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Giuseppe's Achievements

  1. Highest - New and Everlasting Covenant (Eternal Marriage and all...) Middle - Women unmarried Lowest - Men unmarried Source: none :)))
  2. Thank you for your courage and support. You are right, you will know them by their fruits.
  3. One option is to go to and leave your story of conversion or a story about your specific conversion to a gospel principle. Invite your friends and ward members to do the same! This can be done almost in any language, so if you have friends who write in another language tell them about this opportunity.
  4. Zeke, there are things that really don't matter. I personally don't know and don't care too much about certain details, but probably animals were able to eat plants without killing them. However, I am not sure about microbes and germs. I can just think that they were also able to be in people's bodies without killing them because they were not deadly anyway.
  5. The Garden of Eden is where our first parents lived. Because Adam and Eve transgressed this command and partook of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they were cast out from the presence of the Lord. In other words, they experienced spiritual death. They also became mortal—subject to physical death. This spiritual and physical death is called the Fall. The Fall is an integral part of Heavenly Father's plan of salvation and it has a twofold direction—downward yet forward. In addition to introducing physical and spiritual death, it gave us the opportunity to be born on the earth and to learn and progress. Through our righteous exercise of agency and our sincere repentance when we sin, we can come unto Christ and, through His Atonement, prepare to receive the gift of eternal life. The prophet Lehi taught: "If Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end."
  6. I have been a member of the Church for more than 20 years. I was baptized in Italy but then I moved to Brazil and now to the US. (I loved Brazil by the way, even with all its problems it is a great country especially for missionary work). I work now for the More Good Foundation and I just completed all the requirement for a PhD in Marriage, Family and Human Development at Brigham Young University. To read my testimonies of the gospel you can go to: Giuseppe Martinengo: how I found the Mormon Church - MormonTestimonies - Mormonism - the LDS Church, Beliefs & Religion and Giuseppe Martinengo: before I met the missionaries of the Mormon Church - MormonTestimonies - Mormonism - the LDS Church, Beliefs & Religion and Giuseppe Martinengo: a testimony about the Mormon Temple - MormonTestimonies - Mormonism - the LDS Church, Beliefs & Religion
  7. Good for you... or bad for you... to do family history is a great experience, but I suppose that if your family has been in the Church for a long time there is not much left to do. In my case, being a convert I had to do all the work and it was great./smile.gif
  8. The Bible contains a lot of truths but not all of them. However, official Mormon Doctrine doesn't teach that Jesus was married or that he even had more than one wife. I suppose we don't need to know these details for now, so that I would focus on the most important things not on these details. The fact that Mormons practiced polygamy in the past is true but we don't need to say that Jesus practiced it to be justified. it was a commandment from the Lord and now it is not allowed anymore. End of the story.
  9. You know that you have repented "completely" when you don't do the same mistake again and you don't even have the desire to do it again. However, it is not always easy to get rid of something and I suppose that we are all in process of repenting of several things. Certain things we get rid of faster and other require more time. Our entire life should be a repenting process. Does it make sense?
  10. I would suggest another site also: or
  11. Yes, this is more "newbie friendly" as far as discussion goes.
  12. My comment was for many others also, especially Mr. Bond. Unfortunately there are lots of evangelicals who work harder than Dr. Shades...However, Dr. Shades could create his own agnostic forum. NEWS FLASH: Dr. Shades self-identifies as an AGNOSTIC, which probably means he has no affiliation with an organized religion. B)
  13. I have not seen or read the Da Vinci Code to be honest but I am worried when certain topics are discussed without the Spirit or enough reverence. This is what the anti-mormon like: to use and misuse a principle or historical happening, take it out of context, change it a little bit and use against the Church. Perhaps this is the reason because certain topics need to be avoided or discussed carefully. But I know, I started the is all my fault!
  14. It is a site from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I suppose their online version should be ok, but we may want to compare with the official version by the Mormon Church.
  15. The truth is that soon or later you will now it and I hope it will not be too late. For now why you and your friends don't do something more positive instead of attacking? Why you don' t say good things about your religion instead of attacking other people's religion? Show me the goodness of your religion by posting information about your religion and convert me unless your religion, if you have one, is so poor that you don't have anything interesting to say about it You should learn that attacking someone else religion doesn't really convert. And in fact, based on your attitude I am already thinking that this is what your religion teaches you: attacking others instead of making the world a better place. Or perhaps you religion is good but you don't understand it. Have a nice day.