.  They're strangers at the start of the flight.

    I think there's a bucketful of learning to be had in that exchange.

    I really enjoyed reading this. It is very selfish of me to only meet people I will see again not people who I will never see again. There is beauty in at least meeting someone instead of never knowing them. Thanks for this. Could you possibly go more in depth on the "learning to be had in that exchange". I would be very interested to know what you have learned from that section of the story. 

  3. 2 hours ago, zil said:

    Yeah, no.  You did not find that out.  Not over dinner.  Not in an evening.  Not while he's a missionary in your father's home.  Nope.  He may have appeared great, but unless these "qualities" are skin deep, you cannot know that he's actually got them. 

    My qualities are pretty simple I want to marry someone  1. VERY Spiritual 2. Business oriented 3. With a calm/relaxed personality. 4. Raised with a foucs on family unity.

    I have many others but those are the basics. It's extremely rare to find someone who views money the same way I do. I've never met anyone else besides this guy. With my personality type which is very outgoing, forgetful,  talkative etc.  (When it comes to business I'm very different) Ive read I need to marry someone who is more calm, collected, analytical, someone who listens. My brothers and father tend to be more rougher and unemotional so I know I want to marry someone who is more in tune with their emotions. From what I saw his personality is in align with these things. I don't know a lot about him but I want to get to know him better. When he is not on his mission. 


    Go date other guys.  Try not to intimidate them with your own business and stock market adventures.  Do not spend the next 9 months feeding your infatuation with this guy.  If you're still interested after his mission is over and after you've got some experience interacting with other guys, and if he's interested, then after his mission, you'll talk, and you'll get together for a date, and take it from there, but don't go hanging hopes and plans on all those ifs - just live your life.

    Haha I do intimidate a lot of men with my buisness side but only mature people will like that side of me. Immature men will be intimidated and not see the value in that. I don't need that kind of guy in my life. 

    I talked a lot to him about this and because he grew up in a very buisness oriented family. I could tell he wasn't intimidated by this side of me it instead intrigued him. Thank you very much for your advice I will be dating and hanging out with friends while the 9 months pass I appreciate the response. 

  4. 6 hours ago, my two cents said:

    My thoughts - Someone on a mission is not always how they are in the 'real world'. I thought there were clues/connections with someone I dated at your age - but I'm not married to him. Lastly, you need to date!! You don't have much to compare this guy to yet nor do you want to look back and wish you had enjoyed the dating scene while you were able. 

    That's something Ive definitely thought about. In 9 months I would really like to get to know the him that's not on his mission. But it's all in gods hands :) I will go out on dates with other men. Im actually a very social person, I go to the YSA dances, movies with friends, ice skating etc. But I will make an effort to go on dates! Thank you for the advice. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Carborendum said:


    This is really difficult for me to say since I'm trying to be nice to newbies and be all welcoming and stuff.  But I need to say something that will wake you up to a reality that is staring you straight in the face.  This is called INFATUATION.  It isn't anything special.  He's an attractive guy with a winning personality.  He's got that missionary spirit.  Of course you'd find someone like that attractive.


    He's a missionary.  Keep your distance.

    I haven't seen him in a month. He transferred out of my ward. I never did anything inappropriate and I respected the fact he's a missionary. I honestly feel like you didn't read what I posted. I literally saif I never showed him any sign I had feelings for him. Also I've met many missionaries throughout my life and it's not the "Missionary spirit" or else I'd become "infatuated" with every missionary.