Dr. Mom

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Everything posted by Dr. Mom

  1. Quiet women never made history I love my BMW- Basic Mormon Wagon Don't make me get out my flying monkies I'm not speeding, I'm qualifying Cover me while I change lanes I don't have ADHD, I'm perfectly...HEY LOOK, A BUTTERFLY!
  2. Question: WHat do you get when you have 3 toucans? Answer: A sixpack:lol:
  3. :::ordering shoofly a better joke:::
  4. Holly- Of course I'll keep you in my prayers. I honestly think that perhaps part of your depression is the mistake you committed (and didn't tell us what- that's OK). I think you need to start the repentance process and forgive yourself. If one mistake is going to keep him from associating with you, especially as his fiance, then he doesn't know enough about repentence now, does he? We're all going to make mistakes, it doesn't mean we stop living and loving because of them. We learn and move on. You can do this, hon. Don't quit.
  5. Well, considering the gospel was restored to its fullness by our prophet Joseph Smith, I would have to say yes. Restoration does mean to make whole once more. So in order for something to be restored, it had to have once existed. If you look at the prefix RE as in REsurrection, REstored, REmission, REceive, REpent or even REcompense the "RE" is giving back to the present tense what the root word is saying from a past tense. I've done some research in the past and there are many similarities to the gospel as we have it now compared to what was before Christ's time. Keep in mind, the restoration happened because righteousness in the land was lacking and the rites/ceremonies became corrupt so God took the truth from the earth to prevent further corruption promising us that we would once again have it when the time was right. Hope this helps!
  6. :::blushing::: haven't heard that phrase in years!
  7. ooops I forgot to add my own. mother in law or mother out lawed?
  8. I get the rice or potatoes question???? Oh sheesh, rice all the way!health or wealth?
  9. Does it hurt when you touch it? If so, don't touch it, if not keep touching it.
  10. Well, we're all told to be honest with ourselves, each other, and in situations all around. I had a particular experience that has made me see a new facet on honesty. I have 3 sisters to visit teach each month and I love them all dearly. One sister is not active at all, although she does let me come to visit her among other things. We've grown close and even the RS pres has said that no one else has been able to get through to this sister in the 7 years she's been here. Recently, this sister asked me to write a letter of recommendation for her as she was applying for jobs. This one job that needed the letter happened to be working with kids. Based on what I knew about this sister and her limitations both, physically and emotionally, I knew I could not let the letter state that she would be a benefit to the company- that would be a lie. I tried as tactfully as possible to highlight this sister's attributes and then pointed out that the job they were offering her simply was not a good fit. It's been over a week since I have heard from this sister, but that's nothing new. I really hope she has found a job that utilizes her skills well, I just know this other one would've been disasterous for the kids and her, especially in the legal realm of life. Did the company show her the letter or tell her about what I wrote? I hope not, that would be a breach of confidentiality. Will she call me again? Hopefully so, I worry about her and her kids...it's nice to have a baseline to work from.
  11. Selek- OUCH! First, let me just say that your situation is not as uncommon as people might think. All too often "baggage" from previous relationships damage the current relationships we're in. To say she was a little messed up when you found her tells me you knew she had issues yet somehow you thought marrying her would make them all go away. You might be good, but I don't know about being THAT good- especially since, from your post, there are others who have had more to do with her life than you had when you met her. Unfortunately life is not a fairytale and marriage (or a baby) doesn't make things all better. You've admitted that you haven't been a good priesthood holder in your home, that takes guts to admit. But it takes more guts to change, especially if you want a family. You can step up to the plate all you want, but unless your ex does the same to meet you half-way you will never meet up at all. Love can mean a whole myriad of things. (For example, I love my mom.....as long as she is atleast 700 miles away from my existance. It's not that we don't get along, it's just that our relationship is very acidic and needs to have limited contact. Sad, yes, but true.) All in all Selek, I don't think I or anyone else here is able to give you a cure-all for this mess. I totally agree that your church leaders need to step in and help guide you. Maybe once your family can see that you have the stability they are craving and can set limits as to what you will and won't do, they will begin to respect the times you tell them "no". I know the holidays are supposed to be with the family, but if it's any consolation to you, I spend most of my Thanksgivings and Easters alone. My husband and kids go to his parents' house to celebrate. Those 2 holidays always seem to fall around finals and tradition is to go to grandma's. I hate the idea of being home alone, but why fight what you can't change? My situation, like yours, is not forever. Keep working on those changes and I can promise you that you will see the results you've been trying for. I have a professor that has a quote I love: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." We're creatures of habit, let's hope we can learn from those habits to make the healthy choices for our souls.
  12. Wow! I didn't expect such a warm welcome so fast! GVR- lay it on me, whatcha got that I can help with? Also, do I just post things here or do I now move to a more experienced room or??? I've never done posting before, can't ya tell? I apologize in advance if I don't check back too often. I really want to talk to everyone but I sometimes forget to check online. I guess I'd better go organize dinner before a mutiny is formed. Take care!
  13. Hello! I'm new to the forum. I don't get to go to church anymore due to a medical internship I'm fulfilling. The semester is almost over so we'll see what next semester brings. I don't get VT-ers or HT-ers much so I am trying to get other church contact...thank heavens for the internet. Let's see....I'm a mom of 4 kids, married 17 happy years, will be a doctor after I get done with school. I don't know what else to say about me, but that's the basics! I hope to get to know a few of you soon. Thanks!