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Everything posted by speedomansam

  1. is this guy who is your best friend the same guy that "i have known forever?" if so i thought you only liked him as a friend... so i'm just not sure what you're asking. if you like him, ask him. if not, don't. or, make it especially clear that you just want to go as friends.
  2. prom isn't a date??? come on now. prom's 100% date. as is homecoming and winter formal and all that jazz. when somebody sees you and the girl you're with at prom, who they don't know, what do they ask?"who's your date" yep. it's a date.
  3. weezer, jimmy eat world, ozma, the get up kids, the juliana theory
  4. this thread has gone crazy. i'm going to go brush my teeth and go to mexico.
  5. i don't see why it's so hard to believe that God can get rid of a rainbow for a year. if he made the world he can probably make water's refractive index lower or change the light or affect the manner in which it rains or do something that would prevent a measily rainbow from appearing. thanks bat for typing all that up, i wasn't about to
  6. Check Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, copyright 1976, pages 305 and 340-341.
  7. hmm. rufus truly is a good name. i wish i had a teddy bear. i never had a teddy...
  8. yeah, i know, that's why i said it was an exageration. it still got the point across.
  9. lets not go around comparing the bible and book of mormon to of mice and men now and putting them on equal ground. that's almost like saying we're equal with God and Jesus Christ (and that's an exageration)
  10. yeah. i think it's much harder to do what's right when you see friends and family make poor decisions. when non members make bad decisions, it's sort of like, "yeah, i'm not going to do what they did because i'm a latterday saint and i want to do what's right" but when other mormons make poor decisions it's like "hmm, maybe that's not so bad after all..."
  11. if somebody placed 4 apples around me, i'd assume all the apples were for me. therefore, i'd take all of them. from there, i'd probably eat whichever one had the least blemishes, looked the crunchiest, and is also the biggest. i'd still keep all the rest of the apples, because you can't just leave them on the floor somewhere, where i'd probably be inclined to give them away if asked for especially because they were given to me.
  12. i read it in seventh grade, but i remember all the swearing threw me off of it.
  13. umm, this is the guy that wrote all those stories like "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Minister's Black Veil" and such, right? if so, a recurrent theme in his stories (and probably The Scarlet Letter, though I've never read it) is that no one is perfect and everyone seems to hide some sort of sin or imperfection.
  14. sweet! care to share how/why you got baptized?
  15. don't worry about it. it only stinks if you say it stinks. sometimes it's hard to have a good attitude but i find if you pray for it all things are much better. i can't even remeber what i did for my birthday so it must not have been that important.
  16. i agree with juliet- music that has a kinda angry feel and just doesn't make you happy has no place. for me, at least, and judging by the few linkin park songs i've heard and the lyrics i just read through, their songs are full of anger and depression and don't suit me.
  17. whoa. green milk. but this topic has no point!? while true, you're no fun. then again, you're the only one to post a reply, so you've got somethign going for you.
  18. i'm afraid you are mistaken, my friend. while good, cocoa puffs milk is just like an imitation of chocolate milk only not so good. honey bunches of oats milk, however, is something truly original.
  19. yeah, tripod's really stick about anyone linking pictures or material on someone's site to another site unless one pays for an upgraded subscription. you'll have to go to the actual site.
  20. speedomansam


    as a teenager, if i was in that situation i would probably want my step mom to just remind me of my standards. saying nothing would be like an approval of poor decisions.