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Everything posted by MADB

  1. I,m happy to be a Mormon girl and I thank God for all the blessings that he has bestowed on me and my family. Spring is a wonderful time to enjoy the beauty of nature, school will soon be out and life is great! View the full article
  2. I am no longer a teen, but it hasn't been that long. I am attempting to write a report on people who grew up in the LDS church. If you would like to help, please respond to the questions posted. You do not have to respond to all of them, only what you are comfortable with. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED!!!! If you would rather answer them privately, but still want to help, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you and God Bless. 1.Tell me, briefly, about your childhood. What family values were taught and shown to you. Do any significant events stand out? How did you view your family life? How do you feel your religion affected your family life, compared to others who may not have been raised with the same religious beliefs? 2.If you went to a public elementary and/or high school did you feel out of place because of your religious beliefs? Did your teachers make any effort to include lessons which related to you? If not, do you wish they would have? Did your religious beliefs affect your school life at all? If you went to a school other than a public one, please discuss that experience. 3.Our there currently any problems or troubles facing Mormonism today? If so, what would you like to be seen done about them? 4.What about any current successes that you feel your religion has recently had? 5.As a child what were your dreams for the future? What are they now? 6.What do you consider the most important values of your religion? 7.Are there any problems that you have encountered with non-Mormons? Have you encountered any discrimination? View the full article
  3. I'm the secretary for our Stakes YM President (and I'm obviously not a teen... well at least chronologically) What are the most memorable, fun and yes spiritualy meaningful things you have done as a YM/YW group that you would recommend for other youth? I'd like to share your experiences/ideas with our own Youth. Thanks View the full article
  4. Does anyone actually believe in this stuff? View the full article
  5. Please talk to me! View the full article
  6. hello View the full article
  7. LDS05, I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday! View the full article
  8. I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! View the full article
  9. Just thought that some of the visitors to this board might enjoy this website: It's free and updated regularly. View the full article
  10. I'm faced with a dilemma. I'm 18, I live in Colorado. My girlfriend is 17; she's Catholic and I'm Mormon -- but that's not the problem. We both actually support each others' beliefs very much. We've been going out for 9 months now. We're deeply in love with each other... so much that we already know that we're meant to be. We made promises to each other to marry someday. Though I find myself faced with 2 major problems: - All the adults that are so stubborn-minded that they think that nobody my age could POSSIBLY be in love. though my biggest problem is... - I don't know where the line between right and wrong is. There was a lesson in Priests today about morality and such, and so it got me to thinking... Still I don't quite know even after the lesson because he was aiming the lesson at people who fool around while dating. People who aren't promised like I am. I tried looking for things at on the subject, but like always they didn't have anything pertaining to my awkward situation. Could anybody help me please??? View the full article
  11. This forum seemed kinda slow, so I thought I'd post my introduction here rather than the Introductions forum. I'm fifteen-years-old, and am LDS (born and raised). My entire family is LDS, though my father and two of my brothers are inactive. I have been interested in this stuff for years. I would consider myself a novice in Mormon apologetics, with still have tons to learn. Some might think it weird that a fifteen-year-old be interested in this stuff, but ah well. I'm actually a member of FARMS, and have several interesting books from FARMS including Geography and the Book of Mormon, The Joseph Smith Papyri, and The Early Life of Abraham. I'm interested in all aspects of LDS apologetics, ranging from doctrine to canon to the prophet to modern controversies. I'm especially interested in the Book of Abraham and the Book of Mormon. View the full article
  12. I noticed people don't talk very much in this section. So I started this thread because people love to tell others what they do for fun or what crafts they can do. My hobbies include (but are definatly not limited to) Armorsmithing, Blacksmithing, Bowyering, Catapults, Mechanics, Robotics (I am the founder of F.I.R.S.T. teams 1110 and 1505) and Swordsmanship. View the full article
