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Posts posted by tubaloth

  1. Safe really isn't the right word. More just a storage box. (Safe brings on the idea its some big metal box).

    I have 25 gb on my skydrive. I have it back things up (mostly pictures and some documents). But like it was said, I have other documents that aren't in the cloud (Birth Certificate, Title to my car). Plus with taking HD video more and more... 25gb just isn't going to cut it.

    With getting an xbox One in a couple of months, I will probably get a blu-ray burning sometime after. Some blu-ray disc can hold up to 128gb. Even though I have learned about this M-Disc which sounds like is the way to go.

    So really I'm just trying to find some fire/water proof storage that I can keep not only papers but also a couple of these backup discs.

    A couple of searches on the internet have shown most storage boxes only have a half and hour rating. I find that pretty short. I was hoping to find something at least an hour.

    The second most comes with some key type lock. I don't really care that much about locking it with a key (I would need a new fire box just for the key). Just having some clamp to hold the box tight would be enough for me.

    The best one I have seen so far is this one.

    First Alert 2040F Fire and Water Media Chest, 0.14 Cubic Foot, Light Gray - Amazon.com

    The only reason I haven't bought it is the price. Even though a $150 on amazon is better than the $200 I see everybody where else.

  2. One of the main points of Lehi's dream is you can choose what path you want to take. But because of the mists of darkness its hard to see the end. Thats why we have prophets (like Lehi) telling us which path we need to take, even if others are taking a different path!

  3. I guess even rated to hold DVD/Blu-ray discs. I'm not really caring about keeping my DVD collection (even though maybe I would throw Toy Story 3 in there). Its more as a backup of files.

    Any idea what I should be looking for?

    Also where should I keep it? I was thinking even putting in the garage corner where two walls are cement. Then again would make it a little easier to steal.

  4. I do agree that the Sunday School Teacher that taught the lesson did have his own agenda in teaching the full story.

    But, like I said before, and agree with Just_A_Guy, the manual should have the full correct story in it to teach from. Like the BYU Study author points out, we realize that more people were involved in the rescue. I don't think knowing the full story hurts the experience or those involved. I think knowing the full story points out how the Saints came together. If anything it leaves out the experience of other ancestors that should "go down in history" for what they did.

  5. GT means it's for a standard desktop experience

    GTS is the mid range card, (mine is a GTS 450, I play games fine with it, I picked it up for 27 bucks )

    GTX means it's a gaming card.

    Or you can get an AMD graphics card too. that chart from that site lists those too.

    You could probably shot around and maybe find something a little better. But that that Asus probably is good enough.

  6. Speeches

    I began by asking, “May I proceed, sir, on the assumption that you are a Christian?”

    “I am.”

    “I assume you believe in the Bible—the Old and New Testaments?”

    “I do!”

    “Do you believe in prayer?”

    “I do!”

    “You say that my belief that God spoke to a man in this age is fantastic and absurd?”

    “To me it is.”

    “Do you believe that God ever did speak to anyone?”

    “Certainly, all through the Bible we have evidence of that.”

    “Did He speak to Adam?”


    “To Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Joseph, and on through the prophets?”

    “I believe He spoke to each of them.”

    “Do you believe that contact between God and man ceased when Jesus appeared on the earth?”

    “No, such communication reached its climax, its apex, at that time.”

    “Do you believe that Jesus was the Son of God?”

    “He was.”

    “Do you believe, sir, that after Jesus was resurrected, a certain lawyer—who was also a tentmaker by the name of Saul of Tarsus—when on his way to Damascus talked with Jesus of Nazareth, who had been crucified, resurrected, and had ascended into heaven?”

    “I do.”

    “Whose voice did Saul hear?”

    “It was the voice of Jesus Christ, for He so introduced Himself.”

    “Then, my Lord—that is the way we address judges in the British Commonwealth—I am submitting to you in all seriousness that it was standard procedure in Bible times for God to talk to man.”

