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Everything posted by maverik78

  1. :)I agree we can't change people we can only be the person that we would want them to be and lead by example.:)
  2. So I want to put out another question, does anyone know any good articles, talks, ext. on communicating more effectively to others? Its mostly for teaching reasons as its my calling for Elders Quorum.
  3. I cant spell either, but I install google bar on my browser and it will check the spelling of the word with the auto complete function. Just an idea for the spelling part anyway, I know how frustrating it can be.
  4. In my own opinion I think the biggest issue in this situation is the lack of communication. I have seen it a lot where families can be tore apart simply by not communicating with each other and not communicating with our Father in Heaven. The Church is a means to understand how to do these things. It's not the teachings of the church that lead people astray, it's the people not applying the teachings of the Gospel to their lives. If everyone was doing what they were supposed to then the communication would follow and so would the understanding that we are all God's children and we all have the opportunity to learn and grow no matter what we have done in the past.
  5. Hi my name is Israel but most call me Izzy for short. I was raised in the church but left when my parents got divorced just before being baptized. I came back to the church when my life was falling apart. I had impressions of the spirit prompting me that this was the path I needed to take. I listened to those promptings and although it was a difficult road because of how disciplined I was in the ways of the world, it was the most rewarding decision I have ever made.