  13. Me, I come from Mississippi, which is pretty much the badlands of the Church. I'm the only Mormon in my school. The nearest active, highschool-aged members live an hour away, so me and my Mom have seminary together in the afternoons. There are only five young women in my ward, and the nearest temple is in the next state. There are, however, some positive things about the deep South. Pretty much everyone in my hometown is a fiery evangelical Christian. This means we always have prayers before football games, band concerts, and state testing, which is nice, and its not uncommon to see someone sitting in class reading the Bible. It's refreshing to be surrounded by religious people, even though their religion may be slightly different than mine. So where do the rest of you hail from? And what about your home makes your religious experience unique? I'm curious. View the full article
  14. Side-effects of smoking! Smoking has been linked directly to sexual dysfunction in men, and it's believed to have a similar effect in women. One noted urologist, speaking on the news program 60 Minutes, said when he sees a man smoking, he wonders when -- not if -- he will experience erectile dysfunction. Smoking causes a fatty build-up in the blood vessels. These fatty deposits result in narrowing and blockage of the blood vessels. If the blood supply in blood vessels that lead to the brain are blocked, the surrounding brain cells will die resulting in a stroke. The moment you light up your cigarette, thousands of poisonous chemicals in the cigarette smoke enter your body and get absorbed into the bloodstream. Some of them damage the lining of the blood vessels by making the blood vessel walls sticky and hence causing them to collect tiny fatty deposits that float in the bloodstream. The more you smoke, the more the deposits build up. Similar adverse effects take place when the blood vessels leading to our heart are blocked by fatty deposits. This cuts off the blood supply to the heart muscles. As a result, the tissue in that area will die and hence, a heart attack occurs Even if you smoke a few cigarettes a day, you are destroying the natural defences of millions of your lung cells. Quitting smoking is the only way to stop the damage. Quit now for your own good: Save life, save money,, This is the Time you've been waiting for... Better Time for You to Stop Smoking! A replacement for tobacco smoking and invented “behavioral addiction†which is one of the most difficult withdrawal symptoms to overcome along with the “chemical nicotine addiction†when quitting smoking. For more help, feel free to email me: [email protected] <a href="" target="_blank"></a> View the full article
  15. What are your opinions on "waiting" for missionaries while they're away? I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should wait for my ex-boyfriend (he leaves in about 3 months). Any help or opinions would be appreciated... View the full article
  16. I am wanting to create a web site I've come to call, "For the Strength of Youth". A web site devoted to exploring the troubles of youth as it relates to the LDS church. If you are looking for something a little more extencive than the original Strength of Youth, or maybe a new ways to look at old ideas that present youth are having trouble dealing with. In these troubled times, youth look in the oddest sources for answers to their most perplexing questions. I am 22, but Dunamis has granted me a little latitude. So bear with this old fogey. So, for starters, what are the issues you would like help with; In one section I'm writting, I've entitled, "Your Body is a Temple" where I talk about self image, about peircings, about tatoos, etc. The kind of things parents find hard to explain. Its hard going against what your TV told you was beautiful, especially when you don't know why your parents say no. Or sometimes its not you who's got the problem, but trying to explain them to your peers. Whats the kind of information that you might not have been able to ask or question outside of cybor space? View the full article
  17. I love my seminary much so that I wake up every weekday morning at 5:30 to get there on time. My teacher Sister Wood is an amazing teacher, and always has the spirit. Do any of you guys have fun at seminary (or institute)? View the full article
  18. What are some cool dating ideas (that won't break the average teenagers bank)? View the full article
  19. Now a special organization for our younger apologists. Introducing the Junior Apologist Club. With your membership you receive this nifty identification card and... that's it I guess. View the full article
  20. I like: Jack Johnson They Might Be Giants Medeski, Martin & Wood Bela Fleck (with or without The Flecktones) Jaime Cullum Cake The Penguin Cafe Orchestra G. Love & Special Sauce Jurassic 5 Peter Breinholt Badly Drawn Boy Coldplay The Postal Service (early) Weezer Eels Hard 'n Phirm a plethora of LDS Hymns much more that I didn't take the time to jot down What do you like? View the full article
  21. This is a great thing so lets start using it!! but not abusing it View the full article