    “I think I will admit that, but it stopped shortly after the first century of the Christian era.”

    “Why do you think it stopped?”

    “I can’t say.”

    “You think that God hasn’t spoken since then?”

    “I am sure He hasn’t.”

    “There must be a reason. Can you give me a reason?”

    “I do not know.”

    “May I suggest some possible reasons? Perhaps God does not speak to man anymore because He cannot. He has lost the power.”

    He said, “Of course that would be blasphemous.”

    “Well, then, if you don’t accept that, perhaps He doesn’t speak to men because He doesn’t love us anymore and He is no longer interested in the affairs of men.”

    “No,” he said, “God loves all men, and He is no respecter of persons.”

    “Well, then, if He could speak, and if He loves us, then the only other possible answer, as I see it, is that we don’t need Him. We have made such rapid strides in science and we are so well educated that we don’t need God anymore.”

    And then he said—and his voice trembled as he thought of impending war—“Mr. Brown, there never was a time in the history of the world when the voice of God was needed as it is needed now. Perhaps you can tell me why He doesn’t speak.”

    My answer was: “He does speak, He has spoken; but men need faith to hear Him.”

    Then we proceeded to prepare what I may call a “profile of a prophet.”

  7. Thoughts--

    It is kind of funny how some of you brought up Hobbies. I have been wanted to buy a DSLR camera (around $700). I use to take pictures on an off in college. I never got fully into it. I had a hard time justifying spending that much for a camera when I only use my current one 2 times a year.

    After I posted I was reminded that right now is when all the new models come out. I haven't seen the 2014 model come out yet. Its not that I would get it, its more I would think it would drop the price of the 2013's more.

    I think with a small down payment and I sell my current car (which I could think I could get 6,500 for) I think my monthly payment would be closer to 225 -250. (which is less than I had last time).

    If I wait my car has less value. I could save up more for a bigger down payment. The car price will probably drop some, but it might mean more millage.

    With only having one car, I don't think I can be one of those that drives it until it dies.

    I could care less of having a navigation system (I have a smart phone). or even a backup camera. but my current crossover happen to have a sun roof. The problem the newer car doesn't come with some simple sun roof, they decided to go with a panoramic sun roof. Meaning it cost more, so I don't think very many people go it. :(

  8. A good testimony takes time. (Time on our part). I will have to admit I never prayed if the Book of Mormon is true. I know you are probably saying What whaaat? From my teenage years I just had that feeling as I was reading it that it wasn't made up, that Joseph Smith did not write this. That Nephi and Alma and Mormon did exist. So any time I thought about praying for it, I would just have the thought you already know its true.

    I grew up in the church (In Utah). Time came for me to go on a mission. I knew why I was going. In the MTC (Missionary Training center) one of the classes wanted us to give a small talk on different subjects. I was assigned Joseph Smith. No big deal right. I knew part of it I was going to need to bare my testimony about Joseph Smith. I had this doubt. I didn't know for sure that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I'm like of course he is a prophet he translated the Book of Mormon which I know is true. I tried to convince myself logically that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I couldn't do it. That doubt kept coming back. I realize I had to figure out something before I actually go out on my mission. The answer is prayer. I needed to ask my Heavenly Father if Joseph Smith was a prophet, and had the first version.

    The MTC isn't really set up for you to have your own time. Yes there is quiet time. I grew up sharing a room with my brother so I tend to say my prayers in my bed after the lights were out. I did the same thing here. I asked Heavenly Father if Joseph Smith did have the first version. Nothing came for a couple of nights. But then that one night as I asked again, pleading to know, I had that feeling that comes over you. (if you haven't had that feeling you should). I then knew.

    Kind of like one of my favorite Joseph Smith History verses.

    25 So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me, reviling me, and speaking all manner of evil against me falsely for so saying, I was led to say in my heart: Why persecute me for telling the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation.

