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Everything posted by Weaver

  1. I can understand why you would have a problem with women not holding the priesthood. However, as with all the aspects of the gospel, we have to look at it with an eternal perspective. Below are a few quotes from latter-day Prophets which may help: 'In the true Patriarchal Order man holds the priesthood and is the head of the household of faith, but he cannot attain a fullness of joy here or of eternal reward hereafter alone. Woman stands at his side as joint-inheritor with him in the fullness of all things. Exaltation and eternal increase is her lot as well as his. Godhood is not for men only; it is for men and women together.'("Mormon Doctrine" by Bruce R. McConkie) 'The priesthood is…the power of God delegated to man by which man can act in the earth for the salvation of the human family' (Joseph F. Smith, Mormon prophet). 'The Lord has assigned to men the chief responsibility for the governing and presiding over the affairs of the Church and the family. They in turn are to use this sacred power to bless and benefit all members of the Church – men, women, and children' (Brigham Young, Mormon prophet). The priesthood is used to benefit the entire human family. Men have their work to do and their powers to exercise for the benefit of all the members of the Church…as it is with women. Women have their special gifts and are to be exercised for the benefit of the entire human family. Men and women have different but equally important responsibilities in the home and the Church. Does that help a bit?
  2. I found that if I stay with what the Prophet has told us then I do fine. I am speaking of reading the 'Bible version' off of the Reorganized Church. We have been instructed to read the King James Version of the Bible. Why? Because that is what the Prophet instructs - in otherwards, what the Lord instructs. We must always remember Article of Faith #8 "We believe the bible to be the word of God AS FAR AS IT IS TRANSLATED CORRECTLY..." It's not to say that there aren't any mistakes, it's just that it is the most correct book. When we stay on the track the Lord has laid out, our lives are much happier and more content.
  3. I am so thankful for the priesthood in my home. For a husband who has truly listened to the Spirit over the past years in regard to me and our children. As a mother I hope that I have instilled in my children the power of the priesthood and the need to use it whenever necessary and sometimes when it is not. Many think that you can overuse the priesthood too much and that you don't have enought faith if you do. I tend to disagree! I used to think that, but when I had a serious surgery 5 months ago, I felt impressed numerous times to get a priesthood blessing. I needed the comfort that only that blessing could give me.
  4. Repentance is the second principle in the 4th Article of Faith. Repentance is required of us all on a daily basis. Ecclesiastes 7:20 states that, "There is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not." Because of the great love our Father in Heaven has for each of us, He has given us the principle of repentance. This principle is provided for us to become free from our sins and receive forgiveness from Heavenly Father. The privilege of repenting is made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, in which He suffered the penalty for all our sins I believe repentance can be easy or difficult for each of us, depending on our attitude and upon the seriousness of the sins we have committed. We must each remember that there are steps we must follow to complete the repentance process - of course depending on the seriousness of the sin. 1) Recognizing that we have sinned. If there is no admission of a sin, then there can be no repentance. 2) There must be sincere regret for the sin commited, a feeling of regret for something terribly done. 3) The sincere regret should lead one to not repeat the sin. 4) One must confess the sin to Heavenly Father; this confession releases the heavy burden of what has been done and allowed the Savior to carry the burden. 5) Part of the repentance process is making restitution 6) Forgiveness. 3 Nephi 13:14-15 reminds us that "God will not forgive us unless our hearts are fully cleansed of all hate, bitterness, and bad feelings against other people." 7) The repentance process is complete when the obedience to all the commandments of God are kept. A truly repentant person will have a great desire to obey the laws of God. For example, paying tithing, keeping the Sabbath Day holy, keeping the Word of Wisdom, etc. And finally - a truly repentant person is one whose life changes for the better. With all that said and still needing to remind myself often of the true repentant person, I still need to work on this process and do what the Lord expects of me. I thank the Lord for His patience with me!
  5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is based on the Savior Jesus Christ himself. He is the foundation for the Mormon Church. Contrary to what others believe, Joseph Smith is NOT the foundation and the Mormons do not believe in worshipping him. They revere him as a prophet of God. I for one, am grateful that Joseph Smith was listening when the Spirit spoke to him. Without him, I am sure the Lord would have found someone else to work through - but the Prophet Joseph Smith was foreordained in the Spirit World and was the one the Lord chose to bring forth His work.