Dr. Mom

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Everything posted by Dr. Mom

  1. I know that in times like these one is encouraged to read the scriptures regularly and pray. Perhaps I should not give up on that as I have. But I also worry that by doing this daily activities it will kind of force me to believe just enough not to question so much...but then I'll eventually falter and lose faith again. Searcher- All I know is that you're unhappy. And if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Faith in God grows with you and you will never tire of it if you truly want it. God does not expect us to sit back and not question things, but He does expect obedience and faith. You're a returned missionary, son. This is what you taught for 2 years- to seek the Lord, take His name upon you and then strive to never lose touch. Can I ask something? What else has been going on in your life? I sense something else is a bit off... Feel free to privately email me if you wish. My life's experiences have taught me that you just don't go from being an active LDS member to doubting the church overnight.
  2. I'm smiling big. I remember! For the record, I still do the pony tail thing.
  3. John- By what authority would you suggest someone bless their family?
  4. You couldn't be closer to reality, GG. Today's kids are part of the "it's mine now" era. I remember having to work for the things I wanted. Layaway was a gift from the heavens! Now if kids want something, especially if it's expensive, they slap a credit card down and get it because if they wait until they have the cash the item will be obsolete and the next newest item will always be more expensive than the funds they have. I remember when holding hands meant something. Hubby and I still hold hands everywhere, but we're considered old now. Society is lacking the manners, the respect and the desire to never settle for second best. I could go on and on, but you know the rest. And to think it's only going to get worse...
  5. Ah the days of real music! I love to listen to Brian Setzer or the Squirrel Nut Zippers now. When we lived in Socal we would go to the Queen Mary and listen to the Big Bands play and dance our legs off. <sigh> Those were the days!
  6. Seraphim- I'm part moron. How do you quote and name a poster that is disrespectful? I don't have anyone to complain about now, but I think it would be helpful for future use. Gratzi!
  7. I'll split the difference, CLASSIC ROCK AND ROLL! AEROSMITH, BON JOVI, SANTANA, WHITE SNAKE, ooops....I'm showing my age/rebelliousness. Berber carpeting or area rugs?
  8. The Prophet Joseph Smith actually taught that the person who receives the blessing can ask as many times as is necessary for them to feel the Spirit. Granted the person receiving the blessing needs to make every effort to be in tune with the Spirit because the Spirit speaks to the heart and the words of the blessing are heard through physical ears. I don't think there is such a thing as excessive blessings if the person who is receiving it has prepared themselves and has humbled themselves to the will of the Father. Only the person who receives the blessing can answer that for certain.
  9. John- Please understand that the Priesthood of God is not granted to every man regardless of worthiness. It is the power to act in His name with His will. How can you even suggest that an unworthy individual could possibly be in tune with the Spirit? I think pride is a churchwide problem that doesn't just affect the men, the women also suffer from prideful issues. The topic here and now is about being worthy to give a blessing. Worthiness will always be an issue when it comes to acting on behalf of God. On the flipside, I know plenty of women who refuse to accept blessings from certain men in the church merely because they have passed judgement on them. While this is unfair, I feel that being worthy to receive a blessing is just as important as being worthy to get one. It takes alot of courage for some to ask for blessings and when feelings get hurt it makes it more difficult to request one. If I could hand over a piece of advice I would say that it is the responsibility of each of us to ensure we are worthy in the eyes of our Father at all times. We are promised the companionship of the Spirit if we strive to live as we should, this includes resolving issues that could have an adverse effect on our spiritual growth. I have personally been benefitted from the blessings of the Priesthood and cannot even fathom the idea of not having access to it. Granted my husband is not around 100% of the time so sometimes it becomes necessary to ask other Priesthood holders for a blessing, but in the end those blessings are authored by Jesus Christ Himself; the person giving the blessing is just the mouthpiece, however a worthy mouthpiece.
  10. You don't know what a Masarati is???? Oh honey, I need to take you for a drive!
  11. Kinda crazy....have to have a goal to shoot for, no? Maserati or Volkswagon Bug?
  12. I'm on my stake's emergency prep. committee as well. After Katrina hit we got a lot of people relocated here in AZ which meant some adjustments for us. I wasn't a part of that aftermath, however. I was part of a mobile medical team in New Orleans and saw firsthand the things that would help my stake once I returned home. It's a deeply humbling experience to learn from tragedy and those lessons are taught far too frequently, friends. It's time to wake up and act instead of react, prepare instead of relying on knee-jerk planning. We've been given resources for a reason and we'd be foolish to ignore the gifts.
  13. Courtney- Perhaps the best thing you can possibly do is be an example. It's the best thing because it is who you are, you don't have to convince anyone that you have the Spirit with you. I know it sounds overly simple but it's the truth. My family get togethers consist of members and non members. For a long time we thought we'd have to walk on eggshells during certain topics. We were so wrong. We have found being open, upfront and tenderly honest is the best way to go. We haven't converted any of our non member family members, but we have a new mutual respect for each other. Hope this helps!
  14. Chocolate marble with all the goods. Tumbled travertine or ceramic tile floors?
  15. Holly-No one said it was going to be easy. You need to find something to do besides thinking of David. I have found that when I volunteer my worries seem less than I thought they were. Now's a great time to lend a hand! Find a place and go for it- lose yourself in the service of others.
  16. Courtney- I wish there was an easy answer for you. In the end you need to do what your heart says is right. If your husband truly loves you no matter what he'll understand your need to come back to church. It may take him some time to understand, but with prayer and faith he can learn to accept the happiness that awaits you in being active in church again. It's going to be easier said than done and Satan knows your weaknesses, but I can promise you that it is well worth the fight. It's not too late. Making that first step back will be your hardest. You can do this! WE MISS YOU!
  17. pink! Harley Davidson or Piaggio? (getting a glare ready for anyone who knocks my italian beauty)
  18. skip...i'd look like a horse if i galloped. 4 10 hour days or 10 4 hour days?
  19. Danage- Whoa....with all due respect, you are swinging all over the place here. I'm not sure which part to tackle first... The fact you said you believe your son when he says someone can hijack your thoughts is proof something in the medication you're taking is not right. Note there are many forms of mental illness and I am not here to diagnose you or anyone else. But I do believe you need help. The question remains: Are you willing to take the help that's given? When was the last time you were monitored and had your meds checked out? I'm not trying to be mean or hurtful because I really care and I want to see you happy. I think once your meds are straightened out and underway you can lead a productive life and the confusion you are experiencing will ease off.
  20. Yes, there are other ways of determining if a liver is viable or not. I think what Dr. House wanted to see was if Colin would abandon his values for the sake of medicine. While the show does twist things around a bit, I can tell you that similar things happen on my floor at the hospital. Everyone knows I'm LDS and a mom of 4 and every now and again I'll get a "challenge" to see what I'm made of. It's illegal in some cases and goes too far in others. But I have seen firsthand the blessings of remaining faithful to my Father in Heaven. Please remember House is TV, they can pretty much do anything if it means people will watch.
  21. Moksha- You're missing something valuable here. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY is just that- human. Being human means we're in a mortal state of existance in the eternal perspective of life. You can't mix human physiology with a perfected body.