    In the Lectures on Faith (some teachings by Joseph Smith about Faith). One of the things we learn is that we have to know (Through the faith in God) that the path we are on is the one Heavenly Father wants us on. We have to know that the path we are is the one that gets us (back) to Heavenly Father. That the Gospel of Jesus Christ is there to help me get back to my Heavenly Father and to gain Eternal Life.

    This is what you need to come to know. So when Satan throws in those doubts you can throw them away. Because you know this is the right path. Its not always going to be easy (People do ask you to help them move) but you know in the end if you do what your Heavenly Father tells you, you will see Him again.

    I could probably go on more... but this is long enough.

  9. I'm single (hey ladies) so I only have one car. I bought my car in Sept 2006. It was the 2005 model and had just under 10k on it. (I think it turned over to 10k that day or the day after).

    I paid the car off in 2009. It now has just over 63k miles. Which is actually pretty low for a 2005 model.

    I'm kinda done with it... meaning I'm just tried of it.

    It runs fine.

    I got a raise back in May. So I have kind of been looking at cars on and off. But I never fully planned on buying a car until I stop paying Mortgage insurance on my house. But that will probably still be another year and half to two years. (I bought my house 4 years ago, just after paying off the car).

    Today I find a listing for a car that is 5-6k below anything else I had seen before. (Mostly because I'm looking for used 2013).

    The little voice in my head is saying I shouldn't pass up a deal like this. With the low price... with selling or trading in your car. The payments won't be that bad.

    Then the other side says, if its this good now, just wait until spring.

    This is still early phase, I haven't actually even seen it (not even in picture). I have only emailed the sales person about it. I glanced and loan rates.

    What to do...

  10. I actually looked for this thread after I saw the new video. I do like it. Special effects, acting, scenery and so forth.

    Some thing I'm not sure about. Mostly about why Eve was crying. Crying would suggest she knew what taking the fruit would do. Crying would mean she knew what Love was. (Which I don't completely disagree with).

    A guy in my ward said the reason its longer is for translating it into some African Languages. I still have a hard time believing that (Not knowing my languages) . I could see 5-maybe 8 mins longer. But I think 12-15 mins longer is more by design.

  11. I can't remember for sure but I think there is something on your church record if you have gotten your Patriarchal Blessing. Meaning you would have to have a ward clerk check the record file. I can't remember for sure but I think the Ordinance Summary has this info.

    If you did have a patriarchal blessing then you could request one from the church.

    Patriarchal Blessing Requests

    (You can do it online with an lds.org arccount, but you need to get your membership number from the same ward clerk)

  12. The Short answer is that Those in the Celestial Kingdom can visit lower kingdoms.

    So your faithfulness would allow you to see them. But seeing them, and being with them are two different things. They have there own agency and there own reward.

    I do hope you bring up this idea to them. You would be able to be sealed to them after they pass away. But there is still agency on the other side.

  13. My wife and I I joined the church a year ago. Before that time the missionerys would visit us every week. Since then we have had no visits of any kind.

    The Missionaries are off teaching other people. But you can always have them over for Dinner.

    It now becomes the wards responsibility... which as you can see can be good or bad.

    Every Sunday we pay our tithing yet we are unable to access any church website as we need a "membership number" which along with a church handbook we are still waiting for.

    Is this why you pay tithing? I hope not. I do hope you pay tithing because you know this is the Lords Church. That you know Joseph Smith Did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. That the Book of Mormon is true, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. And that Heavenly Father asks us to give a little back to Him.

    Have you been reading your scriptures and praying?

    Every week I attend the priesthood but have little idea what it's is all about, as such I feel very out of place.

    This does take time. Do you ask questions in class? I assume you have the President Snow Manual (that your tithing paid for). I would say most members probably don't read the lesson before hand. But you can always do this and if you have questions ask them. You and your wife can read it together.

