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    LDS Christian

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    How do

    I think they did for most wards, but YSA still has it. Or maybe it's just YSA in the boonies that still has it. You seem far luckier than I; my role seems to be panning out quite busily so far. I'm not sure of all of the specifics so far, but it oversees the after-church potlucks (called "Linger Longers" in our area), all of the FHE activities and any other ward activities — firesides, camp nights, graduate barbecues... I also assume if there's any coordination required for stake YSA activities (holiday parties, dances, stake firesides), I'd get to help out with that. With luck, the committee will help out, because I'm not sure I can handle it just by myself! 😬
  2. @mikbone, I appreciate your reply. The article you linked was wonderful, and I'll definitely be printing it out for my sisters to read (along with the other 50 things I've found for them 😅). I honestly hadn't been trying to teach doctrine at all; I was planning more on learning the Scriptures as their authors intended rather than applying current standards, but I suppose doctrinal discussions will be inevitable. I suppose it would be like trying to steer a ship in square waves. I find myself at a loss with the manual. Most of the information is either geared towards families in a way that a group of singles (or even a single person) cannot properly address, or is geared towards individual learners without thought for how a group lesson may be achieved. I feel deep sympathy for the Sunday School teachers who will be required to teach from it — and I've been teaching from Conference talks for the last year. I simply don't have the slightest idea on how to turn the amalgamation of topics, sporadic scripture references, and family activities into a coherent discussion on what we've read. I am immensely worried that without some semblance of lesson plan, flexible or otherwise, we'll end up 45 minutes into a rabbit hole no one actually cares about, and I also feel like I personally would be the one trying to drag us all to wonderland. Call it cold feet, jitters, or a healthy dose of reality, I'm wary of sheep herding instead of shepherding. ATM, I'm currently the only one hosting the group. It is a YSA group; I've begun to think "many are called but few are chosen" means "many are interested, but few actually show up." We'll see if anyone feels prompted to host once we see who actually shows up.
  3. Shalom to the Jewish, howdy to the Goyim. I'm trying to get my NT study group a groundwork of different study methods they should try. I was wondering if any of you who've properly studied PARDES might look over this handout to say if there's anything wrong/incorrect. If you have any criticism on the flier, it would help me immensely if you'd let me know. Thanks!
  4. Hello! My name is Mya. I'm an LDS Christian. I've been RS teacher in my YSA for four years, recently Activities co-chair because Heavenly Father hates me Heavenly Father gave me the opportunity to grow as a person. 😑 I get fast answers to prayers, I'm an official Bible nerd (my Biblical Hebrew is rusty, though), I practice Atonement-based energy work, and I am the picture definition of introvert. Joined IDK how long ago, posting now because I need advice on stuff (so go check out that post and give me good advice). I welcome any questions you may have about me or Bible nerdom or beating one's head against the wall for accepting callings because the Spirit said to, I welcome them. From the safety of my solitary bedroom. (BTW, anyone know how to stop being the crazy cat lady? Ten is too many for being 20-something. It bodes poorly for my future.)
  5. Hello! Following the change instituted by President Eyring from a three-hour block to a two-hour block with home study, I received the impression that I should form a home study group. I attend a YSA ward and many of my fellow wardmembers live alone, so they have no way to differentiate "personal study" from "family study." I've had a lot of interest in my ward (and from other wards I've visited in that time), including a couple of the "proper adult" wives of Bishopric members. So far, I have only invited sisters from my Relief Society. I have been a teacher in the Relief Society for about four years now, and was recently called to Activities Co-Director, but I'm feeling incredibly out of my depth. The Come Follow Me manual, from what I've looked over, doesn't seem incredibly in-depth on creating a study plan; it's rather open ended beyond the actual reading. I'm sure it's to let the Spirit guide you, but I'm hesitant to get into a group and be entirely at the whims of the group to take us around the scriptures, or my own. I'm a bit of a Bible study freak. Already, I've compiled far too many additional resources for the ladies to assist in their scripture study (political maps, verse comparisons for the gospels, bible study methods, color coding suggestions, book overviews, author overviews... I'm drowning in "this might helps." :p), and I'm afraid if left to my own devices I'll end up spiraling into doctrinal minutia no one cares about, needs, or, worse, may damage one's proper understanding of the subject. Is there any advice you would offer on good questions to ask a study group, methods to create a flexible discussion plan, and how to keep a study on track — whilst also not running over a discussion with one's own ideas. (As a side note, I will be repeating a disclaimer at the start of each session; "we sustain the Bretheren of the Church and what they have ordained for us. This study group is not an additional hour of church to make up for the lost class period; it's a way for us to study together, learn from one another, and fellowship with our non-biological family. While we are not opposed to asking questions and giving opinions on ambiguous doctrine, we recognize that we are meeting without oversight from the Bretheren of the Church and much of what we discuss tonight may be opinion only. Seek out Church-approved resources and personal revelation for confirmation of anything you hear tonight. We also remind you that personal revelation is a sacred insight from God and may not be appropriate to shave with everyone; follow the Spirit's promptings on when to share and when not to.")
