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Posts posted by blackcat

  1. fFrom what I understand it is Scotland, scot not scottish but gaelic not all that sort I was told by someone who is big on the Scotland stuff. So I would be from the (McAllister) gaelic group or clan but have been told that there was a different spelling to it when they arrived to this continent.

  2. First i would like to say to the stay at home dads good for you and your family. Its nice to see or hear that the roles are slowly changing. For thoughs of you men who do choose to help your wife out with the family situation good for you too. Its nice to know that some men will actually help pick up the slack when they get home from work instead of having their little woman do all the heavy lifting.

  3. well my hope is this that God doesnt mean rich as in wealth but in other means and that i to hope one day that i would be good enough to sit at His table and those that i love. I to believe that i do what i can in my spiritual walk with my Heavenly Father at this time. For i believe that i cant do anything without Him.

  4. True. talk to your bishop, doctor and people you trust to help you we all need to endure all of our journeys in life remember God said it wouldnt be easy He just said it would be worth it. I too am depressed they say 1 out of 4 people have depression. I am getting the help that i need right now cause i dont want to take my depression back to where it was in the past. Some how i thought i could handle it on my own without the help of others and meds until i had too many episodes then i begged for help and now i am getting it from God, my doctor, family and meds i am doing what i need to get out of this darkness and I hope that you can too.

  5. my goals are these:

    1) maintain my ten pound loss and keep

    losing adding another 10 each month to reach

    my goal weight.

    2) be a nicer person

    3) finally give my pain and frustration about others

    to God (truly forgive-but not forget lets make that clear)

    4)read the bible front to back and taking baby

    steps to clearly understand what its saying

    5)pay off at least one credit card by 12/31/08

    6)save more

    7)be the child that my HF would be proud to have

    8)find away to live each day- "that when my feet hit the floor

    satan says, "Oh NO" they are awake" (taken from a quote from someone here.)

    9)be a better friend and relative

    10)"Pay it Forward" (name of a movie-a good one i think)

    something that a local radio station had suggested! i think

    its a good one.

  6. So, a-train when does group dates begin, explain? I am a convert and never had a problem become lds at 20.

    Ps don't ask how old i am i don't like it. Plus, this might be my answer "Old enough to know better, still to young to care" its part of a song. has nothing to do with age but enjoying life. Its a country song don't know who sings it.

  7. To everyone who has mentioned Temple garments: thank you for your advice. I will drop the subject now as I feel I no longer need to discuss it. I have other problems I need to solve first.

    Again thank you everyone for your help and support.

    terry, kona or what name you might choose if you believe the church to be true then it wouldnt be so hard i think to wear the garments its not like everyone else can see you wearing the material. I think the hardest would be, is to follow the word of wisdom (give up smoking, drugs, alcohol, tea and coffee) and the law of chasity(no sex before marriage) the last one would be the biggest that a church or any church would ask its newly joined members to sacrifice or follow wouldn't you agree?!

  8. I wanted to add this:

    I do believe in Christ as the Son of God and OUR Savior! God to be my, OUR Heavenly Father. Without Them in my life in the Past and present I wouldn't be here on this earth. I am so very greatful that They would continue Their journey with me into my future whether it be a good one or not. IT WILL BE A GOOD ONE BECAUSE THEY ARE IN IT! I am greatful that They have shown me the path to walk. I am greatful that They gave us one of the greatest blessings THE POWER TO CHOOSE. I am so very greatful that I live in a country that men and women in the past have fought and continue to fight for our(freedom)rights and for the rights(and freedom)of others. That men and women have bravely stood up for what they believe in(and fought hard even in north america and lose their lives)[Martin Luther King, John Kennedy and others] So that the journey for others wouldn't be so hard to bare alone.

  9. I have known several who after a cooling off period request that the letter be returned or thrown away. I know one or two that wanted it to be followed up with and submitted.

    Hey there Ben, I have cousins that had their names taken off the records. They did come back and have been baptised again I am assuming a few years ago now, but just recently put them back on.

    When I was in SLC I was told that even though you ask to have your name off the records that there is still a record. I believe that to be true although never saw a list. I believe that a record exists that says who you are where you live, when you where baptized, if you served on and on. If you did ask for you name to stay or not and when that person decided to rejoin. I think these lists or records are locked away somewhere. Such as historical research for family history.

    It would be nice if a GA (general authority) could answer this one!

  10. My friend said that the general authorities go through some very strange ordinances.

    like latterdaysaint said your friend is saddly misinformed! the general authorities go through the same ordinances as all other members do. And their garments too are the same color (white as in the color of purity) as the members do. the garments only change color if you decide to add your whites with colors. (hello) :blink:
  11. Well I know I would never wear the garment to sleep in. I wouldn't wear it in the Summer time when I wear shorts all day. I can't wear one garment all day.