    Also, do you have a Gospel Principles manual?


    I suggest as you are trying to get your Membership number to see if the ward has one. They might and might not. But see if they can get you one. At the very least there is probably one (older one) in the Library you maybe could borrow (with a bunch of other stuff).

    But perhaps most upsetting was finding out that church uses tithing's to build shopping malls

    The City Creak Center in SLC UT (If you haven't seen this is really did Help Downtown SLC). I assume you know that the LDS church is based in SLC. (Came here in 1847). The church being really the government at the time pretty much owns a lot of land in SLC.

    The Church also owns many companies (some they started, some they invested in).

    Temple Square is maybe still the biggest tourist attraction in SLC. All free, but also all to help the Church spread its message.

    Downtown SLC needed help to bring new businesses in. The Church felt with the resources it had, and because it owned most of the land. To build a new mall.

    I can't remember the total cost, but the church will make more money with all the stores over time, and probably not that long.

    You have to realize Satan is as real as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are. Satan wants to confuse you. He wants you to feel out of place and question the choices you have made. Don't let him! Remember why you joined the church, what it teaches that help you understand who you are, and where you are going.

    I would hope as you get close to your year mark you are now striving to go to the temple. You might even be able to do baptisms for the Dead of some of your ancestors.

    You can do it!

  14. It was more of a War of words and to some extent lies than actually fighting. It was a chance for everybody to make a choice. Do we Choose Heavenly Father and his plan (with Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost) or not.

    I don't think Heavenly Father nor Jesus Christ needed to do much but let us make the choice.

  15. A lot of this is up to the bishop. But the Bishop is there to help you repent. Tell him all he needs to know. There could be some disciplinary action but again that is up to the bishop.

    The point of confessing To the Lord or to the Bishop is to show a change of heart.

  16. Jacob 5

    41 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard wept, and said unto the servant: What could I have done more for my vineyard?

    47 But what could I have done more in my vineyard? Have I slackened mine hand, that I have not nourished it? Nay, I have nourished it, and I have digged about it, and I have pruned it, and I have dunged it; and I have stretched forth mine hand almost all the day long, and the end draweth nigh. And it grieveth me that I should hew down all the trees of my vineyard, and cast them into the fire that they should be burned. Who is it that has corrupted my vineyard?

  17. Here is a video of Somebody getting baptised. (Its like 20 second into the video i think)


    The video is about the Priesthood but they show a baptism and how they are bent backwards into the water. Once you have chosen who is going to baptise you, you can practice with the person. (Bending backwards and holding your nose)

  18. I was always liked the Triple and the Bible. Mostly because you could have both open at the same time. But you do have to go back and forth.

    But now I'm using it on my tablet (Android). You create an account on LDS.org. Any notes, you can tag things, any scriptures you mark are then put in the cloud or online. Pretty much everything is there forever (hoping the church backs up their computers).

    I do this with the Snow manual and gospel Principle manual.

    We find it funny all of us using our electronic devices because in the manual where it has a reference to a scripture you just click it and it takes you there. We laugh when the teacher says , can somebody find such and such scripture and let me know when you have found it.

    But with that said, and you being new, I think it probably is a good idea to start out with the hard copy of the scriptures.

  19. I agree with brycematheson. Each person changes differently.

    One of my companions I was pretty sure was still listening to his old music, I think he even did something at night so his ear piercing wouldn't close in the two years. When I saw him at a mission reunion I don't really think the Mission changed him much at all. (I think he just went on a mission for his parents).

    My Homecoming talk was about changing. Kind of the parallel of how I was trying to get people to have a change of heart, while everything was changing around me.

    You can't expect your Boyfriend to be the same person when he comes back. He can't expect you to be the same person. You pretty much will have to start over to some degree. Now having a history before the mission does help. But you grow up on a mission, (you are kind of forced into). The same should happen to you. You will also need to grow up some, and grow more in the gospel.