  6. Please for the love of all sanity do not read the bible in KJV order. The current order is 1, Torah; 2, History; 3, Poetry; 4, Major Prophets; 5, Minor Prophets. It makes the whole of Chronicles seem irrelevant and takes most of the Christ-pointers out. Read it in the three-fold pattern, of the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim - the Instruction, the Prophets, and the Writings. (If that sounds familiar, it should. Luke 24:44; Christ talked about the OT like that.) You can find the Hebrew pattern of the Tanakh online. Of course, that doesn't really help you get through the Torah, because even Hebrew order goes "Genesis, Exodus..." So. Slow down. The Old Testament is three times as long as the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, four times as long as D&C... Combined, the Old Testament is only 100 pages less than the other books in the Standard Works. (If it were up to me, we'd spend three years on it in Sunday School.) Don't press yourself trying to get through it all in one year. Spend 10 weeks in each book of the Torah, and next year, move on to the Prophets. There were Jewish cults sects that forced you to meditate for ten years on Genesis before they would accept you. That's really what the Old Testament is - Jewish meditation literature. Sit down with a cup of (herbal) tea (or hot chocolate) and mull it over. Study it out. The first five books of the OT are difficult for anyone, but least to the Mormons due to the similarities we can draw between the Levitical laws and the rites in the temple. Compare, contrast, check archaeology records (not boiling goats in their mother's milk is not an anti-cruelty kosher law, but a requirement to not follow other gods), and commentaries. Invest in another translation. For me, personally, reading stuff other than the KJV is really weird because I'm used to the language. You may not be. You wouldn't buy a copy of Chaucer in the original Middle English and expect to understand. And get English translations of the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls. This may seem weird, but the basis for the Old Testament in most English translations is the Jewish Masoretic texts, which means a lot of Judaic explainers have worked their way into the texts. Lots of these are great, but some can just confuse us worse, particularly in the Torah. Do two readings of a section: narrative and themes. What's the narrative? Where does it fit in the narrative? What are the themes of this section/chapter/book? Then, do a third whilst thinking on how that theme relates to Christ. Read it out loud. Literally, the Hebrew word for "meditate" is "hagah." It's the same word used to mean "mutter" or "mull" and even for when a lion's eating. (You can hear that noise here.) Most scripture wasn't written, it was memorized. This means that when you hear other language popping up in other books, you can go "oh, yeah! I remember that same wording in this place" and you connect them together. (They're all over, even in the Book of Mormon.) GET HELP! Read study bibles. Read cultural context bibles. Read chronological bibles. Read bible dictionaries and imagery dictionaries. Watch The Bible Project videos. Don't just push through if you don't understand. I mean, yeah, keep reading and don't give up, but don't glaze over as you're reading. The Book of Mormon is Old Testament in the New World. The same rules apply. If you're really having a hard time getting through 2 Nephi, skip to the large plates. Words of Mormon, Mosiah, down to Moroni and then go back through. EDIT: It's also helpful, I've found, to check the Hebrew names for biblical books, because it changes what you get out of the book. We look at "Numbers" for example, and get disappointed because no one wants to read 36 chapters of censuses. But the Hebrew word is "B'mivar," or "In the Desert," so you come to the book with the expectation of finding out about Israel while it was still in the desert.