    I really don't think we need to wear a garment to understand or keep the promises we made in the Temple.

    Sounds like a cult tactic to me.

    The Church asks too much of us.

    To wearing garments, I think of it this way its a way to be modest. My garments are very soft and there fore enjoy having the material against my body. Of course you don't wear garments all the time. I read somewhere in anti-lds church stuff that people also bathe with them. No that is just too stupid. I never wore them while swimming or wearing my bathing suit. Even if you did wear them with shorts you do know that people wear longer shorts that cover the garment. Have you ever heard of peoples testimonies of wearing the garments. I have one which you can believe or not. One day I was outside gardening on an over-cast day I was in my bathing suit and got burnt on my back. I didn't realize how painful until that night when I tried to work with it (the burn) of course it was very painful and it hurt the more I put something over it (material). I could only get some relief from using cold cream for burns I still don't remember at what degree I was burnt but I do believe it was pretty high. The next day I decided to fore go the thought that any material against the burnt would put me in extreme agony and put on my garments and you know what happened I never physically felt the pain. People may say that its mind over matter but when one feels real pain and tries not to think about it and trust me thats very hard to do and I have tried many times and still the pain wins. But I will always remember the garments and what I believe the material did for me that day.

  12. A biker was riding on a highway along a California beach when

    suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the

    Lord said:

    "Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant

    you one wish.".....

    The biker pulled over and said: "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride

    over anytime I want.".....Take a little more time and think of something that would honor and

    glorify me."

    The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally he said,

    "Lord, I wish that I could understand my wife. I want to know how she

    feels inside, what

    she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries,

    what she means

    when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a woman truly happy."

    The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"

    Awesome joke where did you get the joke?

  13. I'm a Southern Baptist Minister who lives in Independence, MO.

    For the past 22 years I have been preaching out of both the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and believe that Book of Mormon Christians and Bible-believing Christians have far more in common than all our differences. Are there differences? Of course. But I believe it's time we began celebrating our commonalities rather than continue to magnify our differences.

    I'm interested in building bridges.


    Thank you Lynn for sharing. My question like many what made you to decide to preach from both the Bible and the Book of Mormon? Many people claim that the Book of Mormon is made up of stories from the Bible, I of course have read the book of mormon through and most of the bible and didn't see or remember seeing any stories in the BoM read anything like the bible. Your thoughts since you're preaching from both.

  14. Maybe. But a lot of people believe that stuff or are willing to believe it. Another Wash reporter came out today with more anti church garbage was never mainstream until recently. Sure it may make some people curious but it also poisons the thinking of a lot of people so they never give the Church a chance.

    Politics is nasty anyway, but you add to the mix religious beliefs of misunderstood Church and it's much worse.

    True, I too think this is so. If people keep bashing the LDS church and saying harsh things about it; people who don't know the real truth(in what LDS people stand for and believe). Are going to believe in the nasty stuff as truth. Shouldn't we (LDS)do more by standing up for what we believe in, and speak the truth?

    Plus, here is another thing I don't like; if we(LDS)continue to say that we are Christians then why don't we just call ourselves "Christian" in ads(and other things) than continue calling ourselves "Mormon"? When we were baptised we weren't baptised in the name of "mormon" but in the name of "Christ"! I don't mind the being called "LDS" (abbrevation thing) because that is in the title of the church not "mormon"! Your thoughts

  15. Ok, folks here is my addition to this humbug thing! Sure Christmas is commercialized. We(the world) go over board to buy things for others, and party like there is no tomorrow at this time of year. I believe it's the foolish who choose not to remember or believe in Christ and do their best to ruin it for the rest of us believers. For example, taking "Christ" out of Christmas because it may offend others. In schools and in advertisements and more examples. How many times do we truly think of those who are needy, those in other countries who need hope and help. Sure, we think of those when they make the news that something bad is happening in that country or the homeless are ruining businesses because they are crowding their businesses (to get heat, shelter or pocket change). December is the only month that I see or know that others are willing to give money(people ringing bells, carring kettles)or other things. Sure, I would like to help out more financally(but can't $)I give in other ways and sure I struggle like most but thats not what I am saying. December isn't the only month out of the year that people need. Its the only time that I see most of the world comes together to give, to go to church and so on. If there wasn't a Christ who died for us and showed us how to give, would our(world)hearts still pour out more or even at all at this time? God is the true giver after all He did give us His Son. Who (Christ)gave His life and showed us how to care for each other and those who truly need. Understand, that I am not talking about all people are not true givers, there are many good examples around the world.

    To the reason we(the world) celebrate in December just study things on Christmas and Santa I really like the history channel. I walk away saying wow! I didn't know that stuff cool.

    :blush: Maybe I went off topic here! A little something made me get on my little soap box. I am getting off it now. I am getting just a little bit tired. OOps, please give my rantings just my thoughts and opinions on this subject.