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Posts posted by blackcat

  1. :dontknow: I don't know God's true motives but perhaps this is a test (God turning men over to lies) to see who is faithful who will listen to the truth and weed out the lies! Yes, it is true that satan tests us but remember the Garden of Eden after all it was God who created the Garden and the tree of good and evil it was up to Adam and Eve to choose. The power to choose for ourselves is one of God's greatest gifts given to us.
  2. Some guy posted this web site on the internet.( )Check it out. Sure I remembered my mission and the lds4u missionary rules has its no duh kind of response to it but others kinda made me scratch my head and question it further. Why? We had missionaries in the field play sports many in fact. True that they couldn't devote their time to practice with a team or anything like that. What's this thing that the sisters couldn't wear long dresses or skirts? How do you expect them to ride their bikes without getting the fabric in the chain? No duh on the cut to the knee though. I didn't read all of it I got to a certain point and then couldn't read it any more too stupid. I was told by my mission president that if i had any problems with the rules to talk to him about it and we can work it out and we did. Your thoughts on the above web site.

  3. ...non of which get to him, because the office was opening them and not letting them through...

    Sad, but thats my life...

    Bunnzy I did serve a mission if that were true that letters were opened at the office, it should have been taken up with the mission Pres. My letters weren't opened. Any case yes it was sad sorry that it happened. do write it down.

    As for the seventeen year old I agree with you if it was meant to be then I would wait the two years. Keep myself extremely busy for the time being. Find out more about myself and where I would want to go with my life. I learned a great deal on the mission that I served I feel that I would do it all over again but differently knowing what I know now!

  4. A true Christian, because of what they believe in, knows the love of their Father and of Jesus Christ, and therefore would love him back, and strive to be more like him.

    I would like to say shouldn't that read ...knows the love of their Father and of Jesus Christ, and therefore would love Them back, and strive to be more like Them? Because you did say Father and Jesus Christ. That would be two not one! just saying

  5. Hey there, you left a message about ....I am a little bit freaked out about this poligamy thing....

    For one thing The LDS ended the poligamy thing as you call it in 1896 and the other question like many others are for the missionaries and you to deal with.

    Its great that your interested in the church but like "Yediyd" said here you need to slow down. A person needs to learn and grow before entering the temple. First step is listening to the missionaries and taking it from there. Good luck!

  6. Hey there, I am new too. Just to let you know I am not 15 years old. I have been on a mission and have been home a few years (please don't ask about the age). But if you still want to chat feel free to do so. Just a quick note enjoy your youth it will be over before you know it.

  7. Searcher-I too am an RM(the only convert in my family). I don't remember when I first believed in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. What I do remember is that I was very young. My mother in her taught me and a good friend of hers. The men in my life especially my physical father were all cowards and I say that bold and strongly. Though never seeing a physical being of God I believed in a Father who has all of childern's best interest at heart would never hurt them in any sense of the word. A father who will be there for his childern 24-7 all they need to do is ask. I also believe that when in deep sorrow He is also in deep sorrow for His childern. A few years ago I remember saying in a Christian based NON_LDS class. How can this be true? How can there be a God? Christ? after all the new testment wasn't written until 60 years after His(Christ)death? But the doubt soon left and I now have what I believe to be a true deep relationship with my Heavenly Father (Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost) He never left me sure there have been times when I haven't felt His presence but I never closed the door. He leads me to where I need to go and in His own time, but there needs to be conversation between the two of you. Ask and you shall receive. And keep asking, studing doing all you can. Sometimes when the time is right it will hit you and hard (but in a good way-a good free high that won't ruin your body) That's the only way I can describe it. Then I remembered logically- the power of prayer I can't deny that even myself. There have been studies I for one never seen them but believe it to be true(that there are studies) where ill patients in a hospital where studied and devided into two groups one group was to prayed for and the other wasn't. The ones that were prayed for healed faster than those how weren't.

    In my time of deep sorrow and pain I cried for God's help and He came. Not the missionaries, not some scripture passage but God. I truely know deep in my heart that He lives. I don't know how for you to know, maybe this is one way He is leading you to ask and receive I can't answer for Him only He can on His time but you need to open the line of conversation too. How did you as a missionary get others to believe in the church and reach them if not of the church then how did you get them to know God the Father? Try this look around you, tell me (or yourself) what has God done if not for you then the world. Please don't try and tell me its all scientific (darwin or calvin) cause that's just crazy.

    How did you become human besides the actual(duh)answer I mean how did the human form come to be and don't tell me the ape factor cause there are still apes, monkeys and so forth. Have you done anything good for someone that required no payment did you get some good feeling? Where did that feeling come from? I know where for myself. If you do then wouldn't that be the way to know how and when you received your answer of the God head(Trinity)?! If you can't believe in the church right now go to another church just to hear about God. Go to a place where you feel peace(forest, garden) and ask Him again. If you do decide to go to any church read (bible and other good books that quote the bible) Ask the pastors questions perhaps on such subjects that you have been taught by others years before(any that you have and I am thinking that you must have many) I do believe that they probably won't be able to answer for you for your answers will be found here. This is a great Forum to ask from others to answer and I haven't read all others replies but I like most of them.

    Listen to christian music there are many various types and I know that there would be at least one group are artist that you would like. For me I like Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman and others that are full of praise of our Heavenly Father.

    If you do go to a different church if I might add don't say that you have an LDS back ground.

    'Cause from my experience many "Christian" churches don't believe that LDS people believe in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost most claim that the church is a cult and will devalue the LDS faith in anyway possible and it might hurt you more than what you are going through right now. Please bare with me also its hard for me to be open here(be nice). Good luck in your search hope to see a response from you or others in what you think if this was a good bit of advice.

  8. Sixpack is right. We (the world) has watered down the sexual sinning. fornication is starting to be everywhere. Man, I hope the 2nd coming is on the horizon. I'd hate to raise kids in this world.

    Ok here goes so if you think I got it wrong go ahead and tell me so. I think that the 2nd coming is on its way. When I think of it remember the earth was cleansed with water and now the earth is warming. Isn't the 2nd cleanse be of fire. Maybe this is what they meant? Your thoughts. Ooops, sorry off topic. Don't Sin (or any one of the above sins very bad for you)! :unsure: do you get it thats me trying to be funny hahaha.

  9. It is my understanding that if you are married and sleep with another it is adultry. If you are not married and sleep with another it is fornication.

    I really appreciated PC's comments and Traveler's. Sin is Sin anyway you look at it. Some sins are worse than others, and Traveler is right, we are judged by the knowledge we have, so that can actually make a sin even worse, because of our knowledge and our relationship with God.

    None of us our perfect, we are all striving, hopefully, toward perfection, and I am so grateful for the law of repentance and the opportunity it affords each of us to be forgiven from most of our sins.

    Josie to me the word fornication is what most people do in the world. And we LDS people are taught in the Law of Chasity not to do. Have sex before marriage!

  10. Okay here goes foks. I have always believed in One God, then Jesus Christ (His Son)and the Holy Spirit. Way before I even heard of the LDS church. I was baptised many years ago and stopped going for many many reasons to many to count. But people still believe that I now become an athest because I don't go to church. I would be a complete ________ (you can fill in the blank) if I did do so I could never deny either one. Knowing full well that they(the God head)is with me 24-7 no matter if I want them there or not. I could not do anything without them, why can't people understand that?! Please respond