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Posts posted by SMG

  1. Run, don't walk, to the nearest family therapist, or preferably, divorce lawyer. That man is mean, unkind and certainly not the type of man I'd think people would want their children to have as a father figure. Your children's wellbeing should be the top concern. With that man, I am thinking they'd only feel like he resented them. No kid needs that. I've been in similar shoes, but my mom didn't marry the man, thank goodness.

  2. Well, perhaps you would consider me as a beneficiary of this "organized robbery." Ever hear of financial aid, such as Stafford loans, Pell grants and the like? Some may think it is theft, but I prefer to think of it as investing, in my case, in a future nurse. =P

  3. The poor should be educated and made productive and paid a proper wage.

    Good luck with that, what with all the decent paying jobs being downsized, sent overseas and whatnot. :(

    Also, lots of rich companies seem to exploit "loop holes" in the tax codes to avoid paying much in the way of taxes. Instead, the MIDDLE CLASS bears the lion's share of the burden when it comes to tax funds.

    I don't object to my tax dollars being spent on social services. What I DO object to is my tax dollars being spent on "Pork Barrel" and other corruption crap. For an example, to my embarrassment, read up about Conrad Burns, the former Senator from Montana. The corruption in Washington, DC has made me and other 20 somethings very very apathetic to cynical regarding politics.

  4. I am angered, but not surprised, that a public school teacher would give such a wretched example to her students. That woman can say whatever she wants, WHEN SHE IS NOT ON THE CLOCK. Not only did she give a poor example to children, she smeared the image of the teaching profession. :mad:

    My two bits, take them, leave them, beat them with a stick.

  5. The inevitable, "Where did you go on your mission" question followed by the long pause and discomfort of how to answer (especially when it's asked by their parents).

    Option #1: Keep it simple ("I didn't go on one").

    Option #2: Keep it simple, but give a reason why I didn't go ("The First Presidency sent a letter to my Stake President saying I wasn't to go").

    Option #3: Go into detail and pretty much ruin any chance of a second date.

    Ouch! That's harsh! :( My brother didn't go on a mission either, due to health reasons. I get so ticked off at people who, knowingly or not, make some men feel as if they are second rate just because they didn't go on a mission. Because of that, my brother has only dated outside of the church since then because non-member women seem to be much, much more forgiving over not serving a mission!

  6. Don't let being single get you down. My Mom raised my brother and I by herself after she became widowed. We've turned out alright and she's alright.

    I beg you to not make the mistake some family members of mine have made and marry the first man who shows an interest in you. Some people are on their best behavior until after the "I do's" are said. My poor aunt found that out the hard way. =(

  7. A very beautiful poem. My grandmother also lost 3 children before they were 2 years of age. My mother also lost one of my brothers. Perhaps I should show this to her.

  8. I just wanted to say hello, again. I was originally on the LDS boards, and on the Mormon Apologetics Discussion Board before that. I am a nursing student in my mid 20s in North-Central Montana. I was born in the church, but it's only been in the past year or so that I've been interested in truly converting myself to the faith.

    Mm, anything else about me? I'm very shy. I lurk alot. I love to laugh. :lol:

  9. I saw the movie last night. First off, I would not let any children under 13 or so watch it. So, I think it's not really a "children's" movie. The only thing that really bothered me is how it ended. Can we say "cliff hanger?" Good, I knew you could! :lol:

    It did not strike me as anti anything, so far. Just your basic lone good guy who picks up allies along the way against your typical "we want the rule the entire world and / or the universe" bad guy organization.