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Everything posted by Nighttiger

  1. Please respond respectively. This is not an opinion. I'm asking why the garments for sister's are made so low in the back. My wife's back shows with a fitting dress about 4-5 inches below the back and front of the neck still covering the garment yet I can't even wear a V-neck shirt which is a the same or higher. I'm starting to see responses that don't answer what I'm asking. There's a double standard when it comes to the design of the garment. I'm just asking out of curiosity why this is.
  2. I am posing a question to anyone involved in the development of the LDS garment. Why is the women's garment cut so low that a third of a sister's back is revealed? This seems contrary to the modesty we are taught in the doctrine. Secondly, if so accepted among the female garment then why is the men's not made with the same neckline? Many times I cannot where pullover V-necks because the garment shows when these are much higher than what the accepted women's garment neckline is. This doubled standard in the sister's garment vs. the brethren's has really perplexed me. Does anyone else see the double standard here? Where the sister's are instructed in modesty dress the Church allows them to where more skin revealing necklines than the brethren.