Jimmy Tucker

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Everything posted by Jimmy Tucker

  1. Ok well I'm kinda proud of myself for lack of a better word. ... There's alot of what i said in there that i came up with with no notice or study.. Pretty cool.. Ok first off i never damned anyone to hell or passed any kind of final judgement if i did please direct me to where i said it. i said i didn't see how someone could in a sense lead a double life and be a good Christian as an opinion not fact formed from my understanding of Gods word. I loved the proofreader analogy.. And sometimes I'm guilty of that.. Singling out the negative only and i need to work on that. And if i am judging i believe I'm doing it with the light of the gospel.. I truly do.. You don't obviously but guess what that means.... Now you're judging my judging.. See? It talked about knowing all the facts before deciding.. An important factor and if you go back to my first response to your question i said... I don't know the gentleman so i can't really say... Right? You don't know me yet you've decided already on me haven't you. if you really knew me you would know I'm not anything like the way you're trying to portray me but that's ok.. It happens like i said we judge daily sometimes we don't even know we did because it's so frequent. Let me simplify my point.. If Jesus were here today.. Would he be in the military? Yes or no?
  2. Pastafarian.. Those are Italian Jamaican dudes with spaghetti dreadlocks
  3. Well thank you for serving and for your sacrifice it is appreciated.
  4. Oh you must be asking because Scottish are very smart.. They invented the telephone.. Golf ( regular not miniature). Invisible tape and even have a liquor named after them. ? you never hear anyone order a Chinese on the rocks do you...
  5. Im a good emoji translator but idk what that one means
  6. Did you just go Mr. Hanky on me? Hahahah mmmmkay
  7. To get back to my original subject.. The missionary that transferred in has turned out to be some of the things that were said to me by some of you.. Some great insight by you all and i thank you.. Sometimes someone new does present things in a different way.. Helping you see a different angle.. It still sucks i can't talk to last one but i get some of the reasons and some i still don't but I'm a man trying to make sense of Godly things and that's probabjy not going to give results lol.
  8. I will.. But you're asking me to read an article written by a man to persuade perhaps my opinion on what I've found in Gods word.. Also written by man i get that.. But i mean were adding amendments now? If this article which im assuming is rather current has such profound things to say about judgement i would think i could find it in the Bible or the B. O. M. Right? Food for thought but i will read it.. If i can find it again this forum layout is like no other I've seen very confusing... Which has turned out to be an appropriate indicator to whats inside meaning doctrine etc..
  9. Does the Mormon church excommunicate people? Or maybe not allow ones who have done somethi ungodly move up the ranks of the priesthood? For example would a known devil worshipper be allowed to do the sacrament? Because if they're not then that's passing judgement.. See my point? We have to make a call on people we encounter daily based off our knowledge of God and his opinions and his opinions must become ours. maybe that will help you.
  10. You don't have to put anything lightly.. If it's coming off as passing judgement and I see your point.. Then I'm not using the right words to convey my thought.. The opinion im giving which is mine I've formed from reading the Bible.. The gospels. pondering things within and coming to know as best I can without meeting him personally Jesus Christ.. So I believe when i give that opinion im giving his.. Which is in line with what you said.. Judgement is for God only.. And I've said in previous comments im in no position to judge anyone.. I'm a sinner. I'm a drug addict.. I'm a fornicator.. I'm below probably everyone in this website.. I go to church on Sunday but Saturday night is a different story.. So I am living hypocrisy and so feel qualified to comment on it.. If that seems like I'm judging then im sorry But mankind judges.. We have too every day don't we.. We actually have people called Judges.... If someone approaches me and says could you give me a ride to the bus stop I don't just say yes.. I have to look at that person and decide if they're a threat.. Dangerous or not before I let them in my car.. I have to judge them right? You judge people all the time you just aren't aware of it because we do it so often. I'm curious are there any Mormon Judges and would you say the same things to them you have said to me?
  11. I think I just quoted the wrong person
  12. I'm stating my opinion which may or may not be fact.. To answer your question no I don't think someone can be a good disciple or follower of Christ and be in today's military my opinion is that's hypocritical.
  13. Understood thanks I'm not passing any judgement on staing my opinion e
  14. Ya sorry you already had told me that.. I do and have read all your comments entirely just forgot sorry
  15. And are you implying if a person is against war or a conscientious objector they can't be patriotic?
  16. I figured that right after a pressed submit... So there's only 1 religion in the Philippines?
  17. Actually they do ask your religion when joining they put it on your dog tags
  18. I am 1/4 Scottish.. How is that relevant?
  19. And again I stated im in no position to judge anyone
  20. Do you mean he could be a good disciple now after the war or while the war was going on?
  21. I'm sensing some sarcasm.. I'm just trying to understand certain belief didn't want it to reach or become an argument or sarcastic remarks back and forth so I'm sorry if anyone has taken my comments the wrong way.
  22. If we're gonna join military groups or become politicians then let's just ram our heads against a wall.. Same result.
  23. Well I don't know them personally and I'm in no position to judge.. I can only reitterate that were suppose to be having faith that God is going to right all the wrongs.. bring justice.. Not mankind.. Mankind is the very reason we have military.. See the irony?? Mankind has been forced to establish groups.. Police.. Soldiers... Army.. Navy.. SWAT teams.. Navy seals.. Green Berets.. To regulate who? MANKIND.. We can't govern ourselves it's futile. we should be spending our time bringing people to the church and spreading the good news